Killer will get nerfed because of bad survivors... again

Seriously too many survivors arent even bothering with objectives, they just running round do basically nothing waiting for saves...
BHVR need to start tracking the actual objective progress in matches and see that alot of the player base just dont do gens and we shouldn't balance around those players.
Reverting changes is not gonna help.
They have to buff soloq with more communication tools.
Soloq should be almost the same as SWF.
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That wont help people do gens, I hate this argument of "give solos information" when it's just not the fix.
I had kindred on, and even while I was in a chase no one was working on a gen. Information wont fix players avoiding gens from the start or even make them better players.
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What makes swf better than Solo if its not about info?
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Preset text callouts would be good.
Even if for the ability to spam "Repair a gen" over and over again.
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Because you can match with people of equal skill, I'm sorry but I would never swf with people that dont do gens yet that's what I'm getting...
Mmr is the issue, I can verse blights that can moon rush and perfectly hug round killer shack but I cant get a team that does gens or chases? Clearly not working based off skill...
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You guessed right. This mess of a patch won't stay for long.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
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Yeah the issue with that is they still wouldn't, and let's be honest you shouldn't have to tell your team to do the only objective
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There is an assumption here that the teammates don't know that they should be doing gens. What if instead they just don't WANT to do them?
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I just want there to be more adequate ways to deal with camping and tunneling as promised
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Seriously too many killers arent even bothering with objectives, they just running round the hook do basically nothing waiting for saves...
BHVR need to start tracking the actual objective progress in matches and see that alot of the player base just dont do chases and we shouldn't balance around those players.
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Someone on comms can directly say “Can you do a gen?” Which if you’re not doing a gen might prompt you to do it. That’s not quite the same as you passively seeing other people doing other things. Just because Bob is in a chase doesn’t mean Alice is necessarily thinking of doing a gen at that moment.
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Getting chased by the killer is just part of the game. There's no obligation for a killer to alternate hooks between survivors and there's nothing wrong with getting one person out of the game at a time.
Sure it can be annoying if you bring a perk loadout and gear dedicated to one thing, and then you don't get time to do that one thing but you're still buying your team time to do generators and win, that's the point.
If the killer is "tunneling" you, then make it a waste of their time. A good killer will drop chase and stop, a bad killer will chase you forever and generators will get done.
Run Sprint Burst and Off the Record to get away from hooks faster.
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Then what's 'the fix' and how do you implement it?
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Well but thats not game fault but players fault
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That's not my biggest issue atm, I'd rather be tunneled and people do gens than my team never touching them.
Tunneling can been seen as a strat, even if it's not the most fun meanwhile survivors not doing gens isnt a strat and just as unfun
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Have any nerfs been officially announced yet? I'm also afraid that there will be some "adjustments" again.
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By that logic killers are getting buffed because of bad killers it's the same thing, good killer mains had already high winrates before patch does that mean that bhvr shouldn't buff killers at all ? Some survivors aren't doing gens and some killers are trolling too, let people go or just farm BP
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Maybe an actual mmr system that understands what skill is, I shouldn't be getting people do 0 gens. I should never be matched with them, as killer or survivor
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No, but if they dont realise so many survivors are just not even trying then they will see it in the stats that killers win too much and then nerf them.
See with an actual SBMM system you can track that, and that's another reason kills isnt a good SBMM system.
But let's not act like killers never going after their objective is as common as survivors avoid gens or throwing games
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More information will not help people if they can’t loop and if you can’t loop and you aren’t at least focusing on gens then you are actively harming your team. In the past inefficient players could get carried by Gen jockeys and bad loopers at least had hold forward and DH to buy the rest of the team some time. In conjunction with that, in solo you used to have at least 1, maybe 2 people who were genuinely decent players and could at least loop the killer for long enough for a Gen or two to pop. That is very rare at the moment.
Whatever side I play I’m seeing people with quite high prestige levels going down about 20-30 seconds after a chase starts. Yes, I know time played does not always equal skill but there should be some correlation there. If chases are lasting not much longer than 30 seconds even if you add on the minimal time it takes a killer to pick up and hook a survivor, then it’s possible for a killer to have two hooks for every generator done- and that’s without even factoring all the slowdown perks and then you have to remember a hooked survivor needs a rescuer which is another person off generators.
Solo queue definitely needs more information, but players either need to learn to loop or they need to focus on a team/stealth build to be of some use. Or some of the changes need to be reverted. But I don’t really know what more can be done to get people to do gens. I mean, it’s the core objective of survivor gameplay.
This is honestly why I think a lot of killer players do not have sympathy for survivors. Inefficiency when playing killer is (well it used to be) absolutely brutal for you. Before the update, one or two mistakes would cost you a lot of games. Now the tables have turned. If survivors are bad in chase or not laser focused on gens, forget about a 3-4 man escape.
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Don't worry they're not going to revert anything, probably just DS back to 5sec, thana nerf or some sht like that which is fine
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I don't think killers will get nerfed but that survivors will get buffed, maybe you see that as the same thing idk but I think the only killer thing that might get touched is nerfing slowdowns just a tiny bit so you don't have casuals dcing due to the gens taking a decade once you stack certain combos, i would like to see some tournament play with the current patch I'm curious on if they'll actually stray away from certain strategies due to the changes made or if it made them worse
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What do you mean ? Killers just got buffed in almost every way possible,,i'm confused
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It's really depressing to think about the crippling nerfs legion is gonna get.
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But that's survivors giving up because they dont like the change, it's very possible to beat these builds but people just aren't actually trying and that's the biggest problem.
I recommend using aura reading perks to see what your team is doing, you'll realise the games you lose by alot are due players not actually doing their objective.
Only change I'm for is make tunneling less viable by awarding separate hooks for killer and punishing those who tunnel (for example a mini regression & speed boost for a separate hook while if you hook the same person you dont get anything
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Right? Funny thing is you can still easily beat legion If everyone knows how to play.
I'd rather a longer game than an imbalanced one imo, even with the update I'm having survivor games do gens fast simply because everyone is pushing gens and the killer doesnt have instant regression
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I'm not having any issue I've just been running genrush builds with adrenaline but I've quit playing solo just because I'm tired of every other game having another survivor throw a temper tantrum and DC because they went down in 10 seconds somehow I'm not sure how they manage to do it but they do, I just think BHVR will cave to the review bombing and dcing from casuals who try to say it's unplayable for them
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Camping being an issue I can understand, but why would you want to deal with tunneling? Aren't chases and looping the best part of the game? There is nothing wrong with the killer tunneling.
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It's not even that much longer if the survivors have brains and hands. Have none of these people played legion vs a decent team? You'll never get more than two chain hits if you're lucky. If you're not then your power is "get one health state, then m1 killer" cuz the other survivors split instantly and they're not going to permit you to chain hit.
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There is no such thing as a perfect MMR system outside of maybe Chess. It's a huge improvement upon the RBMM system, with it's stupid monthly resets and endless creep, smurfing and deranking.
MMR cannot account for people who occasionally play badly - at best, it can, over a large average of games, try to determine roughly what your skill level is - as someone more skilled will naturally escape more over time than someone less skilled. The occasional game where a lobby dodge, smurfs or a long queue makes SBMM poop itself are annoying, but don't really shift your MMR much in either direction.
I'm all for it being more nuanced on the survivor end of things, but it's really difficult to do. The best we can hope for is for lobby dodges to no longer screw with the system and some sort of smurf detection (people who suicide/AFK games a lot need to get flagged somehow).
Remember - MMR isn't a reward. There's no benefit to being higher MMR aside from more challenging opponents.
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Well, survs were nerfed because of bad killers
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You're right there is nothing wrong with it ,but as a killer if someone is deciding to take this playstyle they have no room to complain about getting t bagged and flashlight clicked or anything else in the trial the survivors decide to do afterwards and if they lose there's no room to be salty when you adopted a strat like that and failed.
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Gens go actually fast if survivors just do them but now just one survivor can't finish them all before it was possible but not anymore. I did in my last soloQ match 3 gens but we still lost 3 teammates did 1 gen. I have also close matches as killer which I would lost before the update and well survivors still could won even now those matches but they made too many mistakes.
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woooot Solo @ almost the same as SWF ?. Sorry but you lost complete your mind.....
that would be too much of a good thing
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The only difference between soloq and swf, is Discord (communication), no?=)
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It's an ideal, but impossible. Just because you can communicate is no guarantee that people will listen.
Dead Hard was nerfed because it was so busted that something like 80% of high MMR players were using it. The issue was that it wasn't nerfed sooner, so people came to rely on it. It'll take a while to adapt.
Killers were buffed because of SWF.
Yes, it sucks for solos, but solo has always been the sub-optimal way to play a team game.
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I believe survivors not doing any gens is their way of getting killers nerfed so they are the power role again. They rather run circles around killer instead of doing their objective. Let me clarify that I meant only the survivors who are actively not doing gens. The ones who do try to do them have my respect.
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Nice explanation I think marking those who sucidide or AFK lot is good idea so they have to stop doing that.
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Alot of those survivors probably didn't do gens before either, but without the slowdowns being as oppressive and gens being shorter already it couldve been hidden and you could have two survivors dedicated to gens and still escape but now they're in a situation where they can't just hide and survive they have to work for it and some people aren't taking it too well lol
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Instead of fixing the problem, you are advocating to fix the symptom.
If players aren't having fun and are not doing objectives, DCing and Suiciding, the indicates a game health problem, not a player problem. But maybe you'll be happy when all the survivor players quit and you can play killer without having to deal with survivors at all.
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I don't understand this. It's like a killer saying they're facecamping, nodding and hitting on hook because they saw a survivor doing a gen. Like what the hell is that thinking of resenting people for doing their objectives? That's just choosing to be spiteful and bitter at someone for doing what they are supposed to do.
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Theres a difference between playing normally and trying to focus one survivor out of the trial early, while it may be beneficial and you're not supposed to care about their fun , if you don't care about their fun why should they care about yours? Why shouldn't they make it as annoying as possible because you won't stop focusing them? It makes perfect sense in that aspect of things, and if the killer fails they have no room to complain when they choose a playstyle like that and survivors don't have room complain either if they die because at the end of the day they got caught and died and dead people can't talk but they can sure try.
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Or, it indicates the power of gaming echo chambers, where people will sulk and pout about any changes that make their role more difficult, regardless of merit.
The issue is that camping and tunneling are still too effective for how much effort they take, and too difficult to counter while also being extremely unfun to face.
It's not easy to fix, and this patch was an...okay start, but it still needs more attention.
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I actually agree with OP, if youre paired up with just 2 other good players then the matches are actually fun and the odds are evened against the killer.
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Maybe. If it is, I guess the game is screwed. Because then there's no fix for it.
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Your misunderstanding a bit. Sure chases are fun but it's not fun to be the only one chased. I want to experience the whole game that includes doing gens, being altruistic and stealthing, not just chases.
Then there are certain killers that can tunnel better then others making things even more annoying.
Tunneling is mostly fine but survivors don't have the tools needed to deal with it which is a problem since it can completely lose the game for the entire time if it happens early
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The game shouldn't be balanced around those not even attempting to win.
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It's tricky, but it can be done. The problem is that any fix is going to have to be implemented very carefully, so that people can't abuse it.
So much this.
When people are sulking, the worst thing you can do is give in to them - because all that means is they pout harder the next time.
Everyone needs to calm down, focus on the few things that obviously need to change in the short term (DS being one) and adapt. Once a new meta settles, we can see where we stand.
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This sentence strike so deep. I'll write it down.
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The first day/two after the update yes, some people were throwing/DC-ing.
However now? No, they're not at least it's not any worse than it was before the update. I've had a lot of games with 3v1 (due to 1 person getting tunneled to death at 5gens, being face-camped or not being able to loop for long) and as a team, we were still trying to get the gens done, do hook-rescue's, heal and loop the killer. Even when it was obvious everyone was going to die, people would do everything to at least get as much BP as possible.
Really hope this won't be the case. An icon that would just indicate what they're doing would be so much better than people constantly spamming texts. And there are going to be people who're going to be spam things just to spam.