Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Stop Blaming DH



  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Why you friend does not stream if he last always that long? I see even best stremers go down sometimes quickly .

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132

    Name has DOMINATING in it, Massive Survivor Bias, Extreme Killer Hatred. Yup, checks out. Just a wee bit angry your bully simulator was taken away are we?

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    Everyone knows Dead Hard was nerfed. But guess what? Quite a few people didn't use the god forsaken perk.

    Yeah, but those that didn't quite often relied on teammates using them. Dead Hard gave bad survivors the chance to ridiculously extend chases so that even those who didn't indirectly benefited from it since the time the killer was wasting chasing somebody who just gained 20 or 30 seconds on the back of a disgustingly broken perk was time they were free to do gens unmolested. To say nothing of the fact that DH was so widespread that killers defaulted on waiting DH even when the survivor in question wasn't running it.

    Now all of that is gone and bad survivors have to actually get good or fall to their real mmr bracket, and the fact is, while that mmr adjustment is happening, the people who were good and actually never relied on DH themselves will still have to deal with games being lose because the "press E for a free escape" buffoons are getting killed at 4 gens left.

    Just give time some time and the people who used DH will fall to the subterranean mmr that they belong, and the only people left will be the people who were genuinely good at the game.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Real quick just popping in to comment, obviously I don't think this is the killer mentality, I was over exaggerating, it was just a comment on how some of the killers are thinking that DH was the only perk survivors were upset about, or if there was a thread that didn't even have to do with the perk, it clearly had "undertones" they were secretly seething with rage that dead hard was gone.

    Also, don't worry I know for a fact that survivors can be just as bad, I used to be one of those survivors when I first started playing the game, but I've matured since then and I am no longer one of those people who think there are God at the game because they can teabag.

  • LDominating
    LDominating Member Posts: 23

    Very angry because I was the one getting bullied all this time as a survivor :))

    Never ever I have bullied someone that didn't wrong me,I'm not that type of guy.

    But when my 7-10 games as survivors are 4 deaths and 1-3 generators left,sometimes 5 and 4(yea u guessed it Blight and Nurse)I do tend to ge frustrated..

    Tell me what am I supposed to do?

    I can't loop properly because I can't either chain and staying on a single pallet has been PROVEN to be stupid and counterproductive.

    The stealth mechanics and perks are a joke..the only good ones are healing and second chance perks.

    SC was 46 seconds to heal with Sloppy Butcher,it is 32 seconds without it,now IDK how much 15% is but is probably more than 32 and could be 50 seconds!

    In 50 seconds is a good long chase and 60% of a generator for 1 bar of heal..which you'll lose in 5 seconds after healing :))...

    You're so dumb to think SC is OK,really dumb,or trolling...probably trolling.

    Ask anyone else,actually make a thread and see for yourself.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Okay, we aren't trying to insult people, I was merely pointing out the simple fact of a group of killers saying the same thing we already know, and it gets annoying seeing it every other thread even if the original thread had nothing to do with the god forsaken perk.

    Trust me, I know DH was busted, but because I was in mid-mmr before the mass perk rework I didn't see dead heart as often as you would see in high mmr, what's the developers have already confirmed only a small percentage of people are in the higher ranks, 75% in high mmr used the perk, around 45% in mid, and I believe 17% for lower.

    So I saw my teammates running the perk in less than half my games. I did not rely on my teammates are in the park because they barely did, I have seen plenty of people make it just fine and chases. But to call people "buffoons" for running a perk, than damn, you need to cool it.

    Not only that, I never played with a full group of survival friends, and I believe it's more common in full squads for the people to run the perk, not really solo-queue.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    SB doesn't ignore a health state you should've gotten, SB doesn't make it possible to unhook someone, yeet through the killers arms, and make a clear get away, literally 90% of killers are completely fine seeing SB instead of DH

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Surprising enough, I actually already saw one thread that was wanting to nerf SB, but people with their head on their shoulder actually explained how the perk takes skill to use, not "press x/a/e to win"

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 991
    edited July 2022

    I'm part of the third that didn't use DH, but I also don't let getting hooked or sacrificed ruin my experience....however the problem is, why were so many players using dead hard? Why did so many people feel that a perk that gave you extra distance and health was so necessary when compared to all the rest available?

    BHVR don't seem to have asked themselves this question (and anyone who says to bully the killer is fooling themselves) or if they did, they didnt spend any serious amount of time trying to answer it because nerfing it to appeal to the killer fanbase was easier. But I believe its going to firmly bite them on the arse.

    As a result, this, along with other changes, has undoubtedly been the most poorly conceived and implemented change in a long time and has completely unbalanced the game; you can argue it was unbalanced before - I don't have enough experience of killer to comment but the answer shouldn't be to unbalanced it the other way.

    Someone mentioned that BHVR need to create a solution to 'the tunelling and camping epidemic' and you mention that something needs to be done to incentivise not doing this...yet the biggest irony of all of this is that entire change WAS the solution/incentive to not camping, tunnel and slug, yet its been arguably more of a persistent problem since the update (certainly I've noticed it more as someone who always defended it was never as big an issue as soke survivors made out) because its been made easier, more accessible and even more impact full. This just goes to show DH wasn't the reason killers did this. They did it because it was easy. Now that it's even easier they're still doing it.

    All this change has done is create more hard questions BHVR desperately need to ask themselves about the reasoning behind the state of their game and never will.

    Post edited by jajay119 on
  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    It's not that surprising honestly, people will always complain, and then there's always those people who will say "SEE SEE, THEY'RE COMPLAINING, I KNEW THEY WOULD COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS" and it's like... just be quite please, lol

  • NeptuneDerp
    NeptuneDerp Member Posts: 6

    Didnt it have like a 70% use rate? Imo everyone and their dog fits that.

    But agreed, people rarely take the other side seriously. Its toxic, childish and accomplishes nothing.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    70% use rate in HIGH mmr, and the developers already confirmed that only a small percentage of people were actually in high mmr, it had a 45% usage in mid mmr, and I believe 17% in low mmr

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732
    edited July 2022
  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    What if theyre actually bashing DH bc David is gay now?

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    dishonor on your whole family, dishonor on you, and dishonor on your cow

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942
  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Trust me, I see it from both sides it's like, just shut. Let me rest and then you can keep it up later, but right now, shut.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 346

    They're always going to have a crutch to lean on LOL. Its always this perk or that perk, there shouldn't be god pallets they're too op, its BS pallets don't get blocked by the entity like windows (like... break the damn thing GEEZ), 99'ing the exit gates is too OP, even though blood lust got a buff losing it by breaking a pallet is also "busted," something extremely situational like heal teching is apparently this HUGE "exploit" ect, ect, ect LOL. Anything that a survivor can use, its broken. Let's get rid of windows while we're at it XD

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    I wasn't trying to insult anybody either, just saying that a lot of the losses everyone is experience right now comes directly from the people boosted by DH falling to their actual mmr and unfortunately bringing others along with them. In a few weeks I predict that everyone who relied on DH for their wins will be already stabilized at their home mmr and the people who actually knows how to play will recover from the this loss streak and climb out of the ditch.

    We just need to have some patience and let the pieces fall into their proper places now.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Everyone with a baseline level of intelligence knows that there are poor actors on both sides. However, I've personally seen like, a zillion comments, even profile blurbs on "Cry moar entitled survivors now your Dead hard crutch is gone AND i SHALL SEEK MY REVENGE".

    " But I never ran DH".


    It's not "Killer mentality", it's jackass mentality. One held by immature jackasses. Same with survivors who are in some kind of SWF on comms and taunt the Killer in post-match chat; "Hurrrr GG EZ lulz".


    Idk, I feel like we shouldn't have to preface every thread with a huge disclaimer "I know this isn't *all ___________***", but I've always has too much faith in others.... lol.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Yeah, I get that, but there are going to be the people who instantly group all people together which I feel is the reason why other people need to clarify that they don't mean everyone on that side. Ya know?