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Any word on when the BP bonus will be back?



  • Member Posts: 857

    Am I glad I didn't buy the Rift Pass, might just not complete this one if the incentives are gone for weeks.

  • Member Posts: 142

    What about people who didn’t have anyone prestiged or people who start playing after the update? For those people the new grind is unbearably slow maybe even gamebreaking.

  • Member Posts: 142

    What about people who didn’t have anyone prestiged or started playing after the update? For those people the new grind is unbearably slow maybe even gamebreaking.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    LOL why am I not surprised that people are complaining about something that only one side of the playerbase was receiving erroneously in multiple ways. You aren't OWED anything.. You don't DESERVE anything. It was not working as intended plain and simple. This feature was barely live for 1 day - so please stop acting like it was some long established thing which suddenly got taken away - for no reason. Entitled doesn't even cover a lot of the replies to this issue.

  • Member Posts: 412

    That's false. Anyone was able to claim the 100% BP bonus, if you don't play both sides that's your problem.

    The issue is, this solution was put in place because of the removal of the BP bonus from BBQ and WGLF, as stated on the forums a few times by BHVR.

    Without this bonus there is only cakes, flans and streamers for extra BP which is still nowhere near the amount you'd usually get by stacking with double points. People have every right to complain, just as much as you have to complain about people complaining.

    In my opinion this is a very reasonable and just complaint from the player base. The grind is still awful, and earning double points to counter the grind made the game more enjoyable for me personally. Without it, it still feels like a chore.

  • Member Posts: 75

    I don't think anyone implied that this was some long-established feature, so I'm not quite sure where you are getting that from.

    I agree, if it wasn't working as intended it absolutely should be fixed. It is very unfortunate and disappointing that it didn't work properly in the first place since it is one of the features they promoted leading up to this patch and which promised another bit of grind reduction. Now we will have to possibly wait weeks for this fix and without the BBQ/WGLF BP bonus it feels like the blood point gain was reduced. The incentive would definitely sway me personally to play either killer or survivor depending on the current bonus.

    So I think it is only fair for players to voice their disappointment and give feedback on this forum. I don't think anyone can say what someone deserves or doesn't deserve.

  • Member Posts: 412

    Very well said.

    I agree, the incentive will definitely determine what role I choose to play.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    This was not put in place due to the removal of BP from BBQ & WGLF. It's a matchmaking incentive designed to help with queue times on both sides as explained in our Dev Update back from June:

    The percentages vary depending on what role is needed (if any) at that given time, taking region, MMR etc into account.

  • Member Posts: 191

    Incorrect, but I'd love to see why you think this is true.

    Here's the difference between old grind and new:

    Old way - You leveled a killer or survivor to 40, and you unlocked their teachable perks. Yay! Now the fun part starts. you grind level after level on every player in hopes the new teachable perk appears (and still need to get it to T2 and T3)

    New way - You level a killer or survivor to 50 and prestige them. Now all of that killer or survivors perks instantly appear (T1) for use. Note the difference. Now you don't have to find the T1 perk in the blood web. Every killer or survivor now owns that perk. Prestige the player again and that goes up to T2 (or simply find T2 in the blood web).

    You passively gain perks across the board just by leveling up whatever player you want. You can still do it the old fashion way if you don't want to level up that killer, but most of the time you're going to instantly see perks appearing on every player during the normal course of play.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Uhhh no you are 100% wrong. The BP bonus was ALWAYS about queues and evening out the ratio of survivor and killers and had nothing to do with BBQ and WGLF as stated by @MandyTalk multiple times in this thread. Please post those threads where people from BHVR stated otherwise.... You can't just claim otherwise without proof.

    They specifically stated that the BP from WGLF and BBQ was being removed DUE TO THE GRIND BEING LESSENED with the new Prestige system all the way back at the end of June when they first announced the perk changes. In that same post and stream they specifically stated that matchmaking incentives were about evening out the player base/queue times. I have yet to see one person from BHVR post anything contradicting that and confirming otherwise.

    Gaining BP is easier than ever now. Getting perks on characters is easier than it has ever been. No one is owed "compensation" for the matchmaking incentives being down. A system which was broken and only awarded BP matchmaking to survivors was unfair and completely negated the entire purpose of the system.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    As stated multiple times by BHVR the matchmaking incentives had nothing to do with WGLF and BBQ. The bonuses from both were taken away due to the massive buff to the prestige/perk system...and made even less now with the 10k per emblem/40k per match maximum. I can already tell you from the completely lopsided population of survivors v. killers that survivors will not see this incentive very often when it is fixed and implemented. Gaining things in DBD is so much easier now - sorry you don't feel that this last patch literally put millions of BP into your characters because for a large portion of the player base... it did through keeping all their addons/items and gaining so many perks free without having to go through the bloodweb another 30-50 levels.

  • Member Posts: 75

    I understand that the incentives are intended to improve the matchmaking times. But any bonus to BP is exactly that - a bonus. In case you misunderstood, I didn't say "they promised this as a grind reduction" but that "it promised to be a grind reduction". Without the BP bonus of BBQ/WGFL the blood point gain does "feel" lower than it used to, at least for me personally. I play mostly survivor in solo queue and so far I haven't reached even close to the 40k BP cap. Maybe I should just "get good"? But I have to say I'm a fairly casual player and play DbD for fun. I also think they should adjust the BP scoring events you get throughout the match.

    At least in my region (EU) and my MMR range the killer queues currently seem very long (5-10 minutes during the day, 3-5 minutes in the evening) so I'm not sure if the incentive will be there for either side or not, I guess we will just have to see for ourselves once the incentives are back. If the incentives won't be there frequently then I will probably just log in, check and then close the game again unless my friends are also playing.

    As survivor I mostly just play 2 or 3 different survivors so I don't really feel I massively benefitted from the progression rework but that's not really my issue.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    They literally said why they removed the BP bonus. Because perks should be picked in regard of their effect to the match, and not by the BP reward you get afterwards. And that makes totally sense. And this is not contradictory to "we want to reduce the grind" how many say. Also as said, they reduce the grind so there is not the need anymore to pick BP perks for being a BP perk. You restrict yourself to 3 perk slots by being forced to pick a BP perk, and to remove this need, they reduced the grind hard enough to not depend on the BP part of the perk

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    You restrict yourself to 3 perk slots by being forced to pick a BP perk

    All BHVR did was make it so I only have 3 perks I want to run. I have an empty slot. I put Deadlock in there for now because it slows down matches for more XP with no input required from me. I won't run it once the Double Rift Fragment event is over, though, because I hate long matches. And I'm not seeing any great changeup in killer perks as survivor. No BBQ just means more gen slowdown, and I much preferred having killers run BBQ over gen perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    the grind was not reduced for everyone, there are many outliers where the changes have varying results. Some people made out like bandits, others have more work and less tools to earn it with. The BP tax required for each prestige was introduced for literally zero reason, and incentives like this get touted as an offset to the "two steps forward but one forcibly taken back" approach they took to rebalancing the grind. At the end of the day, some people are either worse off or unaffected by any reduction the grind has seen, so they've been trying to rationalize the absolute mess of contradictions the system has had for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,386

    You've already previously stated when arguing your case in regards to BBQ/WGLF points removal that "Hey,now there's also Matchmaking Incentives so really your gains ain't that bad" (paraphrased)


  • Member Posts: 3,627

    This has nothing to do with the point I was talking about, but ok, a valid opinion

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    can you be more detailed on what you mean? I know that focussing on one character is now a bit more costy if you just want to unlock perks and have it on your main, because prestiging is more expensive than unlocking teachables at lv 40.

    but talking about new players, you could also mention that those ppl had to buy a pay dlc to get the BP perk, unlock it and then grind to possibly level 100 before they occassionally find it in the bloodweb. this is not a thing anymore. you could say the same on leveling your main char only. yes, you might need level the other char to 51 instead of 40, but then you also get 3 perks for free, you dont have to find them.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    The fact that it was not about "too much BP" is good to hear, but I wish I could know if it was the way it was calculated, or the bonus always being 100%. I don't mind the bonus changing based on queue times from 25% to 100%, that's sensible, but I really hope the bonus stays multiplicative like it was before it got turned off.

  • Member Posts: 806

    BBQ and WGLF died for this. Ugh...

    Why are you punishing players with the grind?

  • Member Posts: 944
    edited July 2022

    Chill we ask for it because killer queue is long atm and it was just fine with the bonus, survivors don't gain enough BP anyway they could just give a temporary bonus until it's fixed, it's not that big of a deal and would help killer queue

  • Member Posts: 162
    edited July 2022

    Had an effect on times?? Killer queue's were STILL ######### through the roof while Survivors were getting instant queue's because there weren't enough of us WITH the bonus on. What are you even talking about

    And LOL "Varying percentage". So you take away BP bonuses on Perks because of the implementation of this system. IMMEDIATELY disable said system, leaving the grind to be just as bad as it was prior to do anything on multiple characters. But then decide to vary the amount of bonus for literally no reason. What even is going on in your heads

  • Member Posts: 142

    The problem on hand is they actually didn't reduce the grind like they promised. The grind currently is way worse than before.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    The variables used did not affect everyone evenly, nor include variables that were more important at times. Perks used to be only 2 per web no matter the level, so people who did the grind before that to any degree had variations between perks present and bloodwebs spent. old BBQ and WGLF making bp gains much higher quite consistently further offsets this. Basically the reduction has disproportionate value with how much progress was made previously, and some people didn't make out very well overall.

  • Member Posts: 3,627


    from my point of view, I got every teachable unlocked on tier 3. I dont have a constantly raising number of characters (59 at the momen) needing to unlock 18 perk tiers every DLC, instead I need to prestige 2 characters to P3 and am done (while these 2 characters start with every teachable in their inventory at level 1, being full perk once they reached like level 40 the first time).

    regarding addon rarity they already said it will be adjusted, so you dont get kicked back to low rarity baby webs every 50 levels. regarding low level players I mentioned later how this might be a BIT more expensive in a specific situation, but also that is relative. so how exactly did the grind become worse?

    you mean that prestige 100 is nearly not reachable to casual players? that one thing that has literally no effect on gameplay? or is it about prestiging every character to 9 instead of 3 max, just to get those fancy ugh perk charms? so yeah, regarding the collectible addiction, grind has become worse

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    What's bugging me in these posts is all the people who are saying they want BBQ and WGLF to have bloodpoint bonuses, when if the goal is giving people more bloodpoints the much, MUCH better approach would be to simply either increase the base bloodpoints per match or increase the bonuses the bloodpoint offerings give you. Having bloodpoint bonuses as a balancing factor on perks is bad game design since they don't directly impact the match. Ideally you want all the perks to be more or less equally impactful on the match itself, give or take the specific combos they're typically used in and such. Having a perk with a weak impact on the game but that gives currency used between games just means people are enticed to "play at a handicap" during the match.

    So instead make the offerings and base match scores be the main sources of bloodpoints (outside of missions and events and giveaways). Boost those primary sources and ideally leave bloodpoints out of the perks altogether. If "new players need more bloodpoints" is the problem then boost their baseline points they get, don't stick it on perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Im not sure if I can follow. So you say that the problem is how people got BP before the patch? I dont get how this affects the grind rework, for who has the grind become worse? can you give a number example? if we have a 75% reduction, then in exchange a perk that doubles BP (50% grind recudtion) is just worse

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    nah, its more the BP efficiency itself before, as well as other factors like bloodweb costs/worthless nodes/etc. the 75% reduction number is not a standard, it has absolutely no bearing on what progress people had previously. Making the catchup mechanic based on P level and perks earned makes previous progress nonlinear so it can't have an absolute result. it would be more accurate to say it was something like a 35%-75% reduction than a flat 75%.

    Then there are the variables that work against the reduction, like forced prestige costs, going the teachable route requiring at least 10 more webs per character, the bbq/qglf bonus having no replacement in a baseline mechanic or even alternative, the "role in need" meme not only not being a suitable replacement but not even working, etc. That amount of reduction offset gets eaten up fast with some of these issues, so the ones who won out don't really see how rough it can be between the cracks.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Boosting BP overall would be good.

    It'd also be good to make the WGLF/BBQ stacks base kit. Getting a BBQ 4-stack was my win condition. I came across a lot of killers when playing survivor who played specifically for the 4-stack. And WGLF encouraged altruism, BHVR should have given more ways to get WGLF stacks and made it all base kit. Rewarding gameplay that benefits others in the match makes players happy.

    I'd rather have the BBQ/WGLF bonuses be base kit than have them attached to perks, but I'd rather have them attached to perks than not have them at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    If there is a universal BP bonus that will not solve any killer queue issues - why would survivors play killer if they can get same bonus for playing killer. The incentive system was not working because it was ONLY giving survivors the bonus completely negating the point of the system. Once the system is back - it will incentivize people to play the role that is needed - a universal BP bonus right now will not do that. The only thing a bonus will do right now is keep people playing the same role they already planned to play - keeping the imbalance in roles played. And I gain plenty of BP as a survivor and killer - maybe if survivors stopped DCing so much or actually PLAYED they would actually gain BP. This game is so much easier to get stuff in than it was prior to the patch - so no I don't think a universal BP bonus is needed to compensate. My BASE BP average was 26,091 (not including offerings) in my survivor matches. I am not some pro-looper or survivor - I just know that you have to actually do various tasks to optimize your points in a match. What I have seen since the patch is a complete joke on the survivor side - people "looping" for 10-15 seconds.. ignoring players on hooks.. hiding like crazy.. running around doing nothing (definitely ignoring gens)... it's like the people I am playing with (most of whom have 2k+ hours) are brand new Claudettes. Part of me thinks some survivors are actually trying to throw the data off by playing like complete idiots. Anyways - the incentive system will be back soon - if you can't play without it - take a week or so off - especially if you feel that playing right now is not worth your time or not fun without it. (I say that in the absolute nicest way.. not like a "THEN DON'T PLAY!! way).

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I'm all for BBQ and WGLF getting tokens that stack, but they really should be tokens that have an effect on the match itself, not be bloodpoint bonuses. For instance the duration of BBQ and Chili's aura could increase +1.5 seconds per token on it, that would be a pretty decent informational boost.

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