Key to the hatch in every match

Ever since the last hatch change I have felt like the hatch has heavily favored the killer. I have had many matches since then where it comes down to just me left and the killer finds the hatch before me most of the time. Once that hatch is shut its pretty much game over. You have a limited amount of time to somehow fully open an exit gate that killers can easily go back and forth from on most maps before you get any considerable progress on them. I've thought about bringing a key every match but that seems unreasonable given I only have so many and these situations don't happen every match. I'd run out of keys fast doing it this way.

I think there should be a way to unlock the hatch every match outside of bringing your own key. If you bring your own key thats fine, but I think a key to the hatch should also spawn in a random place on the map once the hatch has spawned. The idea would be that if the killer finds the hatch first and closes it, you're not just left with the option of having to open the exit gates. Having that as the only option of escape seems unreasonable and unfair. If you survive this long, your chances of escape should not drop that much if the killer closes the hatch. If a key spawns in a random place on the map, the survivor can find it and then use it to open a closed hatch. This wouldn't be an easy way out, so I hope no one tries to make that argument. The survivor would still have to find the key AND the hatch while also avoiding the killer for this to be effective. This change would make the killer choose to either guard the hatch, the exit gates or check both. This would also give the survivor a reasonable chance to escape through the exit gate if the killer decides to only guard the hatch. The situation feels hopeless once the hatch is closed. That shouldn't dramatically increase the killer's chance to find and hook you given the only 2 places they really need to check at that point are the 2 exit gates.


  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    You should've made this whole post in rhyme.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308
    edited July 2022

    i would say the hatch stuff is actually in favor of the survivor.

    finding the hatch is around 60/40 since the killer is slightly faster, has a power (probably) and he could also find and kill the survivor. if the survivor found the hatch first its a free escape. if the killer found it first he can either camp it (forcing the survivor to do gens) or close it, in which case the survivor has to go for the exit (or get a free escape with a key). the chance that the survivor can open an exit gate in time is about 70%, since, unless the exit gates are next to each other or the killer can see both of them, there is no way he can patrol both of them in time. i would say the total chance for the survivor to escape is around 80-85%

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    A lot of maps have unpatrollable exit gates for most killers. Even without hatch you can wait for the killer to go by and open the other door.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Where are you getting the 70% from? A survivor's ability to get to the exit gates is reliant on more factors than you're counting in. First off, it matters what killer is being played. Blight or Artist - there's basically no chance for the survivor to escape regardless of gate distance. Same if Demo, Twins, or Trapper set up earlier in the match, or reached the gates before the survivor could. Nurse, Wraith, Sadako, Dredge, Doctor, Oni, and Spirit all have a strong albeit less perfect advantage in gate patrolling - Billy and Huntress as well as long as it's an outdoor map. Then it comes down to map RNG, which... yeah, there are definitely gate configurations your bog-standard M1 killer has no way of patrolling. Most common offenders are RPD (guaranteed), Swamp, Yamaoka, and Coldwind, in my experience. But you're just as likely to get gates where the killer can easily patrol or has LOS on both gates from a midway point, and in those cases you're guaranteed dead again, even with the 20% trick.

    And even in the situations where the gates can't possibly be patrolled or are fairly balanced, it's still a coin flip on whether the killer checks your gate first. Higher if your last known location to them was recent. I definitely don't have an 80-85% escape rate as the last survivor, or a 15-20% kill rate on the last one left.

    As for the OP, eh, I don't think survivors need to have their odds improved when they already lost the game. It's the same idea as when killers complain about 99ed gates or bodyblock conga lines. The hatch is a Hail Mary, not a solid plan of escape.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    im just guessing so the numbers are probably wrong.

    i play a lot of blight and when the survivor is smart and the gates somewhat far away there is a pretty high chance that the survivor can open the gate in time.

    but yeah, against killers like twins opening the gate is basically impossible

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    It’s almost like that’s literally the point.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Personal, if the killer finds the Hatch and close it before you do; that is fair game. Gates may be the only option left, if you refuse to bring a key; the gates can be either open stealthy or you could bring either Wake Up and the upcoming new Sole Survivor for a clean quick escape. You could also spend time looking in chest and getting lucky; but normally no body bothers; since it much more efficient or faster to open the gates stealthy. If the gates are close and easy patrol; they you are pretty much screw and have to accept the GG.

    Again, be aware that you have to find the Hatch before then; bring Left Behind or a map/key; to increase your chances finding a Hatch first.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379

    This is one of those scenarios that really doesn't need a change at this point. It doesn't impact the game much, and at this point the killer has simply won. If you get hatch, great. You escape and a 3k is still a win for killer. But having hatch at all is just a bonus.

    That being said, I wish they'd do something with keys since the big hatch nerf. I'm fine with that hatch nerf but keys basically do almost nothing useful anymore. I'd like it if they got rid of all keys and just keep the iridescent ones. Those are the only ones that bring you any real value aside from unlocking the hatch which doesn't happen often enough to justify bringing one. I'll bring one in with that stone that reads killer aura, and the beads to add time to it for fun sometimes, but thats the only time I feel like bringing in a key is worth it.

    Get rid of all the other keys, or make keys do something else (what that would be IDK).

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    If only Keys offer the ability to speed up Exit Gate opening; that would also solve this Survivor man's complaint about keys being useless and make escaping more convenient.

    Unfortunately, it involves bringing a key and or getting lucky in chest

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    You messed your initial Escape attempt when your 3 teammates died, then failed the second attempt, and instead of attempting the third, you want to add a forth chance to escape.

    How bad can one be at Dead By Daylight?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited July 2022

    The killer wins the game when the 4th survivor dies. The last survivor made it that far and that often wasn't an easy thing to do. To throw them in a situation where it can quickly go in favor of the killer regardless of how well you did that match is rather unfair. And I can't help but think no one is reading my OP in its entirety which doesn't surprise me. My suggestion still puts a huge burden on the last survivor to survive. They would still have to find the key AND the hatch. This would not be an easy thing to do. All it does is make the killer choose between doors or hatch so they aren't left just going back and forth between doors which is usually a hopeless situation for survivors.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I don't agree with these numbers. In my experience as a survivor main (nearly 2500 hours) opening the exit gate as the last survivor has almost always ended with the last survivor dying. I'm not just talking about me either. I'll often spectate the rest of the match if I die early to see how things go and I can tell you from what I have seen the last survivor usually doesn't make it.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    This is why I am talking about this anyway. The last hatch change was so much of a nerf to survivors I nearly quit the game over it. I still can't believe it was changed as much as it was. Keys are largely useless now in my opinion and bringing one is taking a big risk in whether its even going to serve any use or not. I can see bringing a key now and then and hiding it somewhere as a backup plan but survivors can't do that all the time. I've spent millions of BPs on a single survivor and I only have around 50 of each key on them.

    I don't see the situation as "the killer has won." If you read my OP through you'll see that what I suggested still requires the last survivor to find both the key and the hatch for this to work out for them. All the while the killer is still there and the EGC timer is ticking down. This would not be an easy thing for survivors to do and I wouldn't even see it as something happening successfully that often. It is only just another option with a very risky chance of success for survivors to escape.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Does my suggestion really improve the odds of the last survivor escaping by a large amount? Its still a risky situation and the survivor has to choose between exit gates and hatch as well. If the survivor chooses to look for the key it could be anywhere and they probably won't have time to get an exit gate open if they don't find the key in time. Its a huge risk but its one they can make when they feel the exit gate play is hopeless. My whole take on this is that the last survivor shouldn't be left with such a risky situation that their options all come down to just 1 or 2 things. My suggestion doesn't guarantee anything for the survivor to escape. All it does is give one last chance at a hatch escape if its closed first but requires a lot of work and huge RNG favor for them to have any chance at this working out in their favor. I think it was a pretty reasonable suggestion honestly.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The last survivor is supposed to have an overwhelmingly low chance of escape if the hatch is closed. The hatch was already their last second chance, and they just lost it.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    And with my suggestion in the OP, they still have an overwhelmingly low chance of escape. I'm not exactly asking for a red carpet out the exit gate here you know.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    ??? They don't need or deserve any extra help. That is literally the point.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    The devs already said there are too many escapes - so no.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379

    I agree, having an in-game key spawn wouldn't be a "gimme" for the survivor. I just mean, I don't think it would have a huge enough impact on the game vs how small not having an in-game key is now would even make BHVR consider it considering other things they're trying to implement.

    I'm not dumping on it by any means. If they wanted to remove keys from bloodwebs and incorporate them this way, that would be something for sure as they almost serve no purpose now other than aura readings. But at this point, why have three tiers? especially when the red key has 30 base seconds (and like I said, kinda fun to use with certain addons)... but the next tier down, the purple key only has 5? It may as well be a green key... and the green key won't even open the hatch LOL.

    Rework em, or get rid of the purple/green keys to make room in the bloodwebs for other (probably useless LOL) items.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437
  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379
    edited July 2022

    I didn't say I wanted a key every game. The OP did. I literally said they weren't needed. Yet you focus on me who didn't say that. You sour bro? You are LOL

    Tell me, what do the top, best of the best DBD streamers you watch think about keys? relay that to me and that will be my opinion.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    You can make KYF, ask one of your friend to hide the key and then start looking for it. With timer. There two possible outcomes:

    1) Find a little key on a map is somewhat impossible without any special notification about location (and any notification would be too unfair, I think).

    2) You can bring Chest Looting perk (don't know its english name) showing all lying objects' auras for you.

    So, looks like there are two opposite edges with no middle at all.

    And looks like your idea is lowkey implemented already, you can give up one perk slot for Chest Looting perk and find a good key with a very high chance. In that case you can prepare early in the game: find key, hide it or take, then spot and follow the killer until they find hatch for you. Then killer goes on a patrolling walk between gates and you open hatch right behind their back. Voila.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    If only those purple and red keys showed up in every blood web. Like I said earlier, I've spent I don't know how many millions of BPs on a single survivor and the one I have spent the most on only has around 50 of each key. If they were more common I would bring a key every match.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've thought about using Plunderer's Instinct and using coin offerings to increase my chance of finding a key but you never know when the other survivors will search the chests. It also only increases the chance at finding one, so there is still no guarantee to get a key. My suggestion would only have a key spawn somewhere on the map that can open the hatch. Maybe it can be there from the beginning so you never know if someone found it unless they showed you.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    There is an addon/offering that let you keep the key despite a bad outcome. You only need 1 key for the 4 man team.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    You can sacrifice other slot for rummaging. That's pretty guaranteed you at least one good key. Sometimes even four of them, lol.

    >>It also only increases the chance at finding one, so there is still no guarantee to get a key.

    I bet you, your chances to find key in chests with Plunderer's Instinct are MUCH higer than to find it been spawned in random place of the map.

    I personally don't see any reasons to spawn a key randomly. You either can't realistically find it in time or can find it perfectly with Plunderer's Instinct. And without Plunderer's Instinct it looks like, let's imagine, you can with 0,00001% chance leave the trial as escaped the very moment all gens are done. It's so unreallisticly rare, why even spend time to implement this? (IMO, of course)

    I'd prefer a rework, honestly. Aura reading ability (addon-based) don't really worth it for me.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Those ward addons aren't common either. I have less than 50 of them on my main survivor. My suggestion has a key spawn on the map with no guarantee anyone will ever find it.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Added: my posts are vanishing after edditing and god knows when they will be approved... So again:

    You can sacrifice other slot for rummaging. That's pretty guaranteed you at least one good key. Sometimes even four of them, lol.

    >>It also only increases the chance at finding one, so there is still no guarantee to get a key.

    I bet you, your chances to find key in chests with Plunderer's Instinct are MUCH higer than to find it been spawned in random place of the map.

    I personally don't see any reasons to spawn a key randomly. You either can't realistically find it in time or can find it perfectly with Plunderer's Instinct. And without Plunderer's Instinct it looks like, let's imagine, you can with 0,00001% chance leave the trial as escaped the very moment all gens are done. It's so unreallisticly rare, why even spend time to implement this? (IMO, of course)

    I'd prefer a rework, honestly. Aura reading ability (addon-based) don't really worth it for me.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132
    edited July 2022

    The hatch is a last ditch escape option in a game that is essentially already over, and the surv isn't entitled to just because happened to be the last one to die. And while sometimes that final survivor is the last one alive because they played the best, just as often it's either just chance, or because killer wanted to pound the tallest nail(s) first (remove the better players first). In an even match the order survs are killed in is essentially chance.

    Why should you get a pass just because your teammates happened to die first?

    Also, if this is a situation you often find yourself in, the new Sole Survivor may be for you. It pretty much ensures escape unless you are incompetent or the gates spawned right next to each other.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Thats why my suggestion isn't a guarantee anything. It requires the survivor to not only find the key but also the hatch all the while the EGC timer is going down and the killer is still roaming. This is not a "get a pass" situation. It forces the survivor to also choose between going for the exit gate or taking the chance to find the key and the hatch in time. I don't see this as being a huge thing in favor of the survivor. The killer already has the speed advantage when the hatch spawns so they are more likely to find it first. If the survivor then had to find a key somewhere on the map and then make it back to the hatch I would say they earned that escape. Its not like they were just handed the key. The odds even under my suggestion are still in favor of the killer.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    "Ever since the last hatch change I have felt like the hatch has heavily favored the killer. I have had many matches since then where it comes down to just me left and the killer finds the hatch before me most of the time. Once that hatch is shut its pretty much game over. You have a limited amount of time to somehow fully open an exit gate that killers can easily go back and forth from on most maps before you get any considerable progress on them. I've thought about bringing a key every match but that seems unreasonable given I only have so many and these situations don't happen every match. I'd run out of keys fast doing it this way."

    This is total nonsense. The hatch by its very definition is not something killer wants. Ever. Under any circumstance. Look at it for a second from the killers perspective: The killer does well, has the survivors down to the last guy. Great! Oh wait, free escape option Hatch spawns in for no reason at all, now the last survivor can get away by the hatch that the survivor can see and the killer cant. Even if the killer manages to close it before the survivor gets out, then the doors unlock regardless of how many gens have completed giving the survivor not 1 but 2 more chances to get out. Not only that, if the survivor has a key then they can also re-open the hatch giving them yet another chance to escape. How you do not escape is a mystery to me. Like how many chances do you need? How in the world is that favourable for to killer? The answer to that little riddle is: It isn't. It is just something that takes points away from the killer who earned it.

    If it were up to me there wouldnt be a hatch, the exit gates wouldnt open, it would simply be game on. It is absolutely ridiculous how many extra chances you are handed for bad performance as a survivor. This is why I slug, no point in hooking the 3rd survivor for the 3rd time if all that results in is a ton of freebies for the survivors. If I play great and you dont then I deserve my 4k and I WILL have it.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Wards are a lot more common than you think. I have over 100 on Michael Myers. They are literally the most valuable item in the tree as it can protect two addons that might require you to spend 50-200k to get another pair.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    And how do you know the last survivor didn't play well? You're assuming the last survivor did nothing and should not be granted any chance to escape other than completing all 5 gens under your idea of how the game should work. When you say things like "if I play great and you don't then I deserve my 4k and I WILL have it" that tells me that you assume the last survivor didn't play well under any circumstance and doesn't deserve a fair chance at escape. You wanting them to have to finish all 5 gens as the only option is extremely unreasonable and unfair whereas my suggestion still requires the last survivor to find the key and the hatch all while the EGC timer is going down and the killer is still active.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262
    edited July 2022

    "doesn't deserve a fair chance at escape"

    The point is that you and the rest of your team already had your chance and you either blew it or got outplayed. Why should you then get to escape?

    Killer doesnt get additional chances at hooks, moris... When survivors gen rush the game doesnt go "well, that was a bit quick, do 2 more gens". Dont see why you should have additional chances.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Because solo que doesn't guarantee you'll have like minded team mates who know the game as well as you do. Relying on your team for everything is always a risk. Also you're clearly not reading my posts because nowhere have I said nor implied that my suggestion would make the last survivor "get to escape" so I'll ask you to read my OP and replies again and then get back to me if you continue to want to talk about this.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132
    edited July 2022

    I generally agree with the sentiment here, but I think the hatch needs to be in the game, or if it were removed, you'd need to jack up gen speeds or something because in a 1v1 without the hatch and the exit gates aren't powered, the survivor has essentially zero chance of escape. And such miniscule odds of success shouldn't be a thing.

    But because the killer essentially won the game already, the escape option should be slim, even slimmer than they already are. If you wanted to make things really spicy, have the hatch spawn on the opposite side of the map from the killer, but they can see it, like they can see the gates.

    A hatch escape should be a longshot, not a 50/50 with the killer.