Free prestige changes
I'm sure a lot of people are happy that having P1 will now automatically get you to P3. But as always, there are people being hurt by this.
Some players have put a lot of effort into preparing for this update - a typical character at lvl50, p0, has around ~58 perks unlocked, and with the original PTB numbers, 70 perks were needed to get a free prestige rank. I - and others I've seen talking since the update - have spent the last couple of weeks burning through our event offerings and collecting all our saved-up rewards in the Tomes to earn millions of blood points and spend them getting from ~58 to 70 perks on every character ready for the update.
Now, for our effort of earning and spending millions of bloodpoints, we get to P2, where if we just hadn't bothered at all, we'd get to P3? So millions of bloodpoints spent for an actual negative. Alternately we could just p1 the characters we did that on now and reach the same fully reset, p3 character as everyone else - putting us in the still awful position of millions of bloodpoints doing *exactly nothing*.
I'm not saying that the "Free P3 for P1 characters!" change is bad - but numbers need adjusting for free prestige levels based off perk counts too, for it to be fair. If 70 perks on a P0 character gives me 2 free prestige levels instead of 1 free prestige level, then at least my reward is *on par* with people who hit the P1 button now - without forcing me to delete millions of bloodpoints worth of items and addons, which seems... incredibly against the spirit of this update.
I have the same complaint in here:
After the PTB the best strat was to gain perks tier and not prestige.
Now few days before the update they changed everything and the best strat is to prestige...
It's to late to do anything to adjust for the people who spent a lot of BPs and time in their characters... In fact the people who spent the most BPs are not rewarded.
I feel betrayed...
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Yeah it's very much like... my reward to staying on top of dev announcements and PTB testing is having several million BPs wasted and ending up in an identical place to people who didn't spend them. I've on average bought out 6 blood webs on 30 characters at lvl50 due to the information given to us - 180 level 50 bloodwebs is not cheap and it definitely feels unfair to be forced to choose between wiping every item/addon I got from those and being in the same place as the people who did nothing, or keeping those items and getting a whole less prestige level per character than people who spent nothing.
It also seems like an easy fix - there's obviously already going to be code in place to give everyone with 70 perks (and each bracket of +50 after this) a free prestige level. Bumping that number up by 1 keeps the amount of free prestige levels between people who prepared and who didn't prepare for this update in parity but lets the people who prepared at least keep the items they got from their huge bloodpoint investment over the last few weeks.
If someone from BHVR does read this - could we at least please get an indicator of whether this is being looked at / considered, even if the answer is "no we won't do that"? Not so we can argue but at least so we can make the decision about how to proceed before the choice is made for us.
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I wish I did nothing and wait for this last minute change and P3 (even just P1) eveybody I can.
The worst is for people who P3 and unlocked every perks... They got nothing more for their dedication.
Even me, I bought 3 dlc only to unlock all perks on some survivors...
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Yeah I feel like the new prestige system was more balanced in the PTB. The solution to completely balance it after they changes they made is pretty easy, add additional prestige levels based on how many perk tiers you have and uncap the prestige levels for people that hit P3 and have all max perks. That way you're satisfying everyone.
The problem is, if the update is less than a week away I'm not sure if they have enough time. This was all done last minute.. I'm hoping the update is in 2 weeks to give them more time to make adjustments. This is not an update they want to mess up, otherwise they'll risk getting steam review bombed like when they made the UI changes that most people hated. It's probably the biggest update they've ever done
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So calculating it VERY generously - the average of my lvl50 bloodwebs that I have parked at 1 node from completing is 63k bloodpoints. Lets round it down to 60k.
That makes it 10.8 MILLION bloodpoints earned since the PTB went up and we learned the number of perks needed to get a free prestige level. If BHVR say that having 70 perks is +1 prestige rank but having 0 perks at P1 is +2 prestige ranks, then clicking that button having actually paid attention to the updates and worked with what BHVR gave us/said, to get the same reward as people who *did nothing*, I waste *11 million bloodpoints*. It's a massive kick in the gut that basically boils down to saying I don't get an anniversary event this year, since everything I got from it is just being flushed down the drain.
@MandyTalk any idea if this is being looked at please? I get that not everyone can be happy, but I'd really appreciate any sort of official response to this before the update goes live and it's too late, even if the response is just "no".