random saltiness?

so im confused guys... i had a oni who had some bad latency but he wasnt like the best at chase and wasted alot of time on me on grim pantry and the other teammates were weird... one got tunneled out of game even after we fully healed her and the teammates just werent good and 3 genned us. after he camped a laurie to death i pointed just to get chased and never teabagged and then at end he just followed me around til i had 20 seconds or less on my timer slugged and then left me to die as the last surv. he didnt wanna risk me finding hatch since he dropped me to slug and he shook his head at me and her and i asked at endgame if he had anyluck with all slowdown oni and then he just said he had luck with me and called me a useless and then censored.

This isnt a rant but like a question? did i do something wrong by trying to take chase after he purposely ignored me? why exactly did he get salty was it the map? with this new update its just a whole batch of weird mixes and im kind of lost as to the state of ym game and would like input from fellow killer players?


  • toukent
    toukent Member Posts: 89

    you must be new around here

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    nope not at all but i thought people didnt get salty randomly much anymore, but after this update its a mixed bag.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Some killers will just be like that they could have a match where the survivors didn't do anything that might be toxic, played ok/well but in the end they will just slug you and let you bleed out because that's just who they are and how they want to play, because they got the 4k they think in there mind that they have to right to call survivors useless and what else he said.

    By the sounds of it you did nothing wrong and did something not a lot of survivors do and that's try to take the heat from the killer and have them chase you, there could be other factors to due to this update they might of had survivors kill themselves on hook or DC the last few matches but you won't really know what made hem play that way, sorry you had to experience that even more with the changes with this update as it has made people play worse, different or just out to make other players experience bad.

    But yer from what you have said it sounds like you did nothing wrong and you kinda got a salty killer, I would try and put this match behind you and move on that's the best advice i can give.