Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Disconnection Penalty Doesn't Need To Exist

Member Posts: 142
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

SINCE PEOPLE CANT READ-- WHEN I SAY "I DCED" it means my internet disconnected. Its a faster way of getting the point across so I dont have to make an already long post longer.

Just hopped on for my first game if the day, had a fun couple of minutes against the afk hag (another issue entirely) before getting disconnected from the match because my internet went out. Went to the lobby again to see the penalty is 24 hours. Who thought it would be a good idea to make the penalty time add up?Literally no other game does that. DBD isn't even competitive. Makes no sense. If someone wants to DC, they are going to DC whether they have a penalty or not. Or, they will just kill themself on hook. I should not have to be punished because my computers router sucks. Don't even tell me to get a new router because I shouldn't have to get a whole new part for my computer just to play dbd correctly. When I dc on other games, I don't care. Because I wouldn't have to wait a stupid amount of time to play again.

Don't even start with the lame petty excuses like "don't play if ur wifi is bad" or "get a new router". I still only dc around once a day. So it doesn't affect me enough to fix it atm. Still enough time for the penalties to stack up, as im pretty sure it goes down one increment every 24 hours. Say your ban is at 24 hours, in exactly 24 hours it won't be reset to 5 again. It will go down to 12, and keep on dropping down until it reaches 5 minutes. It wouldn't be a problem if the DC penalty was capped at 5 minutes. Absolutely zero reason for someone to have a 24 hour ban for something out of their control. Or even if they did intentionally dc from a game, 24 hours is definitely not reasonable. I don't care if you take dbd that seriously that you get that angry if a survivor dcs in one out of your 10 matches from the last hour.

EDIT: Also, if you think people are dcing enough to where they get a literal 24 hour ban youre crazy, Thats literally less than 1% of the playerbase doing that. It should just cap out at 5 minutes. Nobody is dumb enough to let their dc timer stack up, so it literally only does affect people with bad internet.

To sum it all up:

Remove or cap the DC penalty at 5 minutes. There is no valid reason as to why it should add up. If someone does not want to be in a game any longer they will still get out of it one way or another, whether that be by dcing or committing on hook, either way the only people who are really affected by this are people with bad internet. Again, don't be in my replies thinking you're funny with the "get better internet ez" (please be more original than that, it's not funny lol) because I won't answer. This is an issue i've had with the game for a while and i'm finally speaking about it. And I know i'm far from the only person affected by this.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 944

    With current state of the game and the amount of broken things I agree actually, it should be capped at 30 min max, if you can't or refuse to balance things like nurse properly then let us leave, I'm sick of it

    no I don't want to play against starstruck nurse-midwich offering 2 times in the same day, let me DC or fix your game

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited July 2022

    I don't like it when you get the "disconnected from host" error and you receive a penalty for it even though your network connection is working fine. You shouldn't be penalized at all when that error happens.

    I wouldn't remove the penalty but I would have the timer at a maximum of 1 hour.

  • Member Posts: 9,728

    You d/c once per a day and want to remove the penalty, shocker.

    No the penalty exists for people like you who d/c frequently.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Bro you cant read. My internet goes out which MAKES ME disconnect. It goes out once daily. I get the penalties stacked up unless I get lucky and only play for 30 mins a day and it didnt happen to go out in that time frame. Do not act like you know it all bc you really just look ignorant, I can tell you didnt read my whole discussion, which is fine, its long, but dont sit here and act like you know it all. Have a good rest of ur day bud.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    If you DC “once a day” then you’re the problem, not the game. Stop leaving midgame or play something else.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Please learn to read. I clearly said its my internet disconnecting, which makes me leave the game. Either read the whole discussion or dont comment. Simple as that. Done replying to these idiots lmao

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    edited July 2022

    I did read, you also said

    DBD isn't even competitive. Makes no sense. If someone wants to DC, they are going to DC whether they have a penalty or not. Or, they will just kill themself on hook.

    Which is a big part of the problem and why this penalty exists. Every time they’ve temporarily turned the penalties off the DCs skyrocket, it’s noticeably worse.

    And yes, if you know you are having connection problems but are stubbornly playing over and over to the point you get disconnected once a day then that’s basically on you. You’re ruining the games you’re joining and disconnecting from but don’t seem to care.

    Name checks out though. 🙄

  • Member Posts: 142

    Okay, I guess Xfinity is the reason for the DC penalty existing in dead by daylight. Grounbreaking info!! If you read my post you would be able to see that I am not intentionally disconnecting. Its my internet lol. Tell me in what world someone other than someone with bad internet would have a 24 hour dc penalty. And if they do thats less than 1% of all dbd players for sure.

  • Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2022

    No. People dc because they havent been able to freely dc in a while, thats why they dc. If it was like that all the time, then it would be less people dcing. Also, I never said they had to remove it. They could just cap it at 5-15 mins. Nobody in their right mind is dcing up until 24 hours, so it only affects people with bad internet. Also, I already said that "stop playing the game" isnt a valid excuse. Also I dont "ruin" the SINGULAR match i dc from. If you care about dc's that much its on you. All the other games I play are fine. It is that one singular match I load into, where my internet randomly decides to go out. I am not purposely "joining and disconnecting" so thats not a valid excuse. Hit me with something thats actually valid and not you just talking out ya ass.

    And, you didnt read my post, unless you think im just intentionally dcing when I stated multiple times its my internet at fault not me. One disconnect a day is not enough for me to stop playing. If it was more times a day, sure. Its literally a singular match. If you take dcs that seriously, thats on you.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Also my names ironic, from an era of dbd when you probably had no clue the game existed lmao.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    People don’t intentionally disconnect and rage quit frequently enough for big penalties because they’re “in their right mind”, they do it because they have issues with impulse control or anger management.

    And yes, I’m telling you that if you are disconnecting once a day because of your router you should stop playing until you get that resolved. You’re ruining those games.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t think your name is as ironic as you think it is. 🙄

  • Member Posts: 142

    I also said they can just cap it at 5 minutes. Trust me I dont like DC's either, but I really dont think its that big of an issue. When the dc penalty didnt exist I still remember DCs being rare. I wouldnt lie about my internet though, god no, it is HORRIBLE. I would never wish it upon anyone else.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,124

    Closing this here, as this is not a discussion, just an argument and OP has no interest in a dialogue.

This discussion has been closed.

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