The positives effects of meta survivor perks getting nerfed in solo que

Edilibs Member Posts: 699

In particular DH, DS and Iron Will all previously S tier perks are heavily nerfed so there are obviously negatives but i want to talk about the positives.


- The nerfed perks are directly effecting the rising % of other either non used perks or rarely used before which is a good thing because there will be alot more creativity and or variety in builds and strategies

- Players can get better with looping as opposed to always having a crutch. DH and DS previously were two of the most used perks prepatch.

- Gives the game a good fresh kick

- Gives more notice and use to underrated (bc they were outclassed) perks such as Off the Record, Aftercare, Open Handed and Pharmacy

Now...Ok i'd like to hear the positives but people can tell me some negatives and i'll list just one


- Tunneling and camping has increased substantially. Not judging this but it is what it is and people gotta do what they gotta do to win


  • LittleBigSunset
    LittleBigSunset Member Posts: 242

    1) This is true, but if tunnelling and camping are becoming much more prevalent you're going to start seeing the same perks again to counter them. BT and OtR will be must-haves. Kindred is a must-have for solo queue players to ensure you can coordinate and cope with the longer gen times. And then you will run an exhaustion perk to prolong chase. You can't afford to run perks like Deja Vu or Pharmacy in a meta where tunnelling and camping is more prevalent than ever.

    2) True, but I wouldn't call DS a crutch. After all the changes it has been through it is very difficult to argue that it is anything but an anti-tunnel perk. The fact it got nerfed hard could tie into why tunnelling is more common now.

    3) A fresh kick for killers, but survivors are now facing more of the same as they were before (tunnelling and camping). The perks may have changed but the gameplay hasn't.

    4) This is the same as your first point.

    I don't feel that solo queue players can afford to experiment and be creative in this update if they want to survive. No one wants to be tunnelled out of the game in five minutes. Rather than add freedom to survivor builds, I feel they are being restricted even more. But it's down to the player themselves if they want to run what I've said or whatever else. That's always been the case. Not everyone ran Dead Hard, not everyone is going to run OtR and will run perks like Hope instead. But they will be punished for it in most games.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    The fresh kick being, having some free time sitting in killer que xD

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I dont see how many of those are positives.

    1. People didnt use those perks for a reason.
    2. DS was needed because of all the tunneling, which just got way worse this patch. I personally didn't use dead hard so no comment on that.
    3. What fresh kick exactly?
    4. Pharmacy was nerfed. Why would I use that garbage in solo Q? Isn't this just the same as point 1 and 3?
  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Wow, I'd love to get better at looping and chases.

    Oh wait, 90% of Killers are just camping and tunneling at 5 gens so I never get a chance to. And the most recent thing today? Killers sending messages as a Solo survivor gloating over me dying after 2 team mates disconnect!

    Such balance. So positive.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    can confirm, got on the for the first time after the update and I got tunneled both times right out of the gate. Now grant I got spawned unluckily into the dead zone of the map on the first map but I literally had a team member have to take a protective hit after getting me off the the hook because the tunneling was hard. The addition of the endurance feat off the hook does nothing, it doesn't last long enough to make distance to get away from the killer if they are determined to tunnel. I have never used the meta, I don't like the perks but I'm starting to think I need to have DS in my line up if this is going to keep happening.

    My normal build is Urban, Quick and Quiet, Balanced Landing or Prove Thyself, and Spine Chill (for gens).

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176
    edited July 2022

    DH isn't totally useless, I've been running it and I've gotten some real good value off of it + you can make some really crazy risky plays.

    Ex. Had a teammate on 2nd hook, no one was going to save him so I got off my gen although injured and tried. Turned out to be a sick play. Got him off the hook right as the killer got to us and I predicted his attack would be on me, so as soon as I unhooked the teammate, I DH'd and killer swung. Avoided an unnecessary trade.

    Although its a lot harder to use now, its definitely still good and brings value if you get the timing/reading down.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Wow! Everyone except one person had something positive to say..Way to go dbd community, you all are aweseome....

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    I discovered boons and i like them.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798
    edited July 2022

    Honestly the meta build is the same as before. DS, DH, Unbreakable, you just swap BT for OtR. Other good perk are still good like circle of healing which now is even better but its like that for swf, having 2 or more/ playing it in soloq decreases its value for multiple reasons.

    If something now playing non meta perks is a bit less underwhelming cause the gap is smaller but its still there.