BHVR Thank You for Killing Solo-Q!

First, OTR needed nerf and i am happy for all endurance nerfs, they should not be stackable. This is good change!
But seriously no change for camping and tunnelling? You are seriously believing base-kit BT will help against campers and tunnellers? You buffed generators time, so this strategies are stronger now. But nothing to help survivors?
Not even buff for DS (make it 5 seconds again)? Seriously just "nothing" for survivors?
Good luck if you can find anyone to play solo after this update.
Nothing for survivors? They nerfed botany wdym
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They buffed botany because people did not use this perk so much, it was rare. Now i am sure more survivors will use Botany after that nerf.
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Good to see, that our community isn´t overreacting at all...
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Yeah that’s gonna be a problem
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Where am i overreacting?
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Wait, why wouldn't basekit BT help against tunnellers?
Campers I get, that strat got indirectly buffed if and only if you're playing a killer that can interrupt unhooks consistently, but tunnelling categorically took a hit. You don't have to worry about teammates farming you and you cannot be hard tunnelled off hook, on top of getting a wayyyy better anti-tunnel perk tool at your disposal.
I'm also not sure how this'll translate to "killing solo queue". The only reason tunnelling would be a problem in solo queue is teammates farming you/abandoning you, but with the measures they're implementing, you're guaranteed a chance at getting to a loop, no teammate coordination required.
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Solo queue will not be dead because of this patch. That's the overreaction.
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The title? No?
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They really want to obliterate solo Q and pushing them to play SWF.
What a joke.
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Even current BT is not good and people can count. 5 seconds? It was joke on PTB, anyone can count to 5 and hit you.
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Well I did use it a lot, I loved Botany. Now that it got the Calm Spirit treatment, I will drop it (if I'd play again after the patch, which I'm not sure about), particularly in solo queue. I usually don't have any perk to heal myself, and often can't find any teammates, and I'm happy when I get a medkit from a chest. If I can't get a full heal from it then there's no place for Botany anymore.
As for the buff to camping and tunneling: it gets you kills, therefore by MMR standards it's skilled gameplay, so why would they remove it?
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...Are you standing still for those five seconds?
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Basement bubba is funny.
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Even current solo-q is so bad. These changes will make it worse.
Killer can block your way to go. It is not hard for 5 seconds.
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"Something something you can do one amazing thing in a build so it MUST be nerfed"
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You don’t need to stand still to know 5 seconds is nothing against killers like blight, nurse etc
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Well, everything was nuked. Even for killers. So just enjoy the new liberty of not having any decent perks to choose from. You can finally play with whatever wacky loadout you want, and no one is going to judge you anymore for not bringing the meta.
It honestly feels liberating. I don´t know, if it will feel like that for a long time, but we´ll see.
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What possible basekit change could they implement that would be equally effective across all tiers? Something that actually stymies Nurse and Blight would be obscene overkill for every other killer on the roster.
Five seconds of Endurance and Haste is probably enough to get a loop in most scenarios, and that's just what you get for free. There are still plenty of perks that help you here, including the new top-tier Off The Record, so solo queue is by no means at more risk of tunnelling. Factually speaking tunnelling got harder to do, especially taking perks into consideration.
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Imagine trying to get out of the basement safely in 5 seconds, especially if the killer blocks the stairs and slows you down.
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It was the first 10 times.
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Why you thought you'd get fix for camping in a patch for the perk changes?
Like it's clear they are more or less trying to fix it, I don't think overreacting for changes to a patch note is the correct way.
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Com'on it's not that recurrent ;D
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Current BT is not good? That's a new one.
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All they need to do is increase the Hook Timer. At the very least to compensate for the increase in Gen time, better increase it by quite a lot so that camping simply becomes bad.
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In my almost 6k hours, seeing it is not funny anymore it’s just a “ok, guess I gotta waste my time doing nothing now so I don’t screw my team”.
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It is not good perk yeah, it helps a bit. And sadly it needed perk, that's why you are seeing it so much. Not because it is strong.
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Yeah, it's the reason why people won't run BT for all the time... oh wait
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BT, to my understanding, was generally considered one of the undisputed best Survivor perks in the game. You are welcome to think otherwise, but be aware that this is far from a majority opinion.
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The updates are fine for killers, true.
SWF? They will be okey i guess.
Solo? Good luck in pain.
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Killer queue will go up to at least 30 minutes, AT LEAST. Lots of SWF will give up soon as well since all fun/balance is going to be taken away, only the hardcore sweaty SWF's will stay (which is around 1% of the survivor population and not 99% like killer mains make it out to be). I hope mainkillers will enjoy their huge queue just to get their 15 minutes of power fetish. Im out.
a BIG THANKS to BHVR for cutting my shackles, i can leave with 200% certainty now knowing that i will have more fun elsewhere!
gl to everyone that stays!
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Well 5 seconds against certain killers means nothing maybe. Yeah every player can count to 5 and u might be not lucky to find save loop in time. If survivor ll be hooked in basement he can be bodyblocked by killer.
So if I m unhooked and still killer hit me withing 5 seconds does it mean after the perk Off the record wont help me anymore? Hopefully some solo survivors still will be playing perk borrowed time tho.
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Solo is actually better because you aren't relying as much as pre patch on teammate.
Honestly? If that actually happens I'd be happy because I fundamentally prefer survivor gameplay despite playing killers more, but sadly it won't happen, won't happen.
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If they would buff DS to 5 seconds again, i'd be okey. But fast killers exists, teleporter killer exists. 3 seconds is probably alright against killers like Trapper, Clown etc. But who is playing these killers anyway?
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In a fast-paced situation 5 seconds can be crucial. The times were someone unhooks you without bt and the killer immediately downs you won't happen anymore. Killer can wait it out but there can still be time for a body block. To say 5 seconds is completely insubstantial just isn't true.
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okay bye
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even more nerfs to the poor solos nothing done to thanatophobia who is overtuned, nothing done with hook times, nothing done to iron will, poor devs dont have a clue to make this game fun and fair.
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Well Thanatophobia + Pentimento ll be used by some of killers and it wont be fun for sure.
I m wondering how fun ll be playing Solo-Q.
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*waves finger at gathering crowd*
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I'll still play it and enjoy it. These hysterics are embarrassing.
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That's the thing I'm a bit wary about : the non-m1 killers, including everyone's favorite.
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It’s fine to punish tunnelers and campers, it doesn’t matter if they’re m1 killers or not.
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imo you are overexaggerating, solo is painful not for the perks, but for the teammates that you get... if you have a good solo team you can easily win even without perks (otherwise i wouln't had done the steam achievement to do 8 escapes without perks so easily... i still remember that day: i didn't had a single match without a team that was actually competent... it was like a dream... unfortunately it lasted only that day... on 9 matches that i did i died only 1 time)
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As fun as removing a molar without anesthesia.
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I like that they buffed the hell out of slowdown perks while also increasing the base gen time.
I thought they're going to nerf slowdown perks and buff other ones with these changes but no. They just shifted the slowdown meta to other slowdown perks.
I'm not going to play against Dying Light, Thanatophobia, Pentimento, XYZ Legions/other Killers. Solo Q got destroyed. It's dedder than poop. I'll stopp playing until they fixed the single player.
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Seen lots of players get chased and downed after I hook rescue with BT.
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Nothing could stop killers from chasing someone after they're unhooked, that isn't the function of anti-tunnel measures.
The function of anti-tunnel measures is to buy the survivor in question enough time to get away from the hook and to a loop, so they can start having agency in the chase again.
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I'll still play solo queue, I'm sure many others will too.
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This is true. Solo queue it's impossible to gauge whether a survivor can even loop a killer let alone find one.
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They buffed camping and tunneling there isn't much to say it's sad, destroying perks like DH /DS but buffing killers that don't need it like nurse/spirit even more. Idk they're totally clueless might aswell uninstall if you're not playing in a 4 stack
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Surprised they didn't at least touch thanataphobia