It looks like no one understands what the problem really is...

Most killers love the patch. Some don't.
Most survivors don't like the patch. Some do though...
Killers were buffed, yes. That's great. SWF will now have to be careful or they will be slaughtered...
It's not really about the patch itself and the buffs and the nerfs. The problem is you can't buff one side that potentially faces solo Q players 8 out of 10 matches when these Solo Q players that are mostly casual and have average-to-regular skills (well, yes, you can because that's what they have just done). Let alone the ones that are still afraid of the killers and hide in a corner.
Solo Q is BAD because we are four people in a team where potentially 75% of the people is bad at the game versus a buffed new killer playstyle. I can't choose who I'm playing with so I have to suck it up and have a terrible experience or simply play something else.
Casual solo Q players are but pigs walking into a slaughterhouse. And it's not me saying it, it's killers as well.
So you often get bad teammates in solo is what you're saying?
9 -
Based on my 5-year experience, at least 2 people in your team are bad 75% of the games you play. Bad teammates = bad results. And it's not like they're bad because they suck, they simply don't play every day or are casuals that jump in a game for fun and cooperate little to complete the objectives
7 -
They just showed us that 56% of the player base is soloQ survivors, and people on the forums don't understand why survivor mains are quitting. We were told this patch was going to make camping and tunneling harder, so that soloQ survivors felt like they had tools to deal with it. What it ended up doing was not touching camping at all, and actually making tunneling something you should do. On top of making killers stronger and nerfing your best tools to deal with tunneling.
Anyone telling you to calm down and stop whining, is not doing you any favors, they are trying to shut you up.
48 -
I'm just killing myself on the hook now if I get hooked first, don't wanna drag a boring game out.
8 -
The problem with solo queue is not only that players are bad but lack of communication makes it impossible to do anything, you are matching 4 strangers and asking them to play as a team and perform a task that requires team play without the tools to be a team, basically 4 randoms that are that are blind, deaf and mute. seriously just a set of message pings would be good for solo queue but devs just want to ignore community feedback.
16 -
I agree that the buffs were a bit much and some things need to be toned down a bit
That said
If you choose to play a team based game you should be willing to accept to lose because of bad teammates. Just as you would eagerly accept getting carried by a exceptional one.
7 -
People like you are a part of the problem since you ruin everyone's else chance of doing anything.. 3v1 games are impossible at 5 gens.
35 -
Solo que has always been garbage.. from 2016-now nothing has really changed in that regard
4 -
Solo Q is pure DBD. The original concept. Random good and bad matches depend on the killer choice, the map, what addons and items are used, perks, and of course the players. That is a 6-year-old story.
I have had some of the most exciting escapes and 1 in a million moments in Solo Q.
It demands taking on a grim aspect to queue it up. Defiance of death. Determination, skill, and altruism. Heros and cowards show their true colors.
5 -
If I'm hook and everyones doing nothing I'm not wasting my time.
3 -
You got a point there. BHVR is working on a solution to bring soloQ gameplay much more on par with SWF via icons that showcase what action everyone is doing. The original plan was to first buff soloQ to semi-SWF levels and then balance killers accordingly, but I guess they had to sidestep their original plan, because the killer experience was getting worse and worse, tanking killer numbers to unprecidented low numbers.
I totally feel you and think that BHVR is still working on that action icons. It sometimes sucks that things that are important to you are proceeding so slowly, but believe me, this buff for killers was sorely needed! I wish though that the action icons are coming pretty soon, as this will help even soloQ players to somewhat coordinate and not waste precious time on redundant actions.
What sticks out as a sore thumb, though is that BHVR hasn`t touched the camping and tunneling problem in the slightest. DH needed to go and the 10% killer buff was also needed to shake the killers role as a punshing bag and party gag, but camping and tunneling now seems to run even more rampant then ever. I can't understand why, because the game is finally fun again as killer, but here we are. I hope that we will see more like a carrot solution instead of a stick, but only time will tell. Maybe give the killer a crow notification of the furthest survivor when hooking, so that they are incentived to move there while also slowing down hook progression while not in chase and too close to the hook.
11 -
Exactly this. I agree the Devs went a bit crazy but some of these changes were needed.
I play straight SoloQ survivor and I do my best to be a team player but most of the time it gets me killed because they don't return the favor or are just plain bad. Do I blame the Devs or killers no.
3 -
The real problem is that we don't know yet what the new META are.
See? Some of us understand.
The previous META wasn't found in one day.
3 -
I've been a bit less altruistic after a few similar experiences. I've also got better teams over the matches. (And I believe my current build is finally close to what the META will look like)
1 -
What's that I haven't had enough time to play until this weekend to really mess around with builds for my survivors
0 -
You can play META yet if it's only you then you can't 1vs1 a killer...
1 -
I'm glad they buffed killers. I won't complain. But don't buff them on my solo Q experience expense. One person can't carry another 2 or 3 to win a match.
1 -
They might wanna fast track those practice bots tbh, they seem very needed for the present moment for many players.
1 -
OTR is almost 100%
Lucky Break feels pretty good and consistently let me drop the first chase easily.
And after that it becomes a bit complicated.
Sprint Burst or Lithe (Sprint Burst is better but more difficult to use properly). DH isn't out yet but it feels too difficult to use well.
And on the still-to-be-sorted-out pile, there is:
Hope, Lightweight, Quick & Quiet, Dance with me on one side.
Breakout, WGLF on the other. Maybe with saboteur too but I'd rather use a toolbox at the moment.
Depending on the desired role.
0 -
SWFS are the problem. SWFs on comms especially. Match them with the top percent and make known that you're playing up against a SWF.
4 -
Have you tried SB with Fixated and lightweight?
0 -
Obviously. Especially since I'm not exactly a good survivor to being with (unless I'm going against a Nurse, then I'm can usually last a bit more)
0 -
No, but it sounds like a good idea, thanks.
0 -
You got a point and I agree absolutely there.
However... the patch is out since 3 days... like idk maybe give the devs some time?
Also kinda funny how this patch is "hell" for solo q but back then when old Ds (where it triggered on your first pick up without any requirements) was literally destroying Killers on each match and we had to even endure this for almost a year.
Not saying everyone needs to suffer the same... but stop making this as it would be the end of the world, its not like survivors didnt got left out and got nothing.
Again I agree that solo q does desperately needs changes.
1 -
Too many survivors throw hissy fits when they don't get their way so they DC hoping to bully the devs into giving them their easy mode back.
It's time to make harsher DC penalties.
Post edited by Rizzo on9 -
There is no meta. Except BT and Off the Record every reworked perk is F tier. Useless and trash, compared to the previous meta.
I mean, PHARMACY. And Behaviour thinks this replaces or even comes near (old) Self Care, or offers any true value whatsoever.
Literal, actual OmegaLOL
0 -
Compared to the busted DH? Hopefully nothing is as strong. But there are pretty good perks and combinations to try. (Along with the appropriate associated tactic)
1 -
That seems like a good way to anger already angry people.
0 -
People who are actively harming the experience for other players because they aren't getting their way you mean. In other words, crybabies will cry.
5 -
I would argue abusing broken game mechanics is harming my game experience.
4 -
All I can say is, they're doing something right. This is an hour where usually survivor queues for me is at 10-20 minutes. Now it's less than 2 minutes.
1 -
It does seem to be that losing chase is going to be more important then lasting longer in chase
I hope i see more tricky houdini type builds. Those are fun to play
0 -
So we should balance survivors being a 4 man team around the idea that only 2 understand what to do, what happens when 4 good survivors get together in swf?
2 -
I would argue it has always been the case but killers used to be "mostly harmless" so with a little skill they could be kited for a while. (With a few exceptions.)
Now it's probably still possible but it requires more skills to do, so not being seen or being able to vanish without a trace is the safest way. As a bonus, Nurse which is so difficult to understand for many players is weak against stealth.
By vanishing the killer has the choice looking around "forever" or trying to find someone else.
The term "guerilla tactic" comes to mind. Legion may become a favorite.
1 -
That's the $1M question isn't it?
I'm curious to see one experienced killer streamer go against that (say, a 7K hours or more)
1 -
Well, someone finally pointed out what's wrong with this game and its balance issues! SWF. Think of all the problems it would solve if they just made the game solo q only.
1 -
If there is more killer players, you'll match with bad survivor AND bad killers, what's the issue?
0 -
It's a combination of too many changes at the same time. They were supposed to 'change' the meta, but they only managed to truly do that for one side; the survivors.
As killer, you still have a lot of very good stackable gen-regression perks at your disposal. But god forbid survivors get to stack anything. Camping wasn't addressed & tunneling got incentivised more so due to 1 perk that gave a survivor a slight advantage aka OTR. But also because it's overall easier to do so thanks to all the base killer buffs. As for their plans for SoloQ, it was all talk & no show.
Let's not forget that game is soon going to be on sale and a lot of new players will be added to the bowl. With MMR "working" as it does, Solo is probably going to get worse.
2 -
keep the attitude !
2 -
Just had a roughly 46 minutes game against a legion with thana, scourge hook gift of pain,hex plaything and pentimento. Spoiler alert: all of us died at 2 gens still remaining. Second spoiler: Map we played on was Azarov's resting place.
Now let that sink in
6 -
Wait, killer mains was crying almost half year, and now we got this patch. Lol
3 -
*gives hug*
That is absolutely insane. Didn't Peanits say that no game should go on for longer than 30min and if it did it counted as being 'held hostage'? I'm paraphrasing here and I'm not 100% sure tho, but I think he/they said something along those lines.
I don't want to let that sink in, I'd rather turn my PC off and go touch grass 💀 I hope you have a wonderful day despite that!
3 -
SWF is 100% still fine but solo q is a slaughter like you said. SWFS just have to play slightly smarter now
2 -
So you love having virtually no good perks to use? weird
1 -
Has always been instant for me and still is.
0 -
Yes, it's exactly what I've said. I like playing with handicaps that are worse than no perk equipped at all 🙄
Instead of trying to adapt and rise to the challenge, pout an cry. It'll go well.
0 -
Holy ######### 44% of survivors are SWF?? I assumed much, much lower what the actual #########?
2 -
If you're trying to say that's not what you say, you shouldn't just make up what I said either.
Also, you're free to urban evasion and blend in a generator simulator. Don't tell me how I should play or what I should enjoy, or try to adapt to.
Thank you, Claudette.
1 -
See? Again with the distortion. I wish you good luck in your future endeavors.
0 -
There are still good perks to use though? Just because there are no Old Dead Hard tier perks around anymore doesn't mean there's not good ones.