Iron Will nerf is a big opportunity to see the most fun killer more often

GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

I don’t struggle against the perk as much but I get why the perk was the main reason didn’t want to play Spirit. It’s not unbeatable but it wasn’t necessarily fair a lot of the time (although the devs didn’t have to destroy the perk the way they did at all).

I really hope we see Spirit more often. I feel like I’ve gone against more Blights and Huntresses in the past month than I’ve seen Spirit in the past 6 months, and that makes me a sad boi. I need to see her more, my game experience will be complete if I do.

Also side note, I did say Spirit is the most fun killer in the title but I’m obviously saying it as a subjective term. She’s the most fun to me but I do understand why people may not find her fun, and that is ok.
