Remember when killers said they had to run slowdown because gens went too fast?

Now gens go even slower and all the killers are slowdown killers running slowdown perks. I don't think they held up to their end of the deal. Even pig is showing up all over the place because you cannot get gens done while also dealing with hats.


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,862

    Maybe only allow 2, heck maybe just one slowdown perk?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Yesterday I played games with no gen slow down and it went well. I also played some with slowdown and they also went well. 🤷‍♂️

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,398

    A lot of the gen slowdown perks were nerfed so they aren't as effective as they were before.

    The other thing is that many people don't read patch notes. So there's plenty of players who don't realize some perks have been changed and haven't swapped off their old builds yet either.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    What four slowdown perks are bothering you, exactly?

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    "a lot of gen slowdown perks were nerfed"

    Ruin was deleted

    Pop goes the Weasel got deleted

    overcharge is still not good

    corrupt is literally the same as before

    tinkerer got nerfed but is still really good on high mobility characters

    pain resonance is unchanged regression wise

    eruption got hyperbuffed

    jolt got buffed

    gift of pain got buffed

    thana got buffed

    2 meta slowdowns got deleted, overcharge was good only on the ptb; all the other perks are either unchanged or buffed. not buffing or nerfing a perk is also a buff since gen times have gone up.

    4 slowdowns is still the meta, because it is now way better than before.

    meta for killers is completely unchanged, they just take pop 2.0 and ruin 2.0 instead of the old ones.

    before killers were forced to run slowdowns, now killers run slowdowns because they are the best options. The longer a match lasts the easier it is for killers to win since less pallets, less hook states before a survivor dies, less item charges, less time against certain killers before they hit their next power spike (stuff like shape or nemesis).

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Yeah, slowdown needs to be toned down. Check this out for potential numbers.

    Tunneling - Camping - Balance — Dead By Daylight

  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    Excuse me pop got deleted? Lol ok yeah someone is exaggerating a bit. All the survivor perks got deleted. Pop and even ruin did not get deleted. If ruin is up you still need to find it.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    because adding 10 seconds to gens still accomplishes nothing without slowdown

    it's like two stacks of thana who cares about that?

    tbh my favorite slowdown perk was corrupt it was fair and made early game tolerable but they destroyed it so now early game is still pretty bad.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    "pain resonance is unchanged regression wise" while its still %15 regression, its buffed because %15 of 90 seconds adds more time than 15% of 80. Actually unchanged would be like 13%

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    No pop got deleted before it was 25% off of total generator progress now it's 20% off of it's current progress

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    So are killers supposed to play suboptimally ? If gen regression perks are being used, then aren't killers just playing in a way that makes sense ? It's still their job to prevent escapes, and gen regression helps aid that.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,237

    Plus 2.5% base regression.

    It's 22.5% of 90s, instead of 25% of 80s, which is virtually identical on a gen with >90% progress.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    No it's not, it's 20% of the current progress. That means to get equal benefit to where it used to be you'd need to kick a generator at 75% or more progress.

  • MaudetteClorel
    MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83

    I think the intention behind the update was to "shake up the meta", allowing both sides to use a variety of perks without the fear of being punished for not running meta. This means for killers that they don't HAVE TO bring 4 slowdowns to have a good game and for survivors that they don't HAVE TO bring BT, DS, iron will,UB etc.

    From my experience (Solo Q survivor 2.1k hours), it worked on the survivor side. Dead hard has been replaced with sprint burst or lithe, BT is no longer mandatory and I've seen some funny perk builds. As far as the killers I've encountered, all of them ran stacked slowdown perks. Maybe it is (as someone on another thread suggested) that some of them haven't read the patch notes and/or forgot to change up their build, maybe it's because they still fear being genrushed, I have no idea.

    But to some extent I agree, the games have been kinda lame and boring and unbearably long (especially against legion). I would like killers to bring some funny builds as well, like full basement build, no terror radius build, mad grit build etc., but I guess it's not happening and we're still stuck in the "pain res, thana, corrupt" era, so nothing has really changed.

    The queue times for survivor tho have never been this quick so that's a good thing ^^