Devs... Lets talk about Dead Hard...

For years i was a killer main but slowly the past year weened onto survivor... I just played a collection of games as killer on the new patch... it's definitely more fun... however...
Seeing survivors "Fumble" rather than dead hard... is a little depressing... not only does it look like the survivor is in a death throw and tripping on themselves... the perk is just a shadow of it's formal self and offers little protection from me attacking... i am genuinely getting feelings playing as the killer when i see this... which is not the correct mindset. I am literately pulling hits as the survivors are just not protected when using it and their panic is making me a "bad" killer.
As a survivor, i have never liked dead hard and as a killer... it was annoying but something i just dealt with... but i will speak for those that use/used it... No doubt the better players will get better implementing it and one day i may eat my own words... but there needs to be a middle ground between current new DH and old... maybe increase the forward motion effect a little more than it's existing but still much less than the original version... i don't know. But i do feel the nerf hammer came down a little too hard on this one.
the nerf hammer went 2 hard on the majority of meta perks. changing the meta but killing perks is dumb
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on most perks i agree, they didnt get nerfed, they got deleted which is dumb (IW, Self-care, DS, spine chill, pop, ruin)
HOWEVER, I am very happy that dead hard is gone completely.
It turned bad players into decent ones, decent into good ones and good ones into unbeatable ones.
It required 0 skill and other perks that have a similar effect have a condition attached to it (deliverance requires an unhook, MoM requires protection hits) or they only work in niche circumstances (DS when getting tunneled, unbreakable when slugged)
Dead Hard worked in chases. Chases aren't niche. Chases are a big part of the game. It also had 1 condition which was... being injured... something that happens in nearly every chase and game.
It provided distance, complete safety, invulnerability and sometime intangibility when you somehow teleport through the killer.
It was absolutely miserable to play against if the survivor knew what they were doing since it had 0 counterplay.
Deleting mindgames, deleting skill, deleting mistakes just because the survivor pressed E is not good design.
Now, I am not talking about balance. Maybe DH was balanced, who knows? I don't. It was certainly a good perk but I don't know how much it influenced winrates of survivors. too many different variables.
What it was though is completely unfun to play against and really fun to use since E = more getting chased = more fun.
I wish they would ve just completely reworked it. An effect of avoiding and completely cancelling a hit the killer worked for should not be given for pressing E. There should either be a condition to it OR it should just not exist.
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If anyone was struggling downing survivors using old dead hard... i would say it's not the survivors skill that is questionable. As for the other excuse of "it bought them enough time for such and such"... that's also gone in this patch... Killers have got more time now.
They did not need to obliterate the perk... they were a little too heavy handed in nerfing it... and i don't even use the damn thing.
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no it s totally fine that the perk is dead.
it is now time for people to learn how to loop without E like everyone did before Dead Hard was good.
people played back then and could loop the killer a long time with skill.
now they can do the same, i believe in survivors.
since i never used it, i m happy to not need relearning of loop lengths in order to judge if i can loop one more time and press E or if i should drop the pallet :)
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No perk should be nerfed to near useless... None... Especially old long existing perks.
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then it should ve gotten reworked and gotten a complete overhaul.
it was a bad design always. it was never NEVER smart decision to even make the perk. even if it were balanced, in a game that is about fun, a perk that makes the game less fun for one side just by simply existing is not a good design. period.
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I loved reading "it requires 0 skill", while remembering all the times I watched survivors dead hard into walls just before I smacked them :')
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those are my fondest memories, seeing people use a perk that should just get them to the next loop and even messing something as simple as pressing E up.
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That is the point of my thread... but don't forget... "no it s totally fine that the perk is dead."...
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i am glad it is dead indeed
it was only funny in a sad way
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Funny + Sad don't positively mix.
Like i said, i don't use it... but if they nerfed a perk i actually used/liked i would not be happy... especially if it becomes almost useless.
No amount of numbers, famous YouTubers or bad players are going to change my mind... they went too hard on the nerf.
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I'm glad Dead Hard finally got nerfed. It was long long overdue.
Is it dead though?
It might still be the best exhaustion perk in the game, especially in chase. No other perk is on demand and it can still be used to absolutely rob killers and extend chases. I had a Nea wreck me pretty good with it earlier.
Other exhaustion perks are often more like getaway perks. If a survivor uses their Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced Landing, Smash Hit or Overcome well enough, the killer has an easier time giving up on chasing that person for now to look for better opportunities. Especially when used by a healthy survivor.
Not so with Dead Hard. The killer just hit the survivor and is still in pretty close proximity to an injured target.
Victor still quivers in fear of the inevitable boot to the face he'll get after getting blocked by Dead Hard.
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I press M1 when they press E... i immediately press M1 after the first M1 cooldown and they are down... that's the new Dead Hard... it buys them the equivalent of a missed swing. Now that might be more viable on the older quicker generators and fast healing... but coinciding with the extra gen times and slower healing... it's overkill.
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If not running into a wall is the bar for something being skillful, I am the best survivor on the planet.
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Hard disagree. SB was on par with DH before. Now DH gets countered by being in deep wound,has no distance and is extremely short.
It's on par with Overcome if not Smash Hit on the useful scale now.
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it was the only thing needed to use dead hard so congrats. you are more skillfull than a handful of dead hard users that managed to fail in that.
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SB in the hands of a skilled player who 99s it, yes it can be super strong. I just haven't seen many players doing that. Usually I see them sprint off and and then get caught up later on in a different chase when they are already exhausted. Old DH was just more versatile and far easier to use than SB.
New DH can still easily extend a chase by tanking a hit right before a pallet, that's where I expect to see it used effectively the most now, when the killer has no choice but to swing or eat the wood.
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They didn't change the meta they just made perks useless and buffed a few others and called it a day it has been horrible today
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Dead Hard is fine now. I just went up against someone using it and they timed their dodge flawlessly. It's no longer a get out of jail free card, but rather a skillful dodge against the killer now.
I was genuinely impressed by their timing with it, and it finally felt fair on my end, like they actually earned that dodge instead of just pressing E to gain extra distance. Granted, I still got a 4K that match, but this is the first time I've ever been impacted by Dead Hard and not gotten angry about it. Now it's a skill based reactionary perk that rewards good timing. The way it should be.