Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

There is absolutely nothing fun nor enjoyable about playing against Legion, none whatsoever.

Member Posts: 1,147
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

This Killer's design feels as lazy as it can possibly get, even Trapper or Huntress who have some of the simplest powers in the game feel as though they have more dignity.

No I am not talking about this Killer's "strength", I am talking about how they play and why it is the way it is.

Legion gets easy injures without any effort or thinking power and can spread this across an entire team on the smaller maps effortlessly, and this can be stacked with things like Thanatophobia which genuinely makes the game feel like not worth playing.

It is not fun being injured every 2 seconds in game because this Killer just has the free ability to injure anyone at any point. There genuinely feels like there is 0 counter play, they can vault windows and all you can do is pray they are dumb enough to get stunned by a pallet in their power, or pray they whiff by wiggling like a snake.

Nothing about this is in any shape or form pleasurable to experience, and if it wasn't for their aesthetic of being edgy punk teens, they would be bottom of the list in terms of DBD Killer likeability.

PS: Thanatophobia Legion is the worst thing you have ever done to this game, and you should be embarrassed.

Post edited by MrCalac123 on

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  • Member Posts: 2,113

    He is one of the most frustrating killers to play against. You need a team of survivors who all know his one counter, and that's super rare to get.

  • Member Posts: 81

    mend simulator already wasnt fun with the added slowdown they already had access to.

    now with this new update its so much worse...20 minute matches with a legion is miserable.

  • Member Posts: 529

    I wish Legion was all about stealth and deceive rather than this. Imagine working on a generator with Dwight and in just one second you see him put on a mask.

    It wasn't dwight.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    I always have fun vs. legion. If you split up they basically don't have a power and they're imminently loopable, unlike nurse or artist or what have you.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    I certain everyone that plays and enjoys legion would love to play an entirely different killer called legion who doesn't have a power vs. grouped survivors.

  • Member Posts: 583
  • Member Posts: 529

    Bhvr would pay players to actually deceive their SWF team mates.

  • Member Posts: 291

    Same thing for Plague I hate both of these killers you literally get rewarded by just using your M2 braindead power.

    Every killers has to think and need some mechanical skills to get a hit/down that's why playing against a Huntress or Pinhead feels interactive beceause you actually feel like you could've played better but you got outplayed by the killer so he deserved the injure/down on you.

    You go against a Plague with Corrupt Intervention who is just going to puke on all gens you have to stay injured there is no counterplay to her braindead power and nothing interactive about it you're stuck at 5 gens with 4 stacks of Thana.

    Legion and Plague are bad and lazy game design their powers needs to be reworked.

    Rewarding players for using M2 puking on gens is just stupid doesn't matter if they're weak or not they're just boring gameplay wise.

    Blight an S tier killer who's stronger than both is actually a fun killer to go against in chase with fun mechanics like hug tech and spicy tricks.

  • Member Posts: 1,104

    Forever Legion is torture to play against now. Having to hold M1 on a gen for 90 seconds is bad enough between mends but to add Thana and Dying Light on top, the bar crawls slower than a Jane hit with Knockout. Add in Jolt, Pop, Pain Res or Eruption and I certainly end up preferring a quick death over trying to escape.

  • Member Posts: 605

    Do you think killers, or Behaviour for that matter, gives a single funk about your fun?

    They literally just buffed the worst aspects of the game and they're congratulating each other on how amazing they are.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Been trying to see the issues everyone has with Legion and Plague but I just don't see it, thanatophobia is a frustrating perk for sure and Legion and Plague would get a lot of value. However, Thanatophobia is frustrating on any killer but it helps to give killers outwith Blight and Nurse a chance to compete, especially killers like Legion and Plague.

    I'm an instinct player and react to what I see, so a Clown is very frustrating to me if I can't see, then it much tougher for me to loop. I get frustrated with Cenobite as I also rely a lot on the audio of killers to help in chases, most killers have an audio sound when there about to use their power or are using power(legion), but Cenobite doesn't and that is frustarting to me.

    However, I don't think Cenobie or Clown should be changed, even though there frustrating, I still like the variety of the killers.

    Some perks are just stronger on some killers, it's like Corrupt being nerfed because it was too strong on high MMR Nurses and Blight, it shouldn't have been nerfed, just like Legion, Plague and Thantopobia shouldn't be changed.

    I do however agree with the Huntress hitboxes that Glow mentioned, they're frustrating and need to be reduced.

  • Member Posts: 2,731
    edited July 2022

    There is a reason the OG 110 legion that could down you was literally impossible play when he came out. Within the first week of release. I'd say more than 1/3rd of survivors would instantly DC the momment they learned it was a legion and this was before DC penalities.

    No one wanted to play against the killer, and so they didn't.

    BHVR saw this, saw this incredible amount of negative feedback and made legion a 115 killer but nerfed his power into the dirt because no one liked it. Even after nerfing it, no one liked playing against a legion, he was just a bad killer, so it wasn't something you had to do very frequently. He's still not a fantastic killer, but his buffs made him mid and the recent patch changes are pretty much all amazing for legion. Many of the buffed slowdowns legion uses pretty well and the killer chase buffs are incredible for legion.

    He's still not as unfun as the OG 110 legion that could down you no matter what you did despite being a bad killer. Now he's just a mediocre killer with unfun power, which is almost worst because it's actually common and you can't just leave because of the DC penalty.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    I agree

    Legion now with Thanatophobia is just the worst, I can't stand being injured, mending, and having to do the slowest Gens possible every minute or so.

    Not getting hit by Legion in their frenzy is not easy, and requires both luck and the Killer player to make a substantial mistake.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    In SoloQ it's basically impossible.

    It genuinely feels like the game is hopeless if he gets his first hit off and spreads it to 2-3 people with Thana.

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