Dead Hard is really fun to use

After its nerf I find that Dead Hard is now a very skilled perk in comparison to before. Using DH for distance was the easy pert of using it but now if you manage to bait out a good killer to finally swing and time it right the pay off is grand
One way to buff it could be to remove the mend that you get though I feel that could make things rather unbalanced with all the new endurance perks here now. Also bring it back to 1 second of invincibility, I have many moments where I predict the swing but the killer takes a bit longer to hit me because I am doing 360's and I still get hit
Also it is really strong against killers like Blight, Nurse, Huntress and Trickster, which all are very powerful in chase. If you are wondering how it is strong against Trickster, it denies his final knife hit and resets the bar
Is it good against Trickster? Isnt he just gonna spam you down?
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With the bar that fills up (Laceration Meter) if you use it at the last knife you will take an endurance hit and deplete the bar fully. A lot of times the trickster put down their knives thinking I would be downed or I make it around a corner lasting at least a bit longer in chase
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Huh thats neat.
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Didn't know that. That's pretty cool, ngl.
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If it procs in a dead zone, yeah Trickster could still spam down the survivor. If it procs at a loop, that is a lot harder for Trickster to recover from. However, it definitely requires a lot of skill to deny that last blade hit in practice because the speed and recoil of his blades are hard to keep track of especially with such a short window for it to activate. Additionally, the Trickster may miss his blade from the recoil in the middle of the survivor procing DH which would be a detriment to the survivor as they would be downed and Trickster would know they have DH now. It would probably only work once too if it activated against a perceptive Trickster as they would just bait it out in a future chase once they realize the survivor has DH.