Took me exactly 28 games to win once as a survivor

I'm speaking about "Strength in numbers" challenge, where you have to have at least one survivor escape while you still in match.
Trivia (can skip to the next part)
Another SoloQ example. I'm 1.2K hours (so no comments like "you just have to play more"). I almost never used DH before, so nothing new for me perkwise, using same familliar loadout.
Only once I escaped through hatch as last survivor.
Only 3 games were not 4K.
I have starting to get lots of gold and iri "Evader" emblems and be in chases longer than 2 minutes (exept nurse, ofc), which means killers I'm matched with are completely unskilled. Yet almost everytime is 4K
Tunneling is off the charts!
Finally got that book challenge because was matched with 3 SWF bully squad and killer was fresh.
What i wanted to say
SoloQ is literally unplayable, unless you're some pro tournament streamer. Devs should get up the nerve and make a statement: survivor gameplay is supposed for friend play. SoloQ is not meant to be and it's at your own risk. No problem with that, many quesions will be ceased immediately.
System requirements: internet connection, PC/Xbox/PS, 3 friends
Let me give an example: Hunt Showdown. You play 3 vs 3, or 2 vs 2. You can go solo agains duos and gain "underdog" bonus, or agains trios and get super "underdog" bonus. So solo is officially left for streamers, tryhards and challengers. Everyone fine with that. Why just simply acknowledge the same thing in DbD?
That awkward "you kinda can play Solo, but kinda can't" is really disorienting.
Another thing that stumbles me
Why many perks switches off at the EGC? It's like "You lose, but you can play well and go to the end, and then lose anyway". Why? Why killer is obliged to have win? There's some quota?
i recommend some practice, but pop off sis
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The hard truth for you bestie : you were boosted by your perks. You did not belong in the MMR you were.
Don’t worry, your MMR will adjust and you will face killers at your level of skill.
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Survivors will surely need some compensation buffs. Camping and tunneling are now just too effective, seeing as how killers got nice buffs that make their fair skillful gameplay more viable.
But 28 games in a row kind of seems like you seriously got screwed over by matchmaking. Or you still have a lot to improve.
I do think that survivor right now can be problematic. But I definitely still have escaped some of my matches. Never even had nearly as much of a losing streak as that. And I am no survivor pro or anything like that.
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Bro, my survivor MMR technically couldn't be any lower with amount of deaths I have and had. And all perks I'm using stayed the same, unchanged.
Did you even read or it's just weak taunting attempt? :)
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Mmr isn’t based on skill so your argument falls short
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It is not that killer is obligated to win so much as you are not gifted a free escape merely because you brought the perk. Free escapes is NOT how they should be balancing the game and the fact that you even suggest that invalidates the point you are trying to make to begin with.
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I don't know about my MMR, but I 90% sure it's in the very bottom. I'm matched with people roughly the same playtime (1500-500), and they die very fast too.
My point was that if I, after 1200h, have to git gut (I'm ok with that), that means all those I'm matched with also have to git gut. And if so many people have to git gut to play one role, I don't know, man.... Why other role shouldn't git gut? I really learned how to play killer and use many tricks. Again, killers I'm matched with, are obviously not experienced, otherwise I couldn't run from them that long. Yet still, 4K.
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Out of curiosity, in how many of those matches did your teammates play "normal"? Means not suiciding/disconnecting on first hook, actually doing gens instead of afking, and generally sabotaging the match?
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I don't like the phrase "free escape". Why it is free? I saved DS for the end, I played with my team and helped did 5 gens, so endgame happened. It is not free, it's well earned. That logic make Bloodwarden free kill.
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I cannot say exactly, but D/C was only 1 time and in about five matches people just give up and gone into tomfoolery. All others games: couldn't complain on my teammates (or I didn't see what happened beyound my view)
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Only killers. Lol. Only killers.
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Okay, your issue is playing solo q before anything settled down, if you don't want to play in messy MMR and messy teammates, don't play soloq until a month or two.
There is actually too many survivors who relied heavily on all the meta perks, they don't really know what to do and trying things now, I'm not even sure how much people are seriously trying to win.
Btw I do still escape in like 5 or 4 matches, and 2 or 3 of those will finish all the gens, and I'm not even best survivor player, probably it heavily relies on region.
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Rock bottom is having teamates under 100h, trust me I did some tests.
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Lowest MMR is when we start seeing survivors who slow vault in the face of killers and killers outright afk lol
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And? won on my 3rd game.
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Probably you right. I wouldn't play survivor on my own free will, but Rift won't wait and book challenges must be completed. Killer ones I did long time ago.
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More questions how eerie MMR is working. With my deathcount I wouldn't be surprised it's a negative number 😀
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I got a feeling that THIS here is it. I basically used mostly fun and non-meta builds and actually not a lot changed for me. Yeah, the first 5 games were rough as everyone was adjusting to the new and improved killers (and a lot players actually had to realize that they were, in fact, boosted and carried by DH and to a lower extend IW), but after that my games mostly stayed the same.
Well not exactly, it took another two days or so for most of the other survivors to shake their paralysis and actually be doing gens again, but after that it was pretty normal again. You lose some, you win some, but overall the games felt much more like a real slasher movie and not some Helloween Benny Hill Show Special.
""Why many perks switches off at the EGC? It's like "You lose, but you can play well and go to the end, and then lose anyway". Why? Why killer is obliged to have win? There's some quota?""
A lot of the times the EGC posed no danger whatsoever to the survivors. It was a matter of swarming the hook and "gg ez" out of the 99% gates. If the killer didn`t play the (always hated) NOED, he literally had no chance to eek out even one kill, most of the time. It was a damned if you do, damned if you don't kinda situation. Now with the automatic Endgame win perks deactivated it becomes a matter of risk management, again. Everyone got a chance at walking away with some kind of win, but the stakes are up for both sides.
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Seriously make a petition to let BHVR do something for the rift lol
The change is too big to have time limited content like that tbh.
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I escaped 9 times in a row on stream, 1200 hours is still novice level. Sounds like a skill issue.
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well im sorry my friend but youre doing something wrong
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The difference is that hook stages exist and Bloodwarden's timer is not long enough to be considered literally free as DS was genuinely a free escape as all you need to do is cross the exit gate and DS gave you enough distance to do it unless you were hooked cross map, I guess? Albeit, you will never catch me downplaying Bloodwarden. That perk is insanely strong and as you mentioned, very close to a free kill. Especially if the survivor is already 2nd stage.
Heck, there were some meme set ups with it that actually made it pump out free kills. So, you are correct, the logic is pretty similar. Not exactly the same, but close enough? I fail to see the point, really. You want Bloodwarden nerfed? I am not against it.
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If thats true, it
- b) very strange devs marketing strategy, as I think only 10% will play longer and it's becoming very pro dedicated game, more like DOTA and CS. 1200h is a HUGE amount of time.
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Fair enough.
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He is joking. But in every joke is a lump of truth. Killer "do gens" pretty seriously. In one match, that lasted more than 30 minutes, killer repeatedly kicked last gens with CoB, Eruption and Overcharge and withered us in the end. War of Attrition tactic.
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How long it takes before we consider it a "holding the game hostage" lmao
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The issue i see is, that survivors suicide for no reason at all. I continuously see this in solo queue, so i started playing killer with no slowdown perks, no camping/tunneling. Yet the survivors suicided on their first hook left n right. So it isn´t that the "slowdown buffs are to stronk" or "killers only camp now" or "survivor in unplayable because of the nerfs".
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Funny thing, when one match as a killer survivors have REALLY bad frustrating start, so I let 3 of them finish the gens and go with peace. Two was happy, one said that he will report me for taking the game hostage.
Today everyone is on edge it seems :)
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The developers consider doing your objective as killer to be taking the game hostage. If you are a survivor in this situation, just refuse to do your objective, and once one of you gets bored and gives up, report the killer to Behavior with video evidence and tada, banned. Maybe that will stop killers from doing if if they were more aware that they are somehow the ones taking the game hostage. Because common sense would tell you the opposite. It is understandable where this confusion might be coming from. You need to let them finish gens to not be breaking the rules.
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My own experiences as solo over the last two days were 6 escapes in 14 matches as a solo, 3 out of 6 yesterday -- which would have been 5 out of 6 if I hadn't been careless in the Endgame in one match, and if teammates had been working on an exit gate sooner in another. All 5 gens were done in nearly everyone of those matches (out of the 6 yesterday, only 1 were all the gens NOT finished).
If you're escaping only once in 28 games -- I'm not sure what to tell you. I consider myself a good player, but not a great survivor by any stretch. I haven't found survivor, or solo survivor, unplayable at all since the update. Tougher overall, but not impossible to win, at least for me.
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That’s why I didn’t play a single match after the patch so far. I had a frustrating time before it already, it‘s pretty obvious that it can’t get better after patch without a group. 27 losses before first win sounds just about what I expected the post-patch experience to be like.
The comments here are pretty fun. Amazing how out of touch some people are with how different the game experience is at the various levels and why this patch is actually horrible for some and no it has nothing to do with former meta perks or personal skill.
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nothing new here another bad take
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
As survivor skill levels go down the game gets harder to win. I realize this only makes the hole you are digging deeper but that is the truth. Why is it this way? Better players can loop for longer by using fewer resources. In short they play more efficiently.
Nurse is completely ridiculous to play against with best addons and can change this equation slightly.
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Since the patch, I've played 50 games as survivor. I have lost all of them bar 4. Pre-patch, I never used DS, DH or Iron Will. Never used Sprint Burst or Adrenaline. My build has changed very little with the patch, having only swapped out Self-care and BT.
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I had someone report me too for letting them escape after getting 8 hooks with 5 gens up like what? This was during the anniversary event with 5 flans offered so I thought they would appreciate it, guess I was wrong lol. Someone people are nutjobs
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Imagine if a killer played 28 games and only won one.
Balance and fairness is so bad now.
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I don’t think we need to buff survs a role. It’s mostly a soloq problem and swfs are still doing fine.
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Send the video of your stream we want to see it
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If you helped do 5 gens, then why did your DS still work pre patch? DS was disabled by doing gens, so you weren't doing any gens. You intentionally avoided healing anyone, unhooking anyone, healing yourself and doing gens just to get that DS on the Killer in the endgame.
Solo queue has a lot more toxicity and bad survivors than ever before with this patch, all the good ones seem to have just given up and tried to make solo queue less fun for everyone.
That's pretty bad and toxic I agree, but why didn't you get yourself a better 3 gen next to lockers that he couldn't patrol?
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the game is literally awful for survivors atm- I have played for 3 years and I'm struggling- not because of my perks but because of the buffs of killers. BHVR Went too far.
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Maybe get better at the game dude, I have about your hours and I don't start playing chases against Killers if I know I'm gonna lose them lmao
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Yea the basekit killer buffs were a bit too much.
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Look my name up on twitch, vod from 3 days ago labelled "devotion 19", first 9 games were escapes, solo que.
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The biggest issue that killer mains don't seem to understand is the soloq is suffering big time. Most of the games that killers get paired with are soloq. It will be interesting to see what people have to say when soloq is dead and they are getting paired with nothing but SWF.
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Okay so at endgame before the patch if you were unhooked and has DS you got out no matter what. It was a free escape. Now you need skill and teamwork if your mates are alive to escape.
This patch was meant to get killers back into the game, make them feel rewarded and shake up both killer and survivor meta that hasn't really changed much in years.
Many survior and killer perks needed to be toned down or gutted so other perks can get used more. Haven't you noticed that many killers and survivors are running different builds?
Inner healing, overzealous, botany knowlage, overcome is a great build I run now. It gets rid of noed, helps me get distance in chase, helps me do gens and gives me a heal and helps me heal my teammates quick even through thana or pentamento.
I cannot tell you how over the moon I am with the many different builds I can run with no worry on killer because 2 of the most problematic perks have been fixed to be FAIR.
The next patch will no doubt fix issues, change a few perks around and other things. It hasn't been a week since the patch dropped and everyone is saying it's the end of dbd. I'd say...its the beginning of a better one.
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I thought the patch was bad for solo q but not 28 lose streak bad. What typa builds you runnin?
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Why many perks switches off at the EGC?
They're actually disabled at gates powered. So, even before egc.
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Kindred (is a must hands down), CoH, Windows (to not end up in deadzone). The fourth perk I change depending on task, after patch it's Lithe, but my Jonah didn't have it, so I tried new Off the record.