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General Discussions

The new patch is not a fun experience.



  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Less than 3K IS a loss, though.

    That is not Killer mentality, that is BHVR's own decree in the way they made the MMR system.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Why should Decisive Strike work in the end game again? So you can teabag outside the exit gates knowing there's nothing the killer can do about it because it's literally an unstoppable escape? Yeah, no. Good riddance.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I mean, some of us like playing DbD with friends but don't have 4 friends who play to do custom games. Plus custom does not reward bloodpoints, so we could not progress in the game while having fun.

    Also, the problem is not SWFs. It's bullies. A casual SWF does not have a 100% escape rate, and generally does not bully.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2022

    It's almost like nothing will ever prevent camping and tunneling. Who could've possibly seen this outcome? Also, when someone right under the main post says something like "SWF is only 5% of the population" that should tell you how uninformed and ignorant some people posting here are. That's just plain wrong :)

    You can make it better, you can try to prevent it with perks or encouragement towards not, but people who want to do it will always do it, and this games design will never be able to stop it. It is and always will be part of the game, and that is bad for even killer mains because people who, ahem, "play fair" would just be punished by many restrictions and buffs to prevent it.

  • Member Posts: 768

    They could easily fix tunnelling and camping, but kill rates would plummet and every killer would quit.

  • Member Posts: 1,307
  • Member Posts: 65

    In hockey, a tie occurs when both sides have an equal score at the end of regular game time. It requires an additional tie-breaking round to be added beyond the regular game in order to resolve, or else the match is considered a draw in most contexts.

    Not sure why this came to mind, but it seems relevant for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    Can you elaborate a bit more on this? I agree camping is still a problem, but trading hooks even with 8 stacks of STBFL is still possible, you're just less likely to get away with it from a less skilled killer because you can't DH into a BT anymore.

  • Member Posts: 445

    This game should NOT be balanced around SWF. You need only go on the official Discord server to see that there aren't that many players playing SWF. (Yes, I know there are private servers, but still the number is low.) There are far more players playing solo. Also, you shouldn't have to buy a game and then get on different software to experience what it is balanced for. If it is going to be balanced for SWF, that should be built-in to the game so that everyone is given the option.

    Also, balancing against SWF is silly because a lot of SWF teams suck or are filled with toxic folks. Assuming that every SWF is well coordinated is not good.

    If BHVR wants to make SWF less of thing, incentivize players to play solo. Give them bonus base perks. Give them bonus BP. But, don't balance for SWF. That means people can't buy the game and just have fun out of the box as a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    You're goddamn right.

  • Member Posts: 142

    If you balance around soloq then even decent SWFs would completely stomp most killer even harder than now.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Which as I explained is okay because they are such a small percentage of the population. Balancing around 5% of games vs. 95% of games is not smart.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Predictable is the use of Decisive Strike in end game. EVERY. TIME.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Yeah, honestly, I've been trying to chill and adapt, and to avoid the doomsday callings because I play a lot of killer and I liked the buffs. They addressed a lot of issues I genuinely felt when I played the role.

    But speaking as someone whose only survivor perk change was Iron Will... solo queue is currently feeling pretty miserable. The point of the update was to decrease the reliance on slowdown perks by making killers more viable in chase, and this is true when I've played killer... but everyone is still bringing stacked slowdowns and tunneling as a first resort, the changes make that even harder for solos to deal with, the basekit DT does nothing to deter hard tunnels (and only really does anything to killers who are either stupid or preemptively deactivating OTR/DH), camping is everywhere and even easier with the decreased hit cooldown, people are DCing and hook suiciding all over the place, and frequent deaths have tanked me and a fair chunk of the playerbase down to the point of total teammate randomization. Whatever MMR I'm at, it's handing me good teammates and useless babies in equal measure. And unfortunately, survivor's too weak right now to carry any deadweight.

    It feels absolutely garbage to crawl through Thana, get halfway through a generator, then have a teammate go down fast and either Jolt or Eruption or Pain Resonance blows it up, followed by the killer coming over and kicking it with Overcharge (or Eruption again), and rinse and repeat because I'm getting teammates that Self-Care in the corner for the new and unimproved 45s twice in a row and maybe it's that MMR has utterly deserted me to the mercies of noobs or maybe it's the same pervasive hopelessness I've felt in basically every single one of my games between yesterday and today, but gens are not getting done. And in most the games where I survive to the end, I'm the one who gets left behind. I'm strongly considering being a deserter and taking my E wherever I can, everyone else be damned, because that's the only chance it seems like I can get.

    It's making me want to set down the game for a while, and I'm thinking as soon as I get the last fifteen levels of this rift done, it's time for a long break. More than being frustrated with most of my matches, it's at the point where I'm actively resenting most the killers I'm getting and that's not a helpful headspace for me to be in.

  • Member Posts: 40

    I ended up uninstalling the game. SoloQ is miserable experience atm, there's no denying it. If the devs actually care to make SoloQ winrate somewhat balanced again, I might be back, but until then I'd much rather play something else.

  • Member Posts: 322

    I am actually enjoying the game so much. I did before the patch and I am continuing to do so even more now. And I do not consider myself a killer main nor a survivor main. I like to enjoy everything a game has to offer. Actually, I have pretty much every survivor lvl 50 while most killers are ranging from 10 to 30, and I started playing like three months ago.

    I consider myself an average player. Not very good, but not bad either. Do I find it harder to escape as a survivor now? Yes. Do I think it should be tweaked? No. Most of the times I die is because either the killer is much much better than me -and I admit I get enraged, though I think I have only dc twice in this game- or because my teammates are playing awfully bad. Most of the times it's the latter.

    On the other side, when playing as a killer, I struggle when facing good survivor players, but know I am able to crush survivors who act reckless or stupid. I mean, I am a killer, you are supposed to try your best to hide and escape, not to fool around in front of me and expect to survive.

    So I think the update was fine. It might need some adjusting, obviously, but it was a step in the right direction.

    For all of you fellow solo survivors strugglinc to have fun, try new tactics and learn your opponents. There will obviously be times when you will enrage because one way or the other you will be killed almost at the beggining of the match, or somethimg similar, but try to let it go and find another match. Try different ways to hide. Different approaches. And learn from your matches. Different killers have different tactics. And it also depend on the players.

    Usually, when facing Legion, GhostFace or Myers I always give it a few tries and depending on how the match goes I will let myself die on the hook. But that's just me. Also, don't expect your teammates to rush to your aid when on the hook. Those are precious seconds to further repair generators before going to unhook you.

    Hope you guys can learn to enjoy it.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    but they balanced around trapper and swf and kill soloq

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