Solo Survivor is Abysmal

Its apparently very difficult to trust others to do generators and unhook in a timely manner. In fact, its so hard to hold m1 that people would rather kill themselves rather than do anything to actually make the game fun to play. I get that survivors can very often bully killers, but as a solo player who's just trying to play the game, this recent patch just makes the game wholly frustrating to play. Borrowed Time basekit was a great addition, but would it be possible to have Kindred or some other info perk become basekit for teammates so they don't just F around doing jack all game. Make solo survivor playable.
Would love to hear other opinions on the matter.
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Solo q has allwasy been awful, but they made it worse somehow. nerfing anti tunnel and camping perks
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Even when I get a good team, with the gen regression perk meta and camping and tunnelling every game on solo has been a loss. I feel like killers who were complaining about the game thought they were going against high mmr swf every game, solo is incredibly punishing and unfun at the moment.
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they literally lost all confidence anyone had to fix solo q......this game shelf life is coming to a close
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They don't care about solo queue.
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I call myself a killer main who primarily plays solo queue survivor and it's getting even more miserable to the point of being unbearable. Nurse almost every 2/3 games, killers that tunnel/camp excessively or stack (STILL) gen regression perks.
I literally do not want to touch survivor without at least ONE person in my party, because it's miserable. My last game was a Trapper who camped me to second stage despite myself having Kindred (because solo q teammates can't organise literally anything even with kindred) and then immediately tunnelled once I got rescued DESPITE having a free down because a teammate traded. He tunnelled through SB, OTR and a decent chase. So I practically played that match for 3 minutes before dying and what was more annoying was how there was 4 flan's - guess I'm not allowed to play the game then?
They nerfed DS & DH into almost near uselessness, so tunnelling is more effective now because DS doesn't give as much distance (or none against some killers) and DH no longer extends chases. Camping is stronger because an extra minute to do all gens, plus you can just stack dead lock & no way out to literally camp.every.single.hook to death and still get 2k+ with no effort.
I mean I'll just stick to killer from now on unless I'm SWFING, would rather actually be able to play the game and have fun rather than pray I don't vs a nurse every game, or get a killer who is so desperate for MMR he ruins the game for the entire opposing team.
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The problem with soloq is that it only takes one non-efficient survivor to lose to a killer at your MMR. So when the games are good they are good, but the second you get a stealther or someone doing a challenge it's hard not to notice.
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Even with 4 equally good solo queue survivors it is far more miserable and difficult when the game is being balanced for killers to face skilled SWF.
They need two different lobbies for SWF and solo queue with slightly different rule sets.
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I was excited about the changes today.
My first game, I went up against the bugged Oni (you think they'd fix him with a new skin release). He had one-shot all game and camped hooks. Still ran the new gen regression perks. Game did not seem fair at all.
Second game, played against a huntress, she wasn't skilled, but the changes allowed her to get a 4k. Again, the gen regression along with extra time felt like doing gens was near impossible. Also, the reduction in attack, and damage sprint meant there was no distance to be gained. It's interesting watching how fast the killers smash stuff with Alert though.
Overall it's extremely demoralising to play solo survivor, and I'm not going to play solo-q again. Playing solo-q without communication and with the perk changes just feels unfair which is unenjoyable.
I guess I'll go back to playing killer, it will be a hell of a lot easier to tunnel and camp now. :)
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It's not fun to win as killer either when it's too easy, the only thing saving solo Q is the +100% bonus tbh
And tunneling is definitely the norm now someone got tunneled every game I played, it's a really bad idea to nerf DS just because it's "meta" no one cares , this perk is a necessity
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They buffed gen times, reduced the distance gained after a hit and buffed bloodlust (who asked for it to be buffed?). They also nerfed DS and DH, both of which previously helped ease the pain slightly when playing against the top of the range killers.
The only real benefit solo survivors get now is a guarenteed 5 second base BT... which does absolutely nothing against tunneling. In fact, sadly BT is still a must have perk for me because of the buff to camping playstyles and because there is no chance that an unhooked survivor is escaping end game without it due to the DS nerf.
Poor matchmaking and survivors doing challenges doesn't help either, or nurse players. Solo queue has gone from bad to worse.
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nothing they ever do makes any sense anymore. its easier to deal with once you realize it lol
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the games I've played were god awful
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Yup, it really is unenjoyable. It seems like they want killers to simply be able to brute force a win without any skillful plays or mindgames. Break the pallets super fast, but if you don't here's some bloodlust to end the chase quicker. Don't want to pressure gens? Well we'll just make them take longer. Instead of balancing so that M1 killers stood more of a chance they just slapped a band aid fix over everything, classic.
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The nerf to Decisive Strike was just bad. I just don't understand the Dev's mentality. They openly admitted camping and tunneling were issues. But then incinerated a valuable anti-tunneling perk, that had already been nerfed recently.
The Solo Q escape rate was pretty terrible before this. But look at all the Killer mains rejoicing. Even brand new Killer can get an easy 4k now, so the game is so balanced and fun!
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
Make Kindred basekit and put the DS stun time back to 5s
Also Kinship should apply to the killer (might help with camping?) and deactivates if you're the last survivor remaining as to not waste time and should have an icon like PT, WMI, Leader to let other survivors know you're running it
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I just don't understand, they achieved what they wanted, which was to increase the kill rate, but they have made everything else miserable. Playing mid-high MMR is simply unfun. M1 killers got a bit of a buff from this patch, but the main killers also got a buff from this patch.
I just don't see why anyone would play anything else than the best/easiest killers now for easy wins. The killers will then go up in MMR against solo-q players until they meet SWFs who can communicate. These killers will then get destroyed by SWF and complain to BHVR. BHVR will then listen to the killers and balance the game around SWF again.
I guess this is what they think a "competitive" game is...
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Time to go back to Skyrim or find people. Either or.
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I am usually a killer main, havent tried to play one yet after the update.
However i did try some survivor solo q.
Oh my god, that was the worst experience i ever had in a game.
It was bad before but now its just one miserable round after another.
I am honestly considering streaming this. The channel of solo q misery.
Just to highlight how bad it really is right now. Not that anyone you watch that kind of gameplay anyway.
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Yeah, at least before the update you could play killer and even if you didn't win you could have some fun and get some bp if you were semi-decent. This is not the case with the current state of solo queue.
It's not fun, and if you're lucky you'll make it out with 20k bp.
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Not to mention that before all this they had:
Made maps smaller for killers (huge)
Made hooks even closer which affected struggling chances and sabo-ing chances (huge)
Nerf sabo into the ground (huge)
Made toolboxes burn out like match sticks (huge)
Took away add ons despite escaping, eating up a perk slot to avoid (huge)
Can't get hatches as a team even if you do all the work (huge)
Endgame which is almost unwinnable if the gate spawn next to each other or you have a fast killer (huge)
Introduced oblivious for killers, no stealth main required (big)
No chance to get off hook or hook states if you're the last survivor even if you've never been hooked (big)
Made random dead ends that will cut into pathways and bigger dead zones (big)
Survivors as of late might get a perk a two that requires a lot of set up to get a whooping 3% bonus on a great skill check or something as insignificant--time that could be spend on a gen or finding a hex. Meanwhile killers of late are getting these all around sweeping buffs that don't even require a perk slot. This patch is a disaster.
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This Patch cured my Dead by Daylight addiction. Finally I can do other things with my free time, thx Behaviour!
In other words: This game is so god awful now for Survivors.
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It's not any better when survivors who are actually good at looping get punished because the devs decided buffing bloodlust was the right choice instead of removing it all together.
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The problem is a different one. Matchmaking matches veterans with new players. Which then get stomped, because they lack basic game knowledge.
Previously you could only assume how the others skill was after the match. But now you can see how often someone prestiged during the lobby.
For example, yesterday I had a couple of matches with p0 and p1 players. Which obviously didn't perform well.
So we'll probably start to see lobby dodging on teammates.
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You are a much better survivor than I am and you usually (always?) play solo if I recall. How were your survivor games if you played?
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I don't know why they don't just put a gen penalty for premades or something like that instead of these changes
They even nerf self healing! SELF HEALING!! A bad perk that only works with people who play alone
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Honestly? I took a break and stopped completely playing since the end of the event. Only played 2 days together with @Marigoria
That being said, we got long queues and new players as teammates. Or players that actively sabotaged the game by staying under the hook or refusing to run away.
Yesterday we played 6 or 7 matches. Half of them were terrible due to the above mentioned behavior and the other ones were so hilariously funny (including a very skilled Steve, who escaped a face camping Bubba with a Kobe and a well timed DH), that I regret not recording them.
In conclusion: it's to early to say how the overall balance is.
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Right, thanks.
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Solo is still fun and the changes haven't impacted my survivor experience.
Overall ๐ devs
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Base kit BT was supposed to stop Tunneling btw. Last three matches they've chased me down and waited. Even ran OTR and still was hit cause he didn't know. Off hook second time? Immediately hit me and chased me down. IT's a ######### joke.
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soloQ has always been abysmal, now it's been extra highlighted, doubt bhvr care though
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That game with Steve and Bubba was the only enjoyable game yesterday. Even if I had died that bubbaโs disappointment was way too funny.
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This is exactly what the devs want. To kill solo Q.
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I'm not even gonna try this update. I solo q 90% of the time and I decided I'm gonna give DBD a break and play something else until they do something about it (if they do).
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Yes this update is dogs### for solo survivor
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The one against GF was quite entertaining for me. I donยดt need to escape to have a good time.
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Way too many heavy handed changes to nerf chase, it's now hecking abysmal to run no exhaustion perks. They should not have made so many changes at once.
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As killer main, I approve this message ๐ The only solo survivors that escaped my matches today have done so through hatch. I had fun with easy chill matches ๐
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38 Games in SoloQ
31 4k at 2 or 3 gens done
6 in which a Survivor escaped via the Hatch
1 game against a Clown, he got one health state before the exit gates were opened.
I'm only playing Killer from now on until they introduce the bot gamemode. Hope Killer mains will enjoy the 4 stack SWFS with toolboxes.
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You have to agree that wraith one was awful tho.
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I would suggest that to kill a game this efficiently would require sabotage, but I think in this case they just failed to listen to the feedback since they legitimately thought they were improving the game. See you all after the roll back.
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I agree, all my games solo yesterday were painful. It felt like it was only me trying to play the game. nearly every match at least 1 dc, game starts first 5 seconds someone goes down and then kills themself on the hook. People creeping around the map scared to even touch a gen. I mean what's wrong with SBMM is it disabled or something because it feels like I am getting players who just bought the game. I run killer for like 3 minutes, nope no gens is done. A shame as well because I love this game, just at the moment soloq I can't... :(
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After reading and watching people's experiences I am really happy I stopped playing. I played Solo Q mostly (cause no one of my friends plays this game and I simply don't like playing killer so much) and people treated this game like e sports already before the update when it was supposed to be a party game and the devs seriously managed to make this game really a competitive s#it show now. I am happy for those who can still enjoy this game though.
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Play the Survive with Friends in Voice Comms experience.
You just selected the Solo Q experience where even running Kindred matters.
So obviously it's a harder mode.
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I have mixed feelings on that match.
Yes, the David was a completely new player, who shouldnยดt have been matched with us. Yes, the other survivor suicided for no reason at all.
Those things were awful. I totally agree.
BUT my chases with the GF, the mind games and surprise moments of seeing him stalk from a window, when i expected him somewhere else really made the match fun for me.
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I've been reading the same thing here for a month everyone told them it's going to kill solo Q it was super obvious, they did it anyway they just don't care tbh, it's balanced around SWF now
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You see how this is a bad thing, right? If you are guaranteed a win, even when the game is "chill and easy", doesn't that show you something is wrong?
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I've managed to escape about 3 times tonight out of the 15 or so matches I played.
The matches where I escaped, I legit did most of the gens cuz of the gen repair speed build I was using: Overzealous, Prove Thyself, Resilience, and Deja Vu. Without those speed repair bonuses those matches would have been a complete loss.
The other matches I'm lucky if even 3 gens get done. In the only 3 matches where 3 of them got done, the remaining 2 would never be finished because by then 2 people were already dead.
I have been tunneled like crazy too, probably because the killer can see my prestige rank (11) and not even DS with it's lame 3 second stun is enough to escape.
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They fixed most things in this patch, made killer stronger very good! But as solo survivor yeah I don't understand why we could not get at least auras on all survivors when someone is on the hook. Such easy thing.