Run to cancel?

I get the toggle option. But what is run to cancel exactly?
Is this to prevent you from accidentally canceling someone else healing you or something? Give an example of what would be the point of having it on and off.
You run to cancel, meaning that instead of requiring to hit the interact button to stop the action, you can just run away when the killer approaches and you will let go of the gen/survivor/gate.
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Run to cancel means that you cancel the action you are performing simply by running. This is usually best done when repairing a gen, and you see a glimpse of the killer, then you don't need to do anything fancy but start running in order to break loose of the gen.
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I love the toggle option. On a controller I already feel its easier to hit greats because of it.
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Does the Run To Cancel option only work with Interaction Behaviour is set to toggle?