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New update is not fine and who agrees reparing gens now is terrible



  • Member Posts: 51

    Regarding tunneling and camping, i propose a player ban, camping and tunneling is harassing behavior, since when do we let stalkers go unpunished?

    Other games severely punish tunnel/camp because it's ultra toxic behavior and the devs say camp/tunnel is indeed a form of harassment. Here, nothing, no sanction, the big stalker dummies are rewarded with 4 kills even though they don't even know how to play.

    After another problem you have fairplay killers who camp a cheater (deserved camp for the cheater) this killer must not be sanctioned if he has camped a cheater.

  • Member Posts: 248

    I don't think banning players for camping and tunneling is the solution, sometimes it is necessary. The problem is that the game itself is built around these strategies, it shouldn't be so easy to get away with and leaving the hook should be rewarded more than it is.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I'm not certain you grasp the role of the killer.

    The one task of the killer is to kill survivors.

    If he accomplished his goal, he is fine.

    Sometimes camping is the right move, sometimes tunnelling is.

    Something can be said of slugging everyone too. (Usually a self inflicted wound from a team that let no other option to the killer.)

    It's not for you to judge how the opposing team is allowed to win against you.

    When you play killer, you are free to lose however you see fit.

    The killer camps? Do generators and leave. It's the answer to most things the killer do really.

    Side note: when you use some derogatory term for killers who get full marks and tell they don't know how to play, it's doesn't look the way you think it does.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Except that their numbers in % increase, I meet more and more camps/tunnels, you have to do something because doing nothing > players will stop (survivor).

  • Member Posts: 48

    SoloQ is just terrible, 10 games and not even 5 gens was repaired. 😥

  • Member Posts: 51

    Except that harassment is legally prohibited or even condemned (you have a lot of suicide each year because of bullying), the camp/tunnel is harassment whether you agree or not it's the truth, a player on an mmo has experienced a camping for x days, he sent several requests > company did nothing against the players camp, company heavily punished when the player threatened to take company to court.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    You are talking such nonsense it's gotta be a new record.

  • Member Posts: 8,594

    It's not ok. It will never sit right with me that I died to a Legion who tried to mindgame a long wall jungle gym pallet for 20 seconds and lost nothing for it because they were running Thana/Pain Res/Jolt/DMS. This is Forever Freddy all over again. Terrible at killer? Just make the gens take a year.

  • Member Posts: 2,921
    edited July 2022

    what reality do you live in where you think camping and tunnelling is "ultra toxic" and "harassment" 100% of the time? Sure camping and tunnelling someone at the beginning of the game with Insidious Bubba is pretty scummy but I'd hardly call something like that ban worthy, people camp to secure kills during the end of the game pretty much all the time, and people who know better don't mind because they know the killer wants to secure a kill and has literally no practical reason not to

    becoming depressed and suicidal because people are verbally harassing and abusing you online is one thing, becoming depressed and suicidal because you got camped during endgame by a killer who just wants to secure a kill is another,

    getting camped in a MMO is also one thing, getting camped in DBD is another thing as well, they are not the same in practice

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    No, 10 seconds did not make gens go from flying to snails.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Your title says much about you. "I believe in this and anyone with a different opinion is evil!".

  • Member Posts: 32

    No evi joshy is am an survivor player and a good one as i say myself but for me this update is only good for a killer. Sorry to say and i can have my opinion as devotion 10 , I play every day dbd and this update is the worse ever

  • Member Posts: 13

    It's my only complaint about the update.

    Thana + 10 extra seconds makes so difficult (or boring) to finish 5 gens.

  • Member Posts: 32

    you can do 3 times the perk blast mine it is not 10 seconds believe me when you do a gen alone is so booorrrrrrrrinnnnngggg and s oo o o sl oowww why dbd? give me an extra gen or something but this is no fun.

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