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The killer is not your friend



  • Member Posts: 1,409

    I wholeheartedly disagree if you're talking about doing all of that and it being okay at 4/5 gens. At 2/3 gen? Tunneling and camping are fine, but before that.. that's just having bad map pressure.

    When I play killer and notice an obvious skill difference I will def go easy on survivors. I'll hook everyone twice, maybe kill 2 but let 2 go. I don't miss out on any fun doing that.

    As survivor, I absolutely love killers that show any bit of personality and aren't just your average 'killing-bots'. Killers that will stand beside my hook when the entity takes me or Ghostfaces that goof around despite still playing the game (e.g. getting hooks/kills) will always make me smile and enjoy the game more. Same for nodding Demo pups <3

  • Member Posts: 86

    Killers who camp usually don't wait 15-30 mins and than leave the hook unprotected. They stay there till u are dead or someone saves u but gets taken out.

  • Member Posts: 86

    If ur playing it the honest and fair way camping is not part of it. If u are playing dirty, camping becomes part of it. No matter how many times someone tries to justify it or say it's part of the game. It's not, it is something people do to make one survivor suffer while the others get to play the match normally and not have to worry about the killer at all. Getting bloodpoints for finishing generators all while u are stuck on the hook and can do nothing. How is it fair to do that to any one survivor in the game. It's not and that is why there should be a penalty that comes with doing it.

    Also there's no other justifiable reason for doing camping other than it's a dirty tactic employed by people who don't want to play the game as it should be played and to ruin one Survivor's match. U can disagree with me all u want but at the end of the day camping is, was and always will be a dirty tactic by killers.

  • Member Posts: 86

    All those things u listed about survivors are stuff survivors should be doing to win matches. If it ruins the Killer's fun, there's nothing that can be done about it. U think camping has a place in the game where as I do not. I also call things as I see them. Weather something is part of a game or not, if doing it comes off as a mean or dirty tactic to someone like me. No matter what u say to justify it is not gonna change my way of thinking even if professional streamers and tournament DBD players do it. That is not gonna make me dislike it any less.

    I have a right to an opinion and to dislike something in a game and vent about it weather we agree or disagree.

  • Member Posts: 819
    edited July 2022

    I'm not defining what is bad behaviour - the devs have done it themselves.

    The bloodpoint system will actively 'punish' you for camping a hook, BT becoming basekit and the fact that devs have stated they want to make tunneling and camping more difficult, should speak volumes in the fact that camping around a hook (and tunneling that survivor if they DO get rescued) is disengagement from desired gameplay.

    Yeah, you can argue that only doing gens and escaping is the objective, but that's not true, whatsoever. You wouldn't actively get points in the BP system for altruism or chase if they weren't intended as objectives. You wouldn't have pallets or windows that elongate a chase, if chasing wasn't part of survivor objective.

    I don't know why you're trying to dissect what I say to prove me wrong, when if it wasn't deemed as inappropriate gameplay, then they wouldn't be looking to change and deter players from playing like that.

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  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited July 2022

    you’re reading too much into the emblem system.

    Gaining extra points for varied play does not mean that non varied play is bad.

    It’s possible to smash out gens and walk out the door and consider it a win with very few blood points. That’s just as “normal” a game of dbd as any other.

    Chasing isn’t an objective it’s gameplay to achieve the objective of escaping. You can play a whole game of DBD and not get into a single chase and still escape thus completing your objective.

    BHVR has stated that camping, tunnelling, even BM are not reportable and are within the rules of standard gameplay.

    They're part of normal gameplay. You want to play DBD a certain way great but that doesn’t mean everyone else has to play it the way you want to. Nothing you have said changes this fact.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    The honest and fair way according to you.

    the game is asymmetric it doesn’t have to be fair. Players are gonna do what they can to win, what they find fun, what is permissible within game. All are fine providing they are within game rules.

    Sorry but claiming your way is honest and fair is just bullshit. In fact what you are asking is for other players to rigidly adhere to what you consider fair and fun, how is that fair on them?

    I guess it’s only fair when others make concessions for you not the other way round eh.

    Camping is just gameplay that’s all. It’s defined as fair play under the rules of the game no matter what rules you want to make up for yourself.

  • Member Posts: 92

    Depends on the situation.

    If you're at 3 gens left and there's only two survivors left, and you find that Bill that keeps accidentally running into you and is clearly really trying his best, I'll let him off.

    If I'm 4 gens down, only 3 hooks and the Claudette who's been running in my face the whole game tries it, it's hook time.

    I feel for some survivors, I really do. That solo q person who the swf keeps running me into gets out. End of. Because some survivors seem to think I can't tell that they are running me into their team.

    When I see a person die to first hook while their team just hides, I make sure to end them all. Survivor is something I personally find harder to play than killer skill wise, so I completely understand the frustration of dying to first hook. And the time I got hooked in the basement with kindred on and still died made me realise how bad solo q can be.

    So all in all, I tend to think about how survivors feel when I play. Unless they're cocky. You know the ones.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    We are all just people sitting behind a keyboard/controller.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Strangely enough, though, if you ARE merciless you will just increase your MMR and get sweaty game after sweaty game. I often don't want to 4k, just because I am shooting myself in the foot in the long run. DBD also is the only horror-themed game, were the killer might be scared to kill off the survivors, because it will result in more miserable games in the future.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Monsters? Do you imagine a monster offended because a surv crouch in front of him?

  • Member Posts: 944

    You can only tunnel and camp when you're losing tbh, when I play 4,4ms killers on big maps I'm literally forced to camp everytime, that's why all tricksters and slingers camp you can't do anything else, definitely blame the game not players (they should do something about bubba tho)

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Thats what I think, double hook and slug them is a win to me, I dont try hard to 3-4K. I dont understand why many Killers try so hard for 4K, then vs try hard swf and make complain about high MMR.

  • Member Posts: 304

    Those same killers when I run 4 SWF with DH, DS, COH, UB with 4 BNP (They suddenly don’t like it when people sweat and use the most optimal strategy)

  • Member Posts: 495

    They will come eventually, you just need to wait on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    Camping doesn't require justification. It's already justified. The only thing that requires justification is thinking killers shouldn't play to win.

    Sit down.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Alright. That's your opinion. Doesn't make u right or anything. Just shows dbd is not for u if ur getting that mad over a in game mechanic that devs stated is a legit strategy. Not all players who camp are mean disrespectful people. And remember if ur getting mad over it just eat a kit Kat and take a small break. It just a game.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I do the second stage slug often as well but it can be underwhelming, sometimes its just more fun to get the actual kill/mori.

    Having to attenuate your gameplay in order to avoid an overwhelming number of unpleasant SWF teams (they are often unpleasant to play with), isn't great.

  • Member Posts: 335

    I can't agree more. I fought it for a while when i first played, wanting to camp/slug/tunnel. But going for hooks just ended with 4 teabags and clicking at the exit gates. I'm not even that high mmr as killer, the matchmaking has always matched average killers with higher skill survivors. Camping/tunnelling is way more consistent to secure at least a "draw" (2k). As stated in the original post, solid teams will just slam gens when they realize the killer is camping. which generally means 3 escape b/c it costs 1-2 gens to down the first survivor. the remaining 3 survivors can knock the last gens out before the hooked survivor dies (assuming they hit all the skill checks and don't rage quit).

    All this to say, BT basekit was not needed. Survivors who don't know how to deal with camping killers just want to whine and not learn to play a different way.

  • Member Posts: 86

    Never said I was right about it, merely was stating my opinion. Not everyone is gonna like camping in the game and agree with someone else on their opinion. It's not wrong to dislike an aspect of one of ur favorite games. When people aren't camping me on a hook. It's a fun game to play and I enjoy it. But when a match is ruined for me cause someone decides to hook me and not let anyone save me or even give them a chance to. Than it's less fun. U don't need to camp to win a match if u are good at playing the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    "All those things u listed about survivors are stuff survivors should be doing to win matches. If it ruins the Killer's fun, there's nothing that can be done about it". EXACTLY like camping and tunneling. That was my point.

    No one said you don't have the right to have an opinion, and I love when people act as if being pointed wrong is like not having freedom of speech. Just like you are allowed to have an opinion, I am allowed to say your opinion is wrong and it doesn't make sense.

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