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Blight addons
So are we gonna continue to just ignore the fact that compound 33 and alchemist ring are still incredibly broken addons?
Is C33 even busted? I was under the impression that only AC ring and double speed addons were. I feel like C33 is somewhat fine? If not, then I think the pallet stun should be increased by a half second.
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C33 is honestly stronger than alc ring just because on average you will consistently get more value whether you're good with rushes or not. Alc ring is one of those addons that gets exponentially more broken as the blight gets better at using their power.
The biggest issue with c33 is the combination of the near instant pallet break coupled with the hinderance that makes it near impossible to get any real distance. This coupled with the fact that breaking a pallet with your face is an action that you can initiate and complete in less than half a second (in comparison to other killers who have a substantially longer windup time to perform instant pallet break animations) makes the addon incredibly low risk high reward no matter what map you play it on.
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honestly the pallet stun duration change would be a great place to start imo
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People think Compound 33 is broken? Weird. Alchemist ring is fun and rewards landing his hits, but it's a common complaint and it'll probably be nerfed in the future.
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yes, a lot of people recognize c33 as an incredibly unbalanced addon that needs changes. Here's some reasoning from who I would call a very respectable dbd player as a whole (Hens333) in a clip I took from his video "Showing Otzdarva Why Compound 33 is OP".
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It's just aura reading. if you're at a loop, both the survivor and Blight see each other already.
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you're thinking of c21, c33 is the iri that insta breaks pallets while stunning blight for 1.5 seconds, and then simultaneously hinders survivors. I've never had an issue with c21 existing, and I think it makes for fun aura reading builds that can still be outplayed if the survivor has better positioning than you do.
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Oh. Still, doesn't Blight instabreak pallets with his power anyway?
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He needs to use 2 rushes to do so, c33 requires 1 with a 1.5 seconds stun (miniscule duration) and by the time that stun duration is finished, you have all 5 rushes available .5 seconds after you finish the stun animation