Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.
We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

New prestige catch-up system question (July 13th)

mj10111 Member Posts: 3

First, I apologize for making another thread on this topic, I know there are a few already but they don't answer my specific question.

So, does the number of perks I have on a character matter anymore? The latest Dev Update (the July 13th one) says that for every character's prestige level, you'll get two more. Does this mean that a prestige 1 character with no perks will get the same bonus levels (2 levels) as a prestige 1 character with every perk unlocked? The dev update says specifically: "This [the catch-up mechanic] is based on the number of perk tiers you’ve unlocked on a character as well as their prestige."

If I were to prestige a level 50 character right now and make them prestige 1 with no perks unlocked, would that character then be prestige 3 when the new update is released?

I've seen people suggesting to just prestige every character you have right now to prestige 1 so that they'd all be prestige 3 after the update, but I'm confused as to how the number of bonus levels is calculated due to multiple different descriptions from Behavior as to how they're awarded.

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 600
    edited July 2022 Answer ✓

    Yes, the number of perks you have on a Level 50 character still matters if you haven't prestiged them.

    It depends on how many perks you have unlocked on your level 50 characters who haven't prestiged yet. The following is how many perk tiers (Each Tier 3 perk counts as 3, Tier 2 counts as 2, Tier 1 counts as 1) it takes to get the amount of prestige levels from the catch up mechanic.

    As you can see, it can give you up to 6. Note: It is ONLY possible to get 6 levels from the survivor side by having nearly every perk at Tier 3, it is currently impossible to get 6 levels from the Killer side as they do not have 320 perk tiers. So whether or not you should prestige your level 50 character depends on the above. If you have 170+ perk tiers on them already, it's not worth it since you'll be getting 3+ levels from the catch up anyway.

    EDIT: To answer your question further, you can get a combined bonus from the bonus levels granted from Prestiging AND the perks up until P9.

    Say for example, you had a P1 Level 50 survivor with every perk unlocked. They would get 2 levels from being P1 and 6 levels from the perk tier catch up, which would take them to P9 (1 + 2 + 6). From what they've stated in the recent blog post, P9 is the MAXIMUM you can get from the catch up now, regardless, so if you happen to be P3 already, you won't get above P9 with perk tiers bonuses.


  • mj10111
    mj10111 Member Posts: 3

    That clears it all up! Thank you so much for the in-depth answer ☺️

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Crap, I've messed up big time.. I've prestiged around ten survivor and killer characters, each with all seven pages of perks, just so I'd get the P3 once the patch gets live.

    I mean, I wasn't aware of that the levels will grant me a prestige level in the future, I was only aware of the prestige counts.

    R.I.P. around ~12 mil. bloodpoints and Event items, like anniversary toolboxes and firecrackers from 2018. 😭