Get rid of/shorten hook breakdown upon sacrifice

With the new hook spawning system, hooks are REALLY far apart. I downed someone near the exit the other day, and had someone recently sacrificed on the nearest hook. I did not have nearly enough time to carry the second person to the second nearest hook, which was really far away, so they wiggled and escaped. Maybe hook breakdown doesn't need to go COMPLETELY, but it really needs to be AT LEAST shortened considerably with all the sabo buffs and now the hook reconfiguration. I don't see why killers should be penalized by hook placement in this way. They don't need to be placed every foot or anything, but come on. They are VERY spaced apart now, making it already more difficult to hook survivors, and if we sacrafice one person, then down someone near there soon after, there is no where to hook them. If exit gates are open or hatch is near, that's a free escape they would not otherwise get. Please, consider changing this.


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  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 364

    @TRGraybles said:
    You can get the "Hangman's Trick" Perk from "The Pig" so any destroyed hook will come back after 10s. (Rank 3). Other then that there is Iron Grasp (General Perk) to bridge the gap or Agitation (The Trapper) to a lesser extend!

    I know the perks, but it seems unfair that I have to give up a valuable perk slot to fix something the devs recently decided to change that is a huge unnecessary killer nerf. Space out hooks, whatever, but they shouldn't also disappear for a full 2 minutes if they are already as far apart as they are. That leaves huge areas with absolutely no hooks.

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  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @scorpio said:
    I know the perks, but it seems unfair that I have to give up a valuable perk slot to fix something the devs recently decided to change that is a huge unnecessary killer nerf. Space out hooks, whatever, but they shouldn't also disappear for a full 2 minutes if they are already as far apart as they are. That leaves huge areas with absolutely no hooks.

    I mean, they already made Iron Maiden as a perk to counter something they had just added in for the indirect nerf to BBQ, what'd you expect?

    In all seriousness though Iron Grasp usually has a solid place in my builds, it's useful even if you don't plan on going to the basement. I recommend prioritizing Basement Hooking if it is applicable. Otterwise, there is not much else I can say.

  • Bonkoul
    Bonkoul Member Posts: 12

    Your demand is just unfair to survivors, in a way. The reason why the devs have made this change to hooks is to give survivors more survival chances, and I still see around hooks that are at miminum possible distance (24m) from one another on most maps, at the cost of some parts of the map having one hook in a radius of 60m. You can't complain at the RNG.