Game is still survivor sided even after the patch.

Seriously if people stopped giving up or throwing the game, survivors still have the advantage.
I hate all these excuses people are making, trying to take it to the extreme when in reality people just arent use to having to try and can mess around and be inefficient and win.
It's a pvp game, you're meant to try to win.. if you dont TRY or play BETTER than your opponent you shouldn't win.
Too many people will see a red bar, or a certain killer and just give up straight away, even if the games not unbalanced they will just give up and use the patch as an excuse.
If you're struggling too much you likely got carried to an mmr beyond your actual skill through good teams carrying you or relied on DH. All this patch did is punish those players who was really inefficient and overly depended on the DH distance/mistake corrector.
The fact alone my wins are easier and my losses is always due to people giving up is stupid, I shouldn't be getting someone give up every other game because of their entitlement.
YOU HAVE TO TRY TO WIN, YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY DO GENS.... expecting to win without trying or playing well is stupid.
(Yes I know tunneling is an issue, but that's not patch imbalances but just a tunneling issue that can be addressed. And people are quitting even before killers can tunnel so they cant use that as an excuse)
Niсe try Matt :)
if you dont TRY or play BETTER than your opponent you shouldn't win.
in a game that is built on random
Too many people will see a red bar, or a certain killer and just give up straight away, even if the games not unbalanced they will just give up and use the patch as an excuse.
Regular behavior in a situation where the developers themselves don't play their game and force them to play as they want, and not the players
YOU HAVE TO TRY TO WIN, YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY DO GENS.... expecting to win without trying or playing well is stupid.
If someone does not like the imposed concept of the game, then they can express it or convey it as it suits them. In any, the players should have a CHOICE, and not the imposition of a certain style of play. This applies to all parties.
9 -
They buffed so many basekit mechanics killers have and what did survivors get? A 5 second BT. It’s insulting how much they catered to just killers this patch, and it hurt solo queue big time, yet you’re still acting like the game is purely survivor sided.
75 -
They made the CHOICE when they hit the ready button to play that match, if they get a killer that they don't like then tough luck it gives them no excuse to DC, kill them selves on hook or just walking around till they find the killer and letting them hook them to get out off the match. Survivors know that there is more then 1 killer in the roster and they could be matched with any one of them if they are not ready to play the match then don't hit the ready button back out of the lobby and let someone in that will play.
People need to stop making excuses for survivors and the way they act when they get a killer they don't like, do you think its fun for the killer when all 4 survivors switch at the last second so they are all bring in flash lights, killers have no way to kill themselves and end the match they have to DC or go stand in a corner while they do gens and wait out the match.
6 -
Survivors still have upper hand if vs low Tier Killer who plays fair without hard slowdown. Yes, its me playing Trapper with Plaything & Penti as slowdown.
Against high Tier, its different.
Against tunneler/camper. There is just no chance. They're already strong against Solo before the patch. They're stronger now.
If Killers dont play like life depends on 4K. Nurse Blight tunnel camp 4 slowdown. Survivors would cry less.
Devs encourage Killers not to tunnel by giving 5sec BT. Killers already tunnel through 8sec BT + DH + DS before. 5sec BT is nothing.
34 -
I mean if you have a 4 man SWF with a map offering and 4 toolboxes then yeah, it's survivor sided. Anything else? It's a skill issue.
9 -
DH nerf was the only change that helped killers at all, the basekit "buffs" are useless.
3 -
If you go by actual time efficiency, then those 5 seconds are more than all what killers got combined.
7 -
You are right, this game is still very survivor sided, they just cant bully killers anymore so they are crying like babies.
6 -
Ha, very funny. Killers got everything and survivors got nothing this patch. Killers got all of these basekit and perk buffs and all survivors got was a ton of unnecessary nerfs and a laughable 5 second basekit BT, which does nothing. Not to mention solo survivor took a massive hit and is basically dead now. The survivor meta was forced to change and the killer meta stayed the same. The game became very killer sided after this patch.
13 -
Alright we’ll just pretend 10 extra second gens, pallet and gen kicking, insane killer perk buffs and attack cooldown buffs did nothing. Name one thing other than a useless 5 second endurance and Off The Record that really benefited survivors this patch.
19 -
Dude, when I sad CHOISE i mean that I can choise my perk build. Example, we have Iron Will. If Iron Will Does not function while Exhausted. It's ok because I still have CHOICE and can play with it but with another build. But BHVR killed this perk. 75% with normal headphones is nothing
And about you point.
At the moment there are killers(Nurse, Blight, etc) in the game against whom nothing can be done now, so what's the point of playing? I already wrote about the fact that BHVR, by up weak killers, automatically up strong ones.
Yesterday I watched a friend's(solo q) game, out of 10 games I managed to escape to 1, and that's because the killer was caught by an inexperienced hunter!
Personally, for myself, I made a choice that I will not play the game until BHVR change something in the direction of balance.
2 -
5 seconds is literally nothing. A killer can easily wait that out unless the hook is like right next to a pallet or window. That occasion is not that common.
20 -
You are so wrong omg.
Survivors got many buffs in this patch, BT basekit, perks buffs.
The only nerf you got is dead hard lmao
3 -
Its a pvp game. Last time i checked, Betafield, LuL and R6 were mainly composed of playing with randoms (unless you play in a clan, but thats the equivalent of playing SWF).
If someone doesn´t like the change, then i´d prefer they don´t play at all instead of sabotaging everyone elses matches by suiciding/disconnecting on the first inconvenience.
1 -
5 seconds is way better than nothing. Hell, i remember how people complained about the 12 second BT protection, that killers could wait it out. What did people expect, when asking for basekit stuff? 80 seconds of hit immunity?
3 -
Survivors didn't need buffs, although BT was buffed anyway.
10 extra seconds for generators doesn't matter when slowdown builds are still mandatory.
Pallet break speed, 2.5 Gen kick, and the attack cool down "buffs" are so minor they could revert the changes tomorrow and no one would care, it does nothing. Nice placebo to get killers to shut up I guess.
3 -
Nise try compare games in which synchronous multiplayer and in which the built-in information capability.
in these games(Battlefield. LoL), I can share information with teammates, thereby making it clear my steps and their. In these games, I can change the build during the match. Your comparison is completely wrong
Regarding the sabotage of matches, this is how the players convey their disagreement, because they don’t hear them otherwise.
8 -
You meant chose not choice so that was just a bit off miss communication between us so all good, i play just for the chases and to meme around with some killers like ghost face one of the best to meme with survivors and i had a survivor DC because i marked him and downed him within 30 sec of the match starting so why ready up if your not going to see it to the end.
0 -
Yeah and what if i would have mentioned assymetrical games? Those are also with randoms.
Sabotaging the game for the others won´t get you heard. It will backfire just like it did with all the disconnects during Freddys release. Which ultimately lead to the dc penalty we currently have.
1 -
Killers got buffed because they needed it, stop acting like this one patch reflects everything. Yes the patch was aimed at killers but that's because killers werent performing as they should and got buffed.
Just because killers got a few 0.3 buffs doesnt make them OP. And as for the 10second extra gen time was to compensate for the mass amount of gen regression perks nerfed.
Game is still 100% in the survivors favor if you ignore people not playing properly and tunneling.
Why should people that waste time and ignore gens, not try and cant lead on a chase win?
2 -
Nope, survivors didn't get nothing. The perk "buffs" aren't even buffs to begin with. Calm Spirit and Pharmacy "buffs" made the perks worse. The only perk buff that was good was the OTR buff, but even then it's still very situational. Self Care, Iron Will, and DS were unnecessarily nerfed into uselessness. And basekit BT is an absolute joke, 5 seconds is literally nothing. The DH "nerf" actually made the perk better, imo. Also all survivor second chance perks deactivate in Endgame while killer's do not. How is that even remotely fair? Basic survivor mechanics and gens were also nerfed.
Killers got everything. A buff to camping and tunneling, buffs to every basic killer mechanic, buffs to gen regress/slowdown perks. And their meta barely changed while survivors were forced to change theirs. So which side really got benefited here?
11 -
Yeah and what if i would have mentioned assymetrical games? Those are also with randoms.
Yes, but why didn't you do it right away? Maybe because you know that in such asymmetric games such situations and online tend to zero in them?
Sabotaging the game for the others won´t get you heard. It will backfire just like it did with all the disconnects during Freddys release. Which ultimately lead to the dc penalty we currently have.
This is a consequence of the fact that the BHVR are trying to push their style of play
2 -
I stopped paying g around the point where you brought up DH and invalidated EVERY other buff that killer got with this update. Once you invalidate that, your opinion and or arguement is pretty invalid.
Once again, I will preach. Killers did not need this buff, only perks needed to be changed. DH/DS being nerfed is NOT the reason why Survivors refuse to give killers a "Decent match" It was the nerf Survivors got FOLLOWING the killer buff. We lost speed, and you all GAINED IT, effectively shortening and destroying loopability if you're not already at a semi-safe or safe loop. Not to mention the amount of slowdown builds that just make it impossible to do a gen before the 2nd gen pops....?
If killers are going to keep invalidating what they got compared to what we got, there's no point on them speaking out cause then their point just boils down to. "Lol, suck it up, DH/DS got nerfed, your mad, stay bad, GGEZ. " with no real substance but utter toxicity...
11 -
Wait wait, where are all the survivors buff and perk buffs survivors got?
Did you actually read the perk rework patch?
The only perk which got a noticeable buff i can think of was OTR and it was pre nerfed. All the other perks got some veeeeery minuscule improvement and some of these "buffs" actually worsened the perks even more.
Calm spirit was given cleansing and opening chest silently, but nerfed with 30% speed penalty
Pharmacy now needs the survivor to be injured to activate (why this count as buff, i ll never know)
Botany heals you slighty faster at 50% but with 20% efficiency penalty
Distortion and lucky break got a very niche way to recover its effects.
Deja vu is laughable, 5% increase speed over the next 3 gens after repairing one in a limited time
Lightweight is a bit better but it wont work with any decent killer
Overzealous went from 6% boost to 8%, meh
Have you seen any of these "buffed perks" at use?
14 -
base kit BT so now you know when you get unhooked you have a chance to get away instead of getting downed because the unhooker didn't have BT, a lot off killers perks got nerfed to people need to stop complaining for a few weeks and let things calm down and find new perk combos, they are not going to do any real big changes soon we have seen it in the past when they have dropped updates or changed things, why do people think this update is going to be any different?
0 -
Not really.
5 seconds of potential value is not the same as 0.2 seconds of absolute value. To win you NEED to hit survivors, and so you will get an attack cooldown and survivors will get a boost. To win you NEED to break pallets and breakable walls in most of your matches, and so you will need to break pallets and breakable walls. To win you DON'T NEED to tunnel every single match, so you don't have to go for the same survivor over and over.
When you hit survivors, the distance they will end up losing compared to pre-patch allows you to end chases much quicker, and chases are a core part of gameplay. If you tunnel, survivors have a window of about 20 something meters to reach a safe spot, but those 20 something meters of distance do not matter if you simply don't go for them. Problem is: Those 20 meters are usually not even enough to reach a safe spot.
To put things into perspective: One change was made to mitigate the issue of running in a straight line after getting hit so the killer can't catch you, the other to reduce tunneling and camping. One is working, the other one is not. Can you guess why?
7 -
5 little sec of endurance against 6 basekit killer buffs?
"A lot of killer perks were nerfed" yes, but they buffed other killer perks that took their place which did not happen on the survivor side.
Thana, jolt, eruption, gift of pain are all part of the new dreadful slowdown meta now and were all buffed in this last patch while none of the survivor "buffed" perks are remotely used.
Call it a conplain or whatever you like, but you are plainly ignoring what this patch did
5 -
Name all those buffs.
4 -
At this point if you think the game is still survivor sided maybe you need to evaluate your play style.
I main both pig and freddy and I play wayyyy more solo q survivor than killer, yet the only results after the patch I got were 4ks and 3ks.
13 -
Everything you said is has some really good points but one part of that is a bit tricky which is the tunneling part, yes you have the tunnel where killers just focus on one person to get them out of the match as quick as you can which is the problem, but then you have other times like i was trying to explain to someone else is when a survivors unhooks the hooked survivor right in front of you before you have even taken 5 steps away from the hook now is that tunneling or is that taking advantage of the mistake there teammate made by not waiting. The response i got back is that it's toxic and tunneling from that person where to me it's fair game and the survivor needs to blame there teammate not the killer.
0 -
Worse killer slowdowns overall so prove thyself + swfs got a buff? I dunno game seems fine to me on pretty much most levels
1 -
Well it's better.
0 -
Good teams still crushing killers except if you are a really good Nurse-Blight with slowdown perks.
4 -
What perk got a useful buff? Off the record maybe. Everything else was a nerf except BT. That was a lateral move.
3 -
I rarely ever used Dead Hard before the patch or update. Didn't see the point of using it in a match.
At the end of the day, when I throw matches, I do it not to make a point or screw over my team. I do it because my team is screwing me over and not helping or even attempting to help me off hook. Not gonna waste time in a match just to make all the killers whining and complaining about people doing suicides on hook happy.
If ur team is leaving u to die on the hook and focusing only on generators cause they are too afraid of the killer in the match. It ain't my fault when I kill myself on hook, it's theirs. Simple as that.
1 -
The devs said on the stream that they want to shake up the meta and that kill rates were to low and they want to get the kill rates a bit higher so why is everyone acting like they got no warning this was coming and the devs just dropped this update out of nowhere, yes it might sucks for a few weeks or a month but killers have had to go though the same thing. Take the mori rework killers knew it was going to happen but the devs gave no warning and just changed them and do you know what happened next killers were seeing keys left, right and center.
You could even use PGtW and old DS PGtW got nerfed but DS didn't get touched and what was the reason for the nerf, killers had to much time to pick what gen to use it in, The same thing with DS you could do what ever you wanted for a 1min and the killer pretty much couldn't do anything.
So it's happened on both sides over the years survivors just have to wait it out, yes it might suck big time but both sides have had to do the same thing int he past.
1 -
Also survivors even when not self sacrificing no longer have an advantage against the killer in a match since the update. 9 times out of 10 we still die against most killers.
0 -
I am okay with balancing the game, but this balance should come slowly and with a lot of thought.
This patch feels like BHVR woke up one day, decided to nuke survivor meta perks, buffed every killer via basekit buffs and tell survs "do what you can"
4 -
i agree they should of did one thing like buff killer basekit and see how that went and if it still wasn't enough start to look at gens and perks, but some perks did need a nerf like DH and DS working in EGC. DS in EGC put the killer in a no win position.
1 -
Alone the fact that you got upvotes just shows how many people aren't good as killer if you have people like me with several thousands of hours and all the other good killer mains we just win now every round with even just A tier killers I have killer mains leaving this game bc they have no challenge anymore without having to play on a counter map or meme addons and perks
Edit even comp four mans are no match anymore on a good map
4 -
As a beginner in the game (started a couple of months ago and play infrequently), I'd beg to differ.
Even on comms with one friend and without teammates actively throwing, our escape rate is ridiculous. The game was already hard to learn before, but at least we had some escapes and it felt encouraging.
Literally the only escape I got yesterday was because a Bubba took mercy on me and allowed me to wiggle out and open the gate.
0 -
Yeah I'm not seeing that, sounds like made up survivor bs to me. All the well known killer mains are still playing and alot say people are over reacting.
Game is rough for new players in general, you have alot to learn. But we cant balance a game around new players... I know it sucks but that ruins all other levels of play
3 -
in the meantime, hook suicide isn't forbidden
so deal with it
0 -
I understand that a game should not be balanced only to make new player's lives easy, but it shouldn't balance around top tier players either.
Surely there is a middle ground that doesn't make the game suck for beginners and casuals?
0 - Just the 10 seconds added to EACH generator dwarfs the 5 second built in borrowed time.
But you can't look at it this simply. Breaking the pallet faster, recovering from swing faster, and survivors getting a speed boost after hit for less time all work together to DRAMATICALLY shorten chases. The chases are especially affected at lower MMR where the survivors don't know how to squeeze every second out of a loop. Admittedly, it's hard to put a number on how much time these changes took off chase, but I would guess its in the 5-10 second range.
3 -
It's SWF sided, no one will tell you different. The problem is solo q it needs a lot of buffs, but the mid tier and low tier killers needs more buffs also.
1 -
In your own words survivors just need to deal with these changes, if you spent a extra 30 seconds and looked a few post down you would off seen that there was a bit of miss communication they put choice instead of chose this is the msg i sent them after we found that out
"You meant chose not choice so that was just a bit off miss communication between us so all good, i play just for the chases and to meme around with some killers like ghost face one of the best to meme with survivors and i had a survivor DC because i marked him and downed him within 30 sec of the match starting so why ready up if your not going to see it to the end."
so maybe next time before you jump the gun read all the post as miss communication can happen and we moved on and talked about what they meant.
0 -
It's not balanced for the top, I'd say its balanced more towards the middle of people who do gens and understand a loop to some extent.
You dont have to be a god looper, but it pushes people to start playing better and as a team as before too many people got in an mmr way higher than they should be (it's a bad ranking system tbf but it people still got carried)
Killer wins at low mmr, survivors easily win at high mmr and the middle is a mix but it does require your team to all be actively playing as it should
0 -
Only for killer mains when they play as surv, because they escape always
3 -
I guess you're right. I wish it was easier to coordinate with solos, though.
Also, I hadn't noticed before, but I like your username !