P0 with 70 perks will still only get you to p1 correct?

Yes, I meant perk tiers. Thank you for the clarification!
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i have P3 50 and 107 perks on 3 survivors, i will go to P9 lvl 50, right? i dont worry about, because i spend BP in different people, but, its a quite unfair for main people, like Coconout, he has 5000 + ADD on his Huntress, so, he will be P9 too, so...
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Yeah it's actually insane that they're making this change. I have everyone P3 + max perks and I'll be P9 which is the same prestige that everyone else will be that got to P3 with no perks.. The old catch up mechanic was more fair to people that put in more time and effort.
That's literally thousands of hours of effort wasted because they decided to cap the prestige levels
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I guess it depends on what one considers a "waste." They still have everything they've gained from all those hours of grinding. I don't really see it as a big deal since you're not losing any functionality in the game; the "prestige" number beyond level 9 is just bragging rights. They'll probably continue to play for many hours and level up quickly.
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quick question - if a character is P1 with no perks will they move to P3 with the catch-up mechanic?
Just a little confused on how this mechanic will work, I believe that is what will happen based on the above conversation but I am looking for a second opinion.
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I mean yeah, you'll keep any items and addons, along with any generic perks.. but every other perk that was grinded for is a waste. As for if they'll play for many hours after this, that's subjective. I'm not feeling very encouraged to play if my efforts were wasted the first time lol, pretty much learned my lesson. The solution is simple, uncap the prestige levels so that they're fairly distributed based on how much effort was put into grinding.. or just revert it to the old catch up system which I haven't seen anyone complain about
It's true that prestige levels are mostly just bragging rights, but that's what BHVR turned the system into since there are currently no rewards for anything after P9.
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I have about 14 survivors who are P0 Level 50 with about 70 perks.
If I prestiged them 14 so they're P1 Level 1 before the release, will they all be P3 when the release goes live and thus unlocking all the perks for my other survivors (who are P0 Level 50 but with every perk on tier 3).
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I want to think that's how it works? If you get a bonus two for every prestige, prestige 1 should get you to prestige 3.
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Yeah, though if you prestige now you lose all addons, items. That's the trade off. You could just grind out the 120 perk tiers then prestige on patch day.
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Does this change also mean that P1 level 1 will become P3 after the update?
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I believe so, but want confirmation ASAP so I can prestige all my survivors and Killers. Don't care about loosing the add-ons if it means every character will have every perk.
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Don't be jealous... Hopefully you were playing for fun...
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This would be great, I have many survivors I don't actually play that much and are on levels around 40... Prestiging to 1 wouldn't be that hard and if it would result in prestige 3 with all teachables unlocked on tier 3 would help a lot for me.
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It's not "jealousy". I don't mind people getting P9 from being P3 before the update. It's just BHVR being stingy and capping the prestige when we were told we'd be getting P12 if we had P3 + max perks that makes it frustrating, and they tell us this a week before the update is coming out lol so there isn't much time for it to be fixed.
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I see... I am sorry that you will see number 9 instead of number 12. Maybe they can still uncap it for you.
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It's better to receive something for your efforts than nothing, is it not? I hope they don't give you negative prestige levels
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If there's no reward beyond P9 why cap the catch-up? There's no difference between a P3-1 and P3-50 all perks now. Don't want us reaching P100 within the first decade or something?
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Yeah it's silly, I think if left uncapped people would max out at P15 which is still pretty far away from 100. The cap makes no sense to me
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This is my exact thoughts about it- I am not concerned with losing add-ons, I just want all the perks distributed.
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okay... so. Uh. I have always left my killers at P0 lvl 50. Now:
If I prestige them all, when the update hits, this leaves me at P3 lvl 0 and with their tier 3 perks unlocked for all of them , right?
Actually, what is the prestige rewards order now? Is it first three perks, next three cosmetics, last three charms?
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Perks, cosmetics, charms