Killer seems easier, but not in a good way


Decided to play a bit of killer recently and I'm feeling a little worried about how it felt. Killer is easier, yes, but I don't feel like it's because I'm playing better or the survivors or playing worse, it just feels like the survivors have way less tools to actually help. Even when just holding w, I seem to gain bloodlust 1 before I catch up to them, which doesn't feel right and seems cheap. Anybody else having this issue?


  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    Are you for real? That just makes me more worried that I'm really not playing better but being rewarded for doing things I shoudn't.

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    it is because a dropping pallets early wins games across all level so quit being rude. you know comp survs pre drop and play safe? did you know baby survs are just dumb and pre drop but if a killer breaks those pallets he loses, but if its starting to be less effective it will change games across all levels just less at lower levels

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    I played killer all day yesterday and plan to today to see if I can start getting paired against these better teams people keep talking about. I got 4k in all but 2 games yesterday and only one game did the survivors get all the generators done and I was still able to get 4k. I'm not the best killer and it already seemed quite boring before the update and now its just seeming insanely easy.

  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    Thanks you two for actually trying to help and posting your thoughts instead of being rude for no reason. I'm having the same problem of killer games seeming easier, even when playing as lower tier killers. Since I can't check my MMR I have no clue what it is, but I've had a really high kill rate recently, and the survivors don't seem to be playing worse.

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    Even on the higher end of MMR, I'm sure most of the games are still against solo queue. There is a lot more solo queue than there are SWF.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    The fundamentals for killer are quite a bit stronger. Zoning before pallet breaks is more rewarding, and survivors gain less distance on hits. If you were a solid killer before, you're probably going to have very good results now.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,219
    edited July 2022
    • Bloodlust trigger times have been reduced to 15 seconds for Tier 1, 25 seconds for Tier 2, and 35 seconds for Tier 3 (was 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 45 seconds)
    • The following Killer actions have been sped up by 10%: 
      • Cooldown time after a successful hit has been reduced to 2.7 seconds (was 3 seconds)
      • Time to kick a generator has been reduced to 1.8 seconds (was 2 seconds) 
      • Time to kick a pallet or wall has been reduced to 2.34 seconds (was 2.6 seconds) 
    • Duration of the Survivor speed boost when hit has been reduced to 1.8 seconds (was 2 seconds) 

    These are the changes that affect chase from 6.1.0.

    Before a hit has occurred, chase is about the same, with the exception of faster pallet breaking speeds, and potentially getting Bloodlust 2/3 earlier, but that's uncommon.

    Most survivors are used to running Dead Hard, so while they may loop for a bit, they don't mind getting hit from healthy to injured.

    But once survivors are injured, many things are different. Like you mentioned, you are catching up faster. This is because of a shorter attack cooldown as well as shorter speed boost.

    This weakens holding W to buy time so survivors have to loop. But looping while injured is also different. Before, the play was to greed pallet for as long as possible, then use Dead Hard to make it to pallet.

    The problem is survivors are still doing this, so when they are injured they run far too greedily, and they don't mind becoming injured to begin with, even though there's no benefit to this anymore. And once they make a mistake, they can't use Dead Hard to extend the chase.

    My apologies for earlier. Even I was wrong. Bloodlust 3 now comes out at 35 seconds, I thought it was 40. I just assumed you were overdramatizing to make killer seem completely and utterly overpowered. I figured you had read the patch notes and knew all the changes and were exaggerating.

    The truth is survivors will adapt and begin to use resources more effectively to not get downed. Part of what makes killer feel powerful in chase now is that most survivors are still adapting to looping without Dead Hard, it's not purely the killer changes alone. It's the combination of all the changes.

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    I'm surprised bloodlust is still in the game. It's pretty clear that it's not needed with all the other changes.

    TBH even after removing bloodlust survivors can still get a bit of power back. Killer will still stomp and be assured a 3K.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Actually, what I commonly see is a Killer main claiming that survivor is easy and needs to be gutted. I saw one yesterday where JimbusCrimbus, a notorious kill-sided forum poster, was talking about how easy survivor was for him after the update.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,255

    Those very stron survivors are still less than 5% of survivors most are average they can loop bit but now struggle without dh.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Are these supposed killer mains writing from the perspective of a survivor player? That's what annoys me about these posts. The attempt to deceive.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    JimbusCrimbus said he was playing solo queue and SWF. Every post I've seen from him, except that one, is from a heavily Killer perspective.

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    haha look at you proving my point and negating yours. predrops work at high level games right? XD so then it would go to show it works even better against lesser killers who dont know their way around maps and lose people

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    good thing i stopped using dead hard months ago and even when i did id find myself playing safe anyways building good habits

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,219