Is this killer toxic?

If you mean the streamer is being toxic, then no. He took a loss proudly and the killer didn't seem to have done the same last game.
If you mean the killer, then yeah, dude straight up felt attacked, slugged the streamer for a little while, and in this game assumes his team is a bully squad and acts all cocky to assert for himself.
I watched part of the stream after that where he views their profile, one of the comments saying "really insecure about playing killer" really sums it up.
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which part is "this" the streamer or the person he was against?
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I completely agree with you @glitchboi. In watching the rest of the stream, the killer's steam profile has a long list of comments showing a history of purposeful malice toward survivors.
The real question is, what good is a report option when it falls on deaf ears? As a killer main myself, it takes a lot for me to say anyone deserves a permaban. I won't even say it here. I WILL say that someone important needs to take a real look at that killer and see if they are good for the game. @DeadByBHVR @DeadByCommunity
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Why my name in your mouth? What I say or do to you?