How many Survivors are gonna stop playing after the update next Tuesday?



  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Not really, I'm not wrong.

    The fact that they buffed other slowdown perks is not mutually exclusive to the buff camping & tunneling got. From their original Dev Not:

    "When looking at the perks most used by Killers, there’s a very clear trend: any perk that helps prevent generators from being powered - slowdown perks for short - are favored. Slowdown perks should be an option, but not the only option to stay competitive."

    Yet they buffed other slowdowns, not really giving any incentive to killers to changing the perks they're using, and actually giving a lot more synergy to different perks that have the same requirement of kicking gens and that stack together (Overcharge, Call of Brine, Eruption). So where's the meta change? Same applies to thana, call it irrelevant as much as you want, thana was already getting passively buffed by the generator times being upped. It did not need the extra %.

    This doesn't mean tunneling and camping work won't work with this, and actually the sole existence of OtR incentivises killers to getting that endurance hit as early as possible, to get rid of it, especially considering that hook trading will be a lot faster because of the cooldown hit animation being shortened - and the trader can be left slugged if the situation is favorable, for example if there are no pallets around guaranteeing an easy second down.

    Deadlock is NOT fine as it is. It was already one of the best facecamping perks. Now generators taking longer while hook stages taking exactly the same time, adding to the passive value obtained by deadlock while not movign an inch away, will make it even easier.

    Also about DMS, let's pretend that high mobility killers don't exist. Artist is not the only one that can make that perk stupidly broken.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I'm honestly more likely to play survivor if role populations are balanced and matchmaking is tighter.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I guess a bunch of people will stop playing... For 3 or 4 days, then go right back

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    No you are wrong. Factually wrong in some cases.

    The extra 1.8 seconds includes the new generator times. If every person is injured the buff to thanataphobia with 90 second generators is an increase of 1.8 seconds.

    Overcharge was nerfed. After you kick a generator with Overcharge it regresses at 75% of normal regression speed. It takes 12 seconds just to get it up to the 100% a regular kick would instantly get it to. No one is going to use that unless they are committing to a generator kicking build and combining it with Call of Brine and Eruption, and if they're running around kicking generators to get the most out of Call of Brines time limit and Eruption, then they're not camping.

    JFC you are literally contradicting yourself. You ask where the Meta change is if people are using Overcharge, Call of Brine, and Eruption which were not Meta perks! If someone is running all of those, then that's not the old Meta of BBQ, Corrupt Intervention, Pain Resonance, Dead Man's Switch/Pop Goes the Weasel.

    High mobility Killers still have to run around the map checking generators to get the most out of DMS, which means they aren't camping.

    I also believe you don't actually understand how many killers Camp and Tunnel but don't really like doing it, but feel they have to do it if they want to get kills. A lot of killer players would much rather run around chasing survivors but feel like if they do that, then they just lose because generators go so fast.

    There's never going to be a solution for the trolls that literally tunnel and face camp because that's what they enjoy doing, but there's more people that would rather chase if they felt like they could win that way.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited July 2022

    I don't know how I'm going to survive without my Dead Hard and Iron Will!!!!! I'm out of here!!!

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    This game has no real competetive scene so changes will be fun for me as survivor anyway. I already started to play without DH to get use to it haha.

    Let the changes come !

  • HexDevourAvocado
    HexDevourAvocado Member Posts: 95
    edited July 2022

    Buffing killers without buffing soloq will be even more painfull.

    When ur solo team is healing a lot against legion ,if u add thana it will be unplayable.

    I am happy with the killer buffs and nerfs on perks.

    But simply as that,giving more power to a camper,or adding power to a good killer to go against soloq survivors is gonna be dead game from the first 5 minutes.

    There are games where I get a good team in soloq but it 1 out of 10.

    So 9 games soloq survivors who dont get a good team will have to sweat to either get hatch or escape or even do a couple of gens.

    (also lemme point out that i played on ptb against a good legion with buffed thana.And I tried thana legion myself without any other slow down perk.They did one gen and they starting dc and dying,SO it is not about being annoying.Against a good swf is playable,against soloq with a good killer ,is not)

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Like I said, I certainly agree that solo queue has its frustrations, but what exactly are BHVR supposed to do about bad teammates? The changes that need to be made to solo queue have nothing to do with the quality of your random teammates, they're just the risk you agree to take when you queue up on your own.

    I also don't fully agree that they've buffed camping, btw. Against Leatherface yes, but against most other killers they've made rescuing against a camper more effective, so it mostly breaks out even.

    If they had buffed solo queue in this patch, which would look like the status icons on the portrait and other things like showing your teammate's perks in the match details, would that have changed any of your examples?

  • HexDevourAvocado
    HexDevourAvocado Member Posts: 95

    Fix matchmaking.After 6 years behaviour needs to fix matchmaking :) There you go.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Matchmaking is better now than it's ever been before, and games with better matchmaking than DBD still have the issue of random teammates doing weird nonsense that doesn't help the team.

    It's always going to be there, especially since there's not much requirement to be a team player in this game. Solo queue is not going to get measurably worse from a balance standpoint in this patch, and is in fact set to get a little easier in most scenarios because you don't need to rely on teammates as much for some things-- which means that even when you get matched with raccoons walking across a keyboard, you're not going to be as harmed.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I have a canoe trip on Wednesday. So I won't be able to check out the new update really until the following Monday. I will have all killers and survivors with all perks and level 8 or 9. So with the grind done, I'm less likely to play as much anyway. But I'm also pretty skeptical about the survivor changes anyway. If I really don't like what I see, I'll probably take a decent break. But who knows, maybe I'll like the changes.

  • HexDevourAvocado
    HexDevourAvocado Member Posts: 95

    Firstly I think is fun when you rely on your teammates.Dbd survivors shouldnt be competitive,you need to co-op to have a good time and a chance to win.By win I dont mean to just hide,do the gen,and escape.

    Secondly by ''matchmaking'' is better now ,you mean that is okay that people with 10k hours get matched with people who have 8hrs?

    Or that a bush claudette escaping through hatch counts as a win and if you loop the killer for long time but you die,you are consindered less skilled ?

    Is it a fair game for a 8hr player to go against a 5k hours killer?

    And with matchmaking being so awesome is fine to have 9 bad games and 1 were u actually felt like it was a good game.

    I think it can and must be improved.

    Also I'm a teamplayer and since everyone else wants to play in an non altruistic way,like i said im done.

    And if ''its always gonna be there'' I think many other people will leave too.

    I never asked for dbd to be perfect.But I want to be able to play 10 games before going to work and feel chilled and good about it.

    If not 10 good games at least 4 where I matched with genuine people who want to play.

    Also if you think that there's not much requirment to be a team player,I think we are talking about a different game.

    There is game requirment.That's why survivors are given 2 health states and 2 hooks.

    Anyhow,I'm out.Well see how it goes on upcoming patch i guess.Gl on ur next games if u playin :)

  • Bonesy1997
    Bonesy1997 Member Posts: 7

    It is necessary though because so many of the community has already left or wanted to leave because it got stale. Its not like they've kept all perks same and removed "good ones" they have made changes to actually try to benefit the game like most games do! So if your friends only wanted to stick yo one build set and never deviate then they miss out on a good game I guess. They either rely too much (less face it the meta was second chances essentially) or was comfortable and I get that but wheres the harm in trying new perks?

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited July 2022

    I don't know what to say when you keep arguing about thana like that, you're just doing it on purpose then. Raising the generator time was already passively buffing thana. It did not need an ulterior buff on the base percentage, period. Doesn't matter the quantity, a buff is a buff.

    I'm not contraddicting myself, what are you on about? They wanted to change the meta, which relied on slowdown perks. Changing perks whilst achieving the same effect is NOT changing meta, it's just a poor rebranding attempt.

    I don't really care if they like doing it or not. That's a non argument, because it can be applied on the receiving side as well, and the funniest part is usually the survivor can do nothing about it unless in a very coordinated team. I'm sure they like it

    Post edited by egg_ on
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    I'd imagine things will remain pretty similar.

    I'm pretty hyped for the inevitable ban wave of 'emotional' users, though, once the patch drops.

    The forums are the real game.

    The forums are the real entertainment.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Well, yeah, sadly balance does involve frustrating 80% of the playerbase. And this response is probably exactly why they avoid doing it. I always admitted that killer mains were the more whiny of the two, however, these slight adjustments have, unfortunately, proven me wrong. I try to give the benefit of the doubt where I can, but man, survivors take the cake as usual.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 480

    Why would survivors stop playing when the game is still heavily balanced in their favour.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Not me

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Oooh boohoo bad developers nerfing busted survivor perks,,, I wish they had done this earlier,,, but to be fair some killers need to be looked at,, nurse blight are gonna be nerfed after this update at some point for sure

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    I played killer solely for about 1000 hours before I switched to survivor. I only switched to survivor because killer queues got so bad.

    BTW, I've already played 50+ games straight as a one-step camping killer and was 95% of the time winning with 3 to 4 kills, 5% of the time I had 2 kills and at no point was I at a loss, which is 1 or 0 killers. People who say that camping doesn't pay is bad or are lying. I positive I was in the top MMR bracket after that many wins in a row.

    I'm trying to figure out how to change my camping build to fill in the hole left my Hex: Ruin. Luckily NOED and DMS weren't touched significantly and even though Hex: Ruin was gutted, I'm thinking the 10 second extra gen times will more than make up for it. I just have to figure out what will work in the other 2 slots.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Very few will leave. Newer players won't realise what's changing. Veteran players will stay. Players in the middle might leave but it would be very very few.

    I know this is what most people are saying but I wanted to be involved 😁

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm wondering what perk that specific type of survivor will switch to. Because the hyperaggressive clicky-clicky types that won't leave you alone always 100% had DH

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    It'll be harder for them now without Iframes or dead harding for distance. Maybe Off the Record for the Endurance since the hyper clicky types also seem to be allergic to doing gens but that requires a hook state which brings the Killer closer to removing them from the game.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Yeah, that and Iron Will. Both nuked into oblivion thank god. They'll pick up facecamping Bubba to get their trolling jollies lmao

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's such a needed change for the game. I went from playing 70-30% survivor vs killer to now more than one year of only survivor. After this update I will play killer again, but still more survivor.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I'll probably play solo survivor a bit less but killer will be more fun so it evens out.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    I'm sure someone is going to drop the steam chart eventually, but of course people will just dismiss any factual evidence as fear mongering.

  • TheUnknown
    TheUnknown Member Posts: 16

    why did they do it like 6 years later and not something in the beginning of the years of DBD?

    Well they did something right now, better than to remain the same forever.

    Many of my friends are gonna uninstall/stop playing after the update

    Survivors have grown accustomed to being way more powerful lol

    Now that the killer is getting basically a quality of life update, survivors left and right are going to leave because they don't have as much power anymore.

    They completely nerfed all perks to garbage and they want us to get used to new perks..

    Not a single word here is true.

    Many camping and tunneling after the update which is gonna be really annoying.

    Ah yes, that 2.5% instant regression on a generator when I kick it will really help me camp a hook! That extra 10 seconds that can be mitigated by 2 survivors doing the same generator is gonna make the survivors hook themselves in the basement, I don't even need to hit them!

    Oh please, killers have been at the short end of this game for years on end even before Dead Hard and BT basekit were a thing. Survivors got like 200 different buffs up until now while killers got like 10. But relax, my 10% faster pallet breaking is still gonna make me struggle for a 3K all the same.

  • Schinderella
    Schinderella Member Posts: 11

    Just my two cents, but I think there's great games to be had as a survivor, even if you're not escaping. I love dorking around with memey builds like Deception, Flashbang, Head On, Q&Q and I still escape about 50% of the time. The only two meta perks I ran quite often were Iron Will and BT and I think I can do without IW.

    That being said, camping got buffed and Legion got buffed too, which are the two things, that worry me the most and I'm not looking forward to facing more of either of them. However, unless I see a big spike in any of those two I don't think my experience is going to change much in terms of fun and I'm looking forward to playing killer a bit more next patch (currently 67% surv, 33% killer).

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    I'm looking forward to it, and as a survivor who rarely used DH (Lithe is the best), I'm not concerned about the nerfs (other than DS and IW which I think were overkill). A shake-up was long overdue as it was getting stale seeing the same old boring perks.

    Plus, a new meta will be created. Good killers and survivors know how to utilize perks effectively, so they'll just find ways to use the newly buffed perks into a new meta.

  • Rise432
    Rise432 Member Posts: 162


  • Dwightslocker
    Dwightslocker Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2022

    Question with this update will i lose all teachable perks i have already unlocked if i dont have all my survivors at least prestige 1?

    Anyone know?

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304

    Ohhh the humanity...the horror, how cruel for You to have to adapt to new things, to endure being nerfes because You where unfun to play againts, to have to underdtand the neta, tactics and perla Made the other side miserable...ohhh the pain!.

    Welcome to the world of killers where they had to adapt to nerfs after nerfs, meta changes constantly and just get used to things changing for them all the time, in all honesty i'm glad about the changes, hopefully that will make it do playing killer becomes more fun and less of a este/frustratuon fest, and for survivors to both respect killers and be reminded they are playeras to and not their dancing monkeys

  • Babadook83
    Babadook83 Member Posts: 208

    you honestly think that a few meta perks chagnes gonna make the game less stale? nothing changes, u see less of certain perks in the game, but the game is just the same old same old. devs don't dare to make refreshing changes to the gameplay.

  • Babadook83
    Babadook83 Member Posts: 208

    it's infuriating to think they havent chagne a single thing about the actual gameplay. they think adding perks and killers gonna be the factor to have a fun experience. the game is extremely stale for years. you barely see any of the new killers because the roster is too big. perks have very little variation to the actual boring gameplay (gens, hooks, jump through windows, throw a pallet) its so stale. nothing interactive. they keep repeating the same formula.. because they can and they're milking it out.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    SWF teams will be more or less the same, Behaviour hates solo Q because they're a minority compared to killers and SWF so they don't give a flying feck about them. I won't play killer after the update I don't think, because if it was easy before, now it's just going to put me to sleep very quickly. Survivor, I'll have to try but I doubt I'll play much.

  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Member Posts: 213

    In solo Q noone cares about other people's gens. And since this patch buffed many regression mechanics, solo Q is gonna be even more pain as it is rn.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Could you elaborate on what you mean by that first part? I'm not sure I understand.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454


    i blame the community that defends BHVR & continues to fund this, rifts & cosmetics in general. they allowed BHVR to keep getting away with broken updates, unbalanced maps & perks since every time a new chapter comes out theyre just dying for new content in the game so they go ahead & keep purchasing...

    this rework is also a total joke, nothing has changed, all theyve done was switch up the meta but continue to promote it with "perk overhaul" & "base line game changes & more." they keep lying and arent really upfront with the community to much... look at how they decieved many of us to grind P3 rewards..

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    In order:

    Only ten seconds per generator which isn't really the kind of thing you're going to feel - you already commit 80 seconds if you're repairing a generator solo, what's ten more?

    DS is less useful but has a clear replacement on top of some basekit changes.

    Two stacks of STBFL. It'll help the killer cut down on downtime across an entire match, but that's not the part that you're really going to notice in a single chase. Probably should've led with the shorter sprint duration after you're hit, that's one you'll actually notice- not that it's a disastrous situation or anything.

    Tunnelling and camping is far more nuanced than just not being affected or being buffed. Tunnelling took a hit- it's impossible to hard tunnel someone off hook, and there are tools that'll help even further; you say DS was made useless (which isn't quite true, it's only really useless against two killers) but make no mention of Off The Record, which is its clear replacement and is far better at the job than DS ever was. Overall, tunnelling got addressed; perhaps not enough, but definitely enough to be noticed. Camping... is stickier, because doing all the gens and leaving is harder, but saves are more effective since tunnelling is now harder. It breaks out about even, so camping still needs work but probably isn't going to get noticeably worse.

    Adding comms is an actively bad idea, but even if it weren't... that doesn't make survivor worse. It's just a lack of something that'd make it better.

    There will be some minor adjustments to make on the player side and this patch is not perfect, but it's just sensationalising to act like survivor is going to be unplayable because games will take a little longer and you have to change what perks you bring.