BHVR just killed their own game.

Remember when Halloween chapter came out and they changed unrelenting because it would stack with stbfl? Yeah now you have old unrelenting that stacks with stbfl. You know what baffles me more? The fact that they downgrade survivor meta to the point where it barely can compete against strong killers or just outright and blatantly lie or contradict themselves with the example of how they fixed camping and tunneling while nerfing tools that prevent tunneling and camping to the ground. Thanks BHVR for killing your game, I'm done.
Get good
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Just like they did in every other updates, yeeees.
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RIP DbD 2016-
201720182019202020212022 this time for sure!
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Don't worry, they will Behaviour this update even further in the future.
What they're probably going to do, is pull off a Behaviour move. A Behaviour move in this case will be something like:
"We are VERY proud of the last patch we released and we would like to congratulate ourselves for the work we have done. As always, we clearly have addressed most issues and most complaints. However, since we are near perfect, but not quite, there have been unwanted side effects of this perfect patch we released. So, now, we are increasing the basekit Endurance and Haste effect from 5 to 6 and a half seconds. Simultaneously, we will be buffing Prove Thyself from 15% increase speed to 15,8% speed. While you might think these changes might be too strong, we will be monitoring the effects they cause carefully."
Get Behavioured, goodbye.
22 -
I haven't faced a nurse or a blight yet since the update. Sure they are much stronger now (and they should be looked at) but making more killers viable is good for variety.
Fixing a lot of issues, but not all of them is enough for you to say they're killing their game?
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That prove thyself buff is weirdly familiar... yeah, it's like the buff thana got.
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I really can´t get the grip how people complain about the 0,5% buff of Thana. This perk is only useful on Legion and Plague. Yet everyone starts to claim that DbD dies. It has been "dying" for 5 years. This patch won´t kill it.
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Solo queue is dead but SWF's and playing killer isn't, it's definitely unbalanced and damaged the game but because of other play options idk if it will die, they'll definitely loose a lot of players tho Inno i'm not going to be able to keep playing in this state of solo q and I don't find killer fun :/
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Instead of directly addressing the issue they nerf everything else entirely, nice.
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It takes a lot of entitlement to look at your personal feelings and postulate: If I'm done, that must mean no one else is happy and the game is dying.
See you in the fog.
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It should.
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Solo is just fine. I've been playing solo survivor since the update and almost nothing had changed other than my teammates are having a hard time because they never learned to play without three 2nd chance perks and IW. Now whenever they hear the killer's terror radius they run like a frightened cat.
Give it 2 - 3 weeks and people will start to adjust to life without DH.
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😆 This is perfect! I'm saving it for future reference. Why did I read it in Otzdarva voice?
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You can't shame survivors for running anti-tunneling and anti-camping perks when there are Pinheads running Thana, Plaything, Pentimento, and pick your last slowdown against solo queue. I'm not working the math out, but gens are 90 seconds, nearly three minutes with 4 stacks of Thana and one stack of Pentimento. Add to this running to the other side of the map to get the box, whatever time to do the box (if he doesn't teleport directly onto you), and the time it takes to run back to the gen that lost all its progress because it turns out Pinhead running Call of Brine. It is unfair. A word that isn't applied often to this game and really hard to justify. But it is true after this update.
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This content has been removed.
I predict 2026, but for real!
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I'm not shaming anyone for running them. I am saying that they were over relied on. DH and DS let survivors get away with bad plays and instantly fix their mistakes and drag the chase out another 30+ seconds. Now that they don't have those options their lack of skill or experience in chase is really showing. With practice things will get better.
Regarding your Pinhead scenario: this should never happen. Thana should never be at 4 stacks for long. Survivors have more than enough items and perks to heal and keep it under control. Likewise Pentimento is easily dealt with. Since it has to replace a hex or a Boon, if the killer is actually running Shattered Hope, then everyone should know where the Pentimento totems are. You see exactly where a Boon was so you should know to check it when you see Pentimento activate, and you get a loud noise notification and visual graphic of the general area a Hex is cleansed so you should know to check it as well when Pentimento activates
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I didn't expect you to say something negative like this :(
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DBD no longer has anything that I really enjoy.
Doesn't really matter to me whether this game lives or dies.
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The only time they ever got close to that was when they first implemented the MMR system.
Not to mention that it is WAY too early to make a statement like this.
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The best thing to do for now is uninstall and play something else.
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The irony that killers also said this in previous patches. 😉
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The funny part of watching the players who clearly main killer saying stuff like 'git good' or 'people have been saying the game will die every year *yawn*' are actually totally oblivious to the fact this time its different lol.
I know 6 friends who played hardcore for 3 to 4 years and only 2 of us are left and play maybe 1 or 2 games now every few days.
Totally agree that people crying on forums is one thing.... but i have seen 1st hand a lot of people actually saying theyre just bored and done with the game and its because its not fun to play the game anymore in its last state and even less so now!
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lmfao why is this so true
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This isnt an Us vs Them comment, chill.
He's talking about the dbd community in general. We get it, you get off to Us vs Them arguments.
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Dude, your title is such a clickbate. You have a talent.
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Would have expected this from quite a few members, but not you, Seth.
So many people on the Forums wish for DBD to lose players, especially because that serves as an incentive for the devs to do better. To admit their mistakes.
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I think this patch will bring back a lot of players, but solo queue is rough.
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It sure is.
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I'm a survivor main who has bought all of the survivors and im done with this game after the update. Why play this game anymore, why spend my money on it anymore. moving on to better games. peace out!
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There is plenty wrong with me, but that is besides the point.
If you like the game, good for you!
I don't, and if I believe DBD must take a loss for the devs to do better, then I can say it. As long as we don't break Forum rules, we are free to voice our opinions, regardless of whether other people agree or not.
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Pointing out hypocrisy isn’t Us vs Them.
I never saw that exact post on the Gloom and Doom Killer Bots are gonna take over DBD” daily posts.
I get off on a lot of things but hypocrisy isn’t one of them. 😘
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Me? Spreading as much negativity as I can? And feel good about it?
Hahaha, that is a new one. Kneel before my negativity, DBD Forums!
You know nothing about me, pal.
But, if you wish to cease the discussion, I will press the matter no further.
I respect other's opinions.
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This game gonna be "DEAD BY DAYLIGHT". :D
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At this point i just think that Behavior should make that as a killer if you camp the survivor that is on the hook, you would start to lose bloodpoints or something like that and for the killer that is tunneling i think they already fix that a bit with the endurance when you unhook yourself or someone save you but there is still a problem with that bc the killer will just wait that endurance run out so they can down you. In the end there is always a problem in this game.