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Anyone else feel like the devs are scared of making strong survivor perks?



  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Problem is people still do. Regression perks were nerfed but the 90 second gens makes most of the nerf pretty unnoticeable. Some even got buffed like overcharge, Jolt and Eruption.

    Survivors needed second chance perks like killers needed regression yet now there isn’t really a good anti tunnel option besides hoping you teammates have BT

  • Member Posts: 228

    Jolt is pretty good ngl, especially in THE GAME map. Very nice. Overcharge is kinda crap cause it makes your regression slow and you might as well bring COB if you want 200% regression. Eruption and Jolt very nice Combo. and with THANA... yum.

    But i feel that people havent realised that Lucky break is much better now with hiding scracth marks and blood reason being is it can be recharged

  • Member Posts: 913

    Circle of Healing is still busted, and it's also the reason why boon perks will never work as a gameplay mechanic. It's the only boon perk that's any good, and I'd honestly be angry as survivor if I went running halfway across the map to heal myself after seeing a boon totem go up and realizing that it's not CoH. There is effectively only one boon perk, and it's CoH.

    Free infinite heal with the only counter perk being viable in niche builds is still OP.

    Pain Resonance got a nerf that makes it all but useless. Without information, 10% doesn't seem worth running. Making it not work with DMS would probably have been healthy, but now it's just not that great.

    I agree that Call of Brine is an awesome perk, but most killer mains don't agree with me.

    Overcome is actually stronger than the other exhaustion perks with used correctly. Shadow Step, Circle of Healing, Lightweight, Overcome can be devastating.

    I'd say that OTR is now a strong perk. Distortion is now busted as all #########. Spine Chill got a buff disguised as a nerf. You got a bunch of new perks with the update, while killers only really got Overcharge (and it was nerfed before release).

    You mentioned some strong killer perks, but those came at the cost of every good perk we had before that getting nuked. Unlike those, DH is still viable, even if it isn't OP anymore; I've had survivors tank a ton of hits with it.

    I don't think you have a point.

  • Member Posts: 412

    Up until this patch we've had 4 years of OP Survivor Perks 😂 DH, DS, BT, MoM... this post is a joke.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    I think thats alright, considering you dont really want a single Survivor perk to be as influential on a match as a killer perk.

  • Member Posts: 913

    Their job is to make a fun game, not cater to one side of the playerbase over another.

    The recent killer buffs aren't even all that. Chase times are slightly improved, but that's it. Survivors are just salty that their crutch perk is gone and constantly give up or ragequit games when they see a killer or build they don't like. The psychological effect of the killer buff boogeyman is doing more damage than the buffs themselves.

    And most survivors want easy 4Es. Everyone wants to win. They looked at the stats, decided that survivors were winning too often for the health of the game, and did something about it.

    Personally, I consider a 2K a tie (I tell myself I did okay) and a 3K as a win (I pat myself on the back).

    Dead Hard needed to be killed. Does anyone serious disagree with that? It was an instant eraser for any mistake a survivor made. Other than that, a few actions were increased by 10%, and bloodlust now activates quicker. Most of the best killer perks are gone.

    Give it a few weeks and see how things go. Or just... stop playing. Killers dealt with a survivor-sided game for years, and if survivors are going to whine about how they'll threaten BHVR's pocketbook by never playing again when kill rates have only slightly increased if anything, they should go ahead and make good on it. Community is probably better without people like that.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Yes but it is understandable

    Survivors can have 4 of a strong perk.

  • Member Posts: 181

    oh definitely, seeing stuff like dark theroy and overzealous seriously baffle me as perk designs and hurt the team

    Like you spend and waste all that time.... for a 2% speed increase. i hear it makes killers take 20-13% longer to catch up but you got to remember its a looping perk that stuck to a specific small area that also probably lost its pallets making it useless and seeing team mates with just that boon upsets me

    overzealous was just inexcusable too, all that effort for a weaker rescillence you can loose in a split second. you want a bone breaking perk inner healing is the only real one i see

    only good survivor perk ive seen since circle of healing was overcome honestly but they nerfed it to no longer work with endurance hits for some reason so now we only have sprint burst as a good exhaustion option getting unhooked (will say its still top 3 with sprint burst and lithe though now, health state requirement can be steep and match up dependent though)

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Obviously survivor perks have to be balanced differently than killer perks but besides COH survivors have been getting the short end of the stick in terms of perks for ages

    Just look at overzealous and dark theory. 2 perks that launched with such menial numbers that one is already getting a pretty big buff (it still sucks though)

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    YEARS of suffering first down DS and Dead Hard and the world is ending less than a week after a patch that changes things up.

    Please try some of the new perks and think about how you can use them.

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    Very nice bait ! Good job 👍

  • Member Posts: 279

    hey use lightweight thats a new meta combo with off the perk. I play killer and facing survivor with those perk. so difficult to track

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I am. And by doing this I’ve realised how weak and niche the majority of them are especially newer ones

    Self preservation, Overzealous, boon: dark theory, boon: exponential, clairvoyance, resurgence, rookie spirit and counterforce are all example of weak perks released fairly recently.

  • Member Posts: 71

    Clearly they aren't scared of making survivors strong if dead hard was in the game unchanged since 2017

    Killers finally get a sizeable buff for the first time in 5 years and the foundation of the world collapses lmao

  • Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2022

    yeah no on the above post. Even with perk rebalances the only ones survivor side i find strong within the year have been built to last and vigil to a smaller extent.

    I feel built to last is the only competitive healing perk compared to circle of healing, its controllable, counters franklins and still gives a large amount of heals depending on the medkit build you have. even flexible with toolbox and flashlights so like a strong survivor perk it's adaptable.

    vigil is also adaptable and helps deal with a lot of deadly perks aswell as smooth out exhaustion for people not really aquainted with the mechanic enough. really makes sprint burst feel a lot better though i use lithe a good bit more for overall ease of use

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Lightweight is pretty strong but it’s hard to tell when you get value from it especially without fixated

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I did watch that video and kinda agree. The old meta is still stronger than the majority of perks which is a problem with a meta shake up update

  • Member Posts: 11,534
  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Yes but that was released in 2017. Since then COH is the on,y perk to ever significantly change perk loudouts.

    Witb this update not many perks have actually been made strong so it feels like the old meta is still being used

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Circle of Healing released last year and is also super strong.

    Other good perks released after 2017 are Deliverance, Lucky Break, Soul Guard, and the new OTR.

    Also the current version of Prove Thyself was added after 2017.

  • Member Posts: 71

    A perk that was released early 2017, the strongest survivor perk, was finally nerfed in the second half of 2022

    you can still use coh, OTR makes you basically invisible as long as you aren't getting face camped, Lightweight is actually not a bad perk in chases, and we'll make it is even more viable now.

    I've been using Prove thyself, overcome, we'll make it, and desperate measures to counter slowdown, and it works very well

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Lucky break launched extremely safe and needed a mini rework to become good. Despite this it had its duration halted before launch

    Deliverance is okay but inconsistent as hell. Very balanced perk but not reliable especially in solo queue

    Soul guard is decent but honestly who even uses hexes atm? Most of them suck so this perks value isn’t always guaranteed

    Prove thyself is just as good as it has always been really. Definitely a solid option though

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    A perk getting reworked to become good is still a good perk. I personally think Lucky Break is very underrated.

    The hex part of Soul Guard isn't its greatest strength, it's the endurance part. But back when it released hexes were very common so it was a solid pick.

    Original Prove Thyself wasn't that good as Leader outshined it. The current Prove Thyself is much better than old Prove Thyself and old Leader.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    My point for lucky break is that it initially launched with very safe values as most survivor perks do. This isn’t the case as often for killer perks (PR, Deadlock, Call of Brine, Starstruck and pentimento all launched with fairly high values)

    Not to say it doesn’t happen at all for killers. The likes of eruption, Gift of pain an oppression are all perks that launched pretty weak. I just feel like killer has been more opportunities to get strong perks at launch

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    Because of Aftercare's triggering conditions, and it's reset condition.

    Empathic Connection tells injured solo survivors:

    • Where to or not to take the killer in chase (if they are on death hook and need someone to take aggro or if EC survivor is on a gen)
    • Where they can find someone to heal them
    • Where the killer is currently located (if EC survivor looks like they are looping)
    • Where a generator is (if EC survivor is on a gen)

    Solo survivors' biggest weaknesses are:

    • Knowing where to kite the killer
    • Getting healed in a timely manner
    • Approximating the killer's location
    • Finding generators that have or are being worked on

    Empathic Connection gives other survivors all the information they need to make meaningful contributions to the team. All it takes is one person running this perk for the whole team to look more coordinated.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Good thing I rarely use slowdown perks besides merciless storm.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Ok that makes sense. I get your point.

    I think a lot of it comes down to just how powerful the old meta perks were. It took CoH, a perk that was absolutely busted on release, to make people consider swapping their builds. I think now that the meta perks are nerfed we might get some more useful survivor perks later (and hopefully no more slowdown perks for killers :p)

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    So let me get this right....

    You are saying that the New Survivor Perks are weaker then what already is in the game?

    Maybe cause they realized what they did with previous Survivor Perks and didn't want that to happen again... cause maybe it's bad if 1 Survivor runs a Perk but if all 4 Survivor do it then it becomes an issue (IMO)

    Also 1 Killer is in play per match so the Killer side does kinda need a little more power in the perks (again IMO)

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I’m more so talking about how the devs always seem to release survivor perks very weak and then potential buff them up later. A new chapter release should have the perks be centre stage especially for survivors since the character themself is just a skin. The same generally doesn’t occur for killer (Still does in some cases like pyramid head)

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    You are feeding this discussion by commenting. Don’t comment at all if you think I’m trolling

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    We’ll have to see. With the likes of new calm spirit though I’m worried they won’t change their habits.

    And yes let’s hope regression (especially repair speed debuff) perks are out of the question for awhile now. I actually quite like all 3 of dredge’s perks even if they are kinda weak so I hope they continue the trend of chase/info perks

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    I dont think you are trolling.. Im sure you are ! And congratulation you did it well everybody was baited. I like to be a troll sometimes but you are way better than me good job dude !

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Damn you caught me. Just when I thought I had everyone fall for it

    But you saying solo queue was buffed this patch in another thread far outclasses mine. That’s bait of the year material right there

  • Member Posts: 5,605
  • Member Posts: 1,182

    I'm curious, why do you like his perks if you think they're weak?

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    For the last 2 years COH has been the only strong survivor perk

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I find them fun to use. Dissolution can be great on clown, Septic touch is a nice addition to anti heal builds and darkness revealed is great on huntress for cross map shots and pretty busted on nurse tbh

  • Member Posts: 495

    Yeah like boons uh?

    Perk: Win Boon

    A rock will be highlighted at the start of the match, loop it 60s to win.

  • Member Posts: 601

    There's 4 survivors, so whenever you make a strong perk that runs the risk of being very strong, you can run into serious balance issues due to that

  • Member Posts: 811

    I agree.

    Since it's a 4vs1 game, a survivor perk can be used by 4 people, so if the effect is strong, it will get out of cotrol, it makes sense most perks have downsides to compensate.

    Dead hard was such a nice perk before the patch because it's a perk that you can use anytime in a chase to extend it. No other perk is impactful like this one.

  • Member Posts: 418

    I've noticed this too!

    The last real strong survivor perk we got was CoH. Haddie's perks are mediocre at best and whilst Yoichi has a couple of good perks (Parental Guidance & Empathetic Connection), they're very situational and still don't match the power of some of the recent killer perks.

    To put things into perspective, in the last year killers have received the following meta perks: Lethal Pursuer, Scourge: Pain Resonance, and two strong Hex perks (Pentimento and Plaything). A strong case can also be made for perks like Grim Embrace, Merciless Storm, Call of Brine, and Dissolution being really strong, too!

    The only real 'meta' perk survivor's have had is CoH, and I suppose you could also argue Overcome too. If you look at all the survivors released in the last year or so (RE survivors, Jonah, Yoichi, and Haddie): some of their perks are mediocre/situational at best (Bite The Bullet, Blast Mine, Parental Guidance, etc.) whilst others are borderline useless (Dark Theory, Corrective Action, etc.). It's fair to assume the past few chapters they've focused on strengthening the killer, so after the recent update, it'll be interesting to see what kind of perks both sides get.

  • Member Posts: 115

    this post is crazy, let me count the busted survivor perks just since ive played. DS 5 seconds stun added due to endurance, endurance then changed to no longer work on DS but DS not reverted. Metal of man a perk SO busted that devs only took like 3 months to nerf it. Dead hard, stays the same for years. COH after multiple nerfs still a really strong and very viable perk. boil over a perk so strong THEY HAVE TO CHANGE MAPS built to last can take those toolboxs that got changes and refill them multiple times iron will a perk that was changed TO COUNTER ITS COUNTER PERK, object of obsession RUINED TOURNEMENT PLAY COMPLETELY .

    strong killer perks just got added. we had Ruin undying and that got changed quick to be able to be completely gone in 2 minutes and it took 2 perk slots. there isnt a single perk every released that changes the game on the scale any one of those does on killer side. the closes was pain resonance i mean the closest now is overcharge but you just have to tap the gen to stop it from being full power.

    this isnt even count other perks like sprint burst, spine chill, borrowed time, unbreakable, overcome. which are all strong perks but not as strong as those are. gee wilikers sure looks like killer perks are just so op

  • Member Posts: 61

    I agree, new options would ensue a new meta for survivors, which is something I'd like to see. Instead theyve been relying on killer perks to sway the meta it seems. This last patch even seemed to create the same meta with the "same perks" just different names lol

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    *Looking at Sadako and Dredge*

    No, I think they afraid to make a strong killer...

    (About perks)

    It depends on what perks for survivors considered as "strong".

  • Member Posts: 357

    Ok, devs said that they nerfed selfcare because they think that having the capability of healing at will is not balanced at all. Then you find Circle of Healing and bottany stacking, giving you the exact same thing they said that was too strong.

    Then we have Off The Record, which has received a considerable buff that transformed it into one of the strongest perks in the game for survivors.

    We also have some exhaustion perks that give haste (sprintburst, balanced landing, agility) , perks that if are used with knowledge can be also strong.

    Then, about your "strong" killer perks, lethal pursuer can only be used once and needs addons and aura reading perks to be useful. Pentimento is easy to counter, just do not cleanse if it is not needed, and if shattered hope is in game, do not boon or make sure you cleanse one Pentimento totem so it does not reach 5 stacks. For pain resonance, try to be far from scourge hooks and keep repairing the gen, and have long chases. For Call of Brine, simply stop the regression and be patient. The same world for Deadlock, be patient and if the killer is camping the gen, then go repair another one.

    Every perk in the game can be countered, and many times outsmarting your rival is more than necessary to avoid difficult situations, like a 5-stack Pentimento. Some counters are easy and some are difficult, but if well-executed, the match could be yours.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah let’s hope survivors get some cool new options to play with

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    My guy they made artist this year. Easily a high A tier killer. Nemmy is also pretty strong

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