How many Survivors are gonna stop playing after the update next Tuesday?

The meta change is really unnecessary, why did they do it like 6 years later and not something in the beginning of the years of DBD? Many of my friends are gonna uninstall/stop playing after the update, and it really makes me feel sad about them leaving the game when we used to play a lot! They completely nerfed all perks to garbage and they want us to get used to new perks.. like after using the same perks for 1-2 years, they are forcing us to new perks which we all don’t like. Many camping and tunneling after the update which is gonna be really annoying.
What are your thoughts about it?
They did it because players where leaving and there was not enough killers for survivors to play with. I'm guessing they figured they finally had to change something to have more people want to play killer. I'm all for it as killer main, I'm not going to miss DH.
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Just the bad ones.
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This update is giving me incentive to keep playing. Game is stale. Something has to change for better or worse.
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Personally I play slightly more survivor (pretty much only soloQ these days) and will probably carry on much the same as before. Maybe a bit more killer if the weaker ones feel a bit nicer to play after buffs, I've had a lot of opponents recently who are very willing and able to show you the limitations of playing pig or wraith.
In any case I'll be playing a lot more of both roles right after just to test out new perk combos etc
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considering that my unironic main build for the past 2 months has been BT, We'll Make It, Saboteur, and Diversion I think I'll be okay. And the BT was only out of necessity because not bringing BT in the current state of the game is just throwing because killers camp too much.
With the basekit BT, I can finally start using Repressed Alliance
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I'm going to completely stop playing survivor and switch to killer if this patch is bad as it looks for survivor.
I plan on completely abusing the camping and tunneling buff though. That buff is just to juicy to not abuse. I think I'll be able to get around a 3.5 to 4 kill rate just abusing the camping and tunneling buff.
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Also very few people will actually quit this game over these updates because overall, they're good.
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From what I'm hearing, 3 or 4?
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Probably fewer than you would think.
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I'm still surprised more than one or two people think this patch is going to make survivor unplayable. While reading all of it the only thought I had about survivor was "damn i'm gonna play some more after this patch hits", since I won't have to rely on teammates as much for a few key things and the perk buffs (mostly) look quite nice.
I've yet to hear a compelling argument as to why survivor players, especially solo queue players, should even be unhappy about this patch at all, let alone this mad.
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From what it sounds like is its the people who don't feel likes survivor was the stronger role of the two and don't want to give up some of that power so the balance is actually closer to what it should be. And even with these changes it still feels like survivor is going to to be the stronger role, because map design is still #########.
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The game is gonna be even more stale.
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Kinda glad that ppl like this would uninstall, the game is probably better without these kind of players.
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For sure possible but I'm willing to give it a chance.
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What kind of players?
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that insatntly quit and whine about changes without even putting any slight thougt behind it. Not saying I can read their minds but if they quit cuz of that patch? Idk seems pretty unreasonable to me.
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Oh my goodness, changes people have been asking for actual years, too much people will quit the game for real this time.
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Personally I won't be playing soloq anymore, only survivor as part of a 4 stack. Games recently have been pretty miserable and soloq just does not have the coordination to consistently make the plays needed to offset the changes. Within my gaming circles people seem to be echoing the same sentiment, but very few will actually drop the game permanently.
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I'll definitely be taking a break from playing survivor. Tunneling and camping is already the worst part of the game and far too prevalent, and this patch is an immense buff to both.
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Lol. I first thought that this was trolling/satire, but I read a few of your other comments. Dude, if you are really diving in as a killer main now, I welcome you. As you will start out with low MMR, yeah, you will 3-4k a lot of matches, but make no mistake, once you raise high enough your devious plan of "easy 3K via camping and tunneling" won't work as perfect as you might imagine. But the 10% killer buff will definitely make the experience much more fun for you then it would have been in the past, so knock yourself out with the killer role.
Playing killer can be a lot of fun, and the game is finally taking steps in the right direction and making killer playable again. It wasn`t unplayable before, but it often felt like chewing on nails or something, so I am looking forward to next Tuesday very much. If you need any help just knock us up, we killer mains are quite the helpful bunch, and we don`t even get points for being altruistic :)
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I'll give it a go, but it really looks like they screwed Solo Q over. It's already kind of miserable (but you get a great game every now and then and that keeps me playing). Now it might be unplayable, but I'd have to see for myself.
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Only cuz you play a game long or support a game with much merch or any other kind of support, doesnt raise your opinion or view of a game. Also dbd has been constantly evolving and developing in a positive direction. Ofc every game will have its ups and downs and I am not saying that dbd is perfect, but it is indeed going upwards, its not just me saying that, overall the playerbase has been growing constantly.. till it dropped cuz ppl where bagging for skill based MMR and we saw how that turned out.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Why would they stop, they been buffed. Gen rushing will get a whole new sense.
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I don't think many people are gonna quit tbh. I'm still gonna play survivor at least.😂
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they have one game & one game mode?? with all the money & revenue they bring in they should put some back in resource towards their game but instead they choose to put in their personal pocket. im not saying theres anything wrong with getting your money but its literally embarressing to have constant bugs and glitches flood a game that has been LIVE SUPPORTED for 6 years. i can confidently say BHVR just about half ass everything and are only milking this game for as long as possible. they dont have the drive to make this game GREAT & AMAZING. they choose to be mediocre and ok at best.
my main issue is that we"re in year 6 approaching year 7 and i still cant reccommend this game to someone or give it the high praise that it should get since it has all the license in the game to do so.
Post edited by Rizzo on9 -
Have the devs confirmed the update is next Tuesday?
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Because killers have 50 more seconds to camp?
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Sure, but if you actually go for the save, it'll be more effective- and even if it weren't that's one downside that doesn't offset the positives being brought.
It certainly doesn't make survivor or solo-queue unplayable.
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It's a miracle if survivor que time actually gets shorter than a minute.
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Is only one survivor allowed on gens at one time?
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Then it’s more than 50 secs
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I suspect soloq to get BETTER tbh, especially if not so good players leave.
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I mean, everybody said they were leaving when devs changed the sprint burst meta. Didnt happen. Then they said they were leaving when the balanced landing meta got nerfed. Still here. Now everybodys sayin the dead hard nerf will kill the game. Nope, that aint gonna happen either. Dead hard used to be a pretty crap perk, then it got tweaked and was able to shine because past metas changed. Now different perks will get their time in the spotlight...thats the way it should be. A week or two after this patch ppl will have a new meta that theyll probably end up likin more. So yeah, maybe ppl need to suck it up and give the devs a chance to make the game better.
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Can't wait...
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3 survivors on 3 gens 10 seconds more than before, 2 on the last 2 10 seconds more. Less if they get stacked on, which they prob will since there's 3 survivors.
Camping got 20 seconds or less not 50.
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I'm going to give it a try but I'm not super optimistic about the changes. I got to experience it on PTB and tunneling and camping is so powerful. The timing to get off a rescue with a face camper is extremely narrow, twice I got grabbed in a weird way. I baited the hit and then immediately initiated the rescue and it was successful. But in the same millisecond that the person was dropping to the ground my character hunched over and I was grabbed lol The 5 seconds of BT and speed were negligible, and The Killer is highly incentivized to go after a newly rescued survivor after five generators have been completed. I definitely feels like they are trying to placate killers, but people often forget that you need four times as many survivors as killers and the conversation is always, but people don't want to play killer. You also have to consider the fact that maybe people aren't going to want to play survivor.
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How does an extra 10 seconds per generator translate to more than 50 seconds if two or three survivors do gens at a time? Is only one generator allowed to progress at once?
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I'm genuinely confused and sincerely want you to tell me how it works.
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I don't think many will actually leave, except the bad ones who relied on crutch perks to win games. I play killer, so things will hopefully be better on our end.
Let's be real here, survivors will just find new combinations to abuse the killer with, now that their easymode perks were finally addressed. Those that refuse to adapt and learn will leave when they realize they can't get easy wins as much as before.
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If, after five gens have been completed, the Killer doesn't go after a newly unhooked survivor isn't the Killer purposely not trying to kill any survivors?
I can definitely see, and agree, that Killers can be better off to split pressure quite often when gens are still up but, if a Killer doesn't go after a newly unhooked survivor in the endgame, how are they supposed to get any kills?
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A newly rescued survivor wasn't always the most optimal choice because there was the risk of DS. Sometimes, the killer is incentivized to go after the rescuer. Now that incentive is instead shifted to focus on the tunnel. That was my point, you can invent any scenario you want, and people can discuss it ad nauseam. Still, it doesn't change anything about what I stated very plainly, that the killer is now highly incentivized to go after the newly rescued survivor independent of anything else in the match. That wasn't always the case.
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How is the Killer more incentivized to go after the newly unhooked survivor now with a haste buff, guaranteed BT, probably OTR and possibly a DS as well except for in the end game?
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You're not reading. I'm specifically talking about when the five generators are completed. DS and OTR are not at play at 5. The incentive is now greater because the killer is guaranteed not to have to deal with DS. You have someone that is injured, you can down them and pick them up. I'm not confident that 5 seconds of BT and haste is going to accomplish what 12 seconds of BT and 8 seconds of haste doesn't currently achieve. I never said it was the most optimal or would necessarily be successful, but the incentive is certainly there to tunnel.
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Considering I solo q without any of the perks that are getting changed, I think I'll be fine. Sounds like your friends are getting carried by their builds, as opposed to actually being decent at the game.
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Good for killers yes. Survivors got shafted.
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Well, I’m not hardcore enough to max out all Killers, So I just have 3 that have all perks. The rest I leveled till I had bbq and some slowdown and just use them sporadically for challenges. Now? Well after this update I should have max perks (tier lll) on all Killers so… my sense of freedom to play any Killer with any build at any time is going to make this worth it alone.
Gunna try and p1 as many survivors as I can and hopefully can do something similar for them. I’ll adjust to BHVR bs like I always do and hopefully that incentive to play one side or the other does abit of flip flopping. I’d like to bounce back and forth and chase the bonus but if it’s hard-stuck on one role then I’ll probably mostly play Killer still. At least until I’m caught up on the grind.
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Haha, you beat me to it.
Haha, the only time I had to chew nails was the 'dead harding for distance' which happened a lot for some reason.
I am eager for the new patch, plenty of new builds to chase and hoping for the variety.
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Ofc that is your own opinion, I for my part highly recommend this game. Sure some things may come off as lazy like bug fixes which I can absolutely agree. But many other things have already reached quality levels where other games and companies are just dreaming about. Dbd's graphical appearance and content quality has sky rocketed in the last few years. There is no deny in that and dbd has proven multiple times that they can create from scratch iconic and beloved characters over and over. I think its not that easy to point out BHVR as "lazy", there are many different apartments with big teams working on different and seperated parts of the game. You cannot put them all together in one pot and blame them all at once.
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Or they were unhappy with things already and this update just made it worse.
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Did you even read the OP post? I dont see one single word of reason there. If you do then pls enlighten me.