Are You Happy Stranger Things DLC Owner?

Why tho?
this because they are universal perks now? Not happy.
tbf, should've warned to not waste BPS on Stranger Things characters, because you are getting nothing.
DLC is still DLC.
Not at all, it would have been pretty simple to make an exception for 3 characters.
I know they said it before the update, but it still doesn't really seem like the best solution.
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I confess I'm not quite seeing the issue here. Is this the result of having unlocked the perks back when they were teachables? That's why they're the only ones in yellow?
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I'm not getting the issue. They were forced to make the ST perks "universal" to prevent new players from being locked out of those perks due to the inability to purchase ST characters anymore.
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Yeah I came to complain about this too. It still says demogorgon perk, Nancy perk, Steve perk on them, so we should be given them at tier 3 still. Just give everyone them at tier 3 for free.
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Pretty sure that was done to make the perks available to everyone since you weren't able to buy those characters anymore
Still, they could have made an exception for those 3 characters and kept both behaviours: the perks show up in the bloodwebs like general perks, but if you prestige Nancy you automatically unlock her perks, for example
Now basically the first 3 prestige levels give you nothing for them
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... That's literally what I said. They made them universally available so players could still access the perks post-removal.
It just is what it is. The removal was unexpected and they can't plan the entire game's future around one DLC.
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But they could have made a simple exception for those characters, it's not like they're planning the future of the game based on the DLC
Like, they already have exceptions like that in place (perk icon and description), so it shouldn't be something unheard of?
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They literally couldn't. As a part of the separation from the agreement with Netflix, they had to change the perk titles (and some people who didn't buy the DLC see different perk icons that don't depict the characters). It was a legal obligation. Sorry.
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See, I'm not sure it was legal obligation to specifically unlink the perks from the characters, because like for the icons and the perk description, I believe they could have made an exception
After all, prestiging still gives you the bloody cosmetics and perk charms, so why should perks be different?
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I don't think the conversation is productive anymore.
They lost the license to the characters, the map, and for whatever dumb reason, they were forced to change the names of the perks, likely due to both a legal obligation and the knowledge that these perks would have to become universal to ensure people who couldn't get the DLC would still have access to said perks.
It's been like this for months. A year, even, I think. Not understanding where the issue is suddenly now.
But it is what it is and until and unless Netflix renews a contract, this is how it's going to be. Period. End of story. It's unfortunate but this is how it had to be.