Blood Web Prestige Tiers = Uninstall

Bear with me everyone.
I have been playing dead by daylight since 2017.... and yes, I agree with developers that accommodating for new players with the progression system is important. I think that if there is a way to make it easier to unlock all perks for characters. there should be.
However, what I can't fully grasp is why the heck are we as players forced to Prestige characters after we've already unlocked all the perks we want on said character.
Im going to use my experience as an example... I reached a point in DBD where I had my main (YUI) at p3 level 50. Before this update, I didn't care about other characters. I unlocked their perks and then just unlocked them on Yui. Once I had all perks on Yui, I enjoyed keeping her at level 50 and enjoying infinite level 50 blood webs. (Which are more fun and rewarding than blood webs (1-42)
With this new update, I am literally being forced grind to level 42 over and over and over and over again just so I can have a window of 8 levels (42-50) where I can consistently get better items and add ons.
As a veteran its honestly insulting... it takes away my favorite part of the progression system (grinding on a single character and then enjoying the infinite blood webs where I can stock on the items and add ons that pertain to my favorite play styles.
With this new system... I got ONE Alex's Toolbox in 50 levels..... and if I want another one, I have to grind for 42 levels all over and over again.....
Behavior, I have stuck around for so many good and bad times... but you officially lost me and all the money I love spending with y'all.
I uninstalled the game today after trying to make it work. I won't be coming back until y'all do something about this. You are literally trying to force players to play the game the way you want them to play.
I can understand changing perks around to encourage players to try different play styles.... I will never support forcing players to PRESTIGE a characters over 100 times ... (A CONCEPT THAT FROM THE VERY BEGINNING HAS BEEN OPTIONAL)
I appreciate how you feel, but there are only two downsides to prestiging, and one is going to be addressed (the item rarity after prestiging).
It used to be optional because doing it took everything from you, which was clearly the worst part.
I would hold off on the ol' uninstall for a bit, to see if BHVR follow's through on buffing the rare item appearance rate.
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I'm not sold on this system either. I ha e all the perks already unlocked on my Trapper, Pig and Doc, but now I jave to get these other killers up to P1/P3 in case new killers come along that I want to play? Furthermore, I have to reset at lvl 50 and deal with 42 levels of crap addons just to get anything good?
I went from level 1 to 48 before I saw a Pudding ot BPS. WTH?
I've spent millions of BP and don't feel like I have anything to show for it.
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"going to be addressed" is the issue. They knew it was going to be an issue, yet still rolled it out as is along with all the other "reduction offsets" they put in place. You're literally being forced to sacrifice BP to ensure you regularly get worse odds.
These types of parity changes take them ages. They simmer on the backburner for far too long.
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Gotta agree with the OP on this one. Not to the point i will uninstall the game because you know...its a game at the end of the day.
But the way we are forced to slug through the blood web 1 - 50 again and again with 0 reward for doing so is just not right. Behaviour could have easily implemented a way for players to quickly unlock killer/survivors perks without effecting players who already have everything.
For example just give the base level 1 perks for characters you own up to a certain DLC (like say last 3 DLCs don't get instant unlock).
This means all new players can jump straight into the game with perks from killers/survivors they already own then they can progress the normal way to raise the level of those perks.
I get that behaviour have said they will "look" at the raritys of the items in the blood webs but honestly don't hold out much hope of much changing because what can they honestly do.
For killers some of them the brown addons are some of the best (i believe demo is a good example) where as others your looking at purple, green or even irry as there best. No matter what they change someone will always lose so the easiest thing to do is give us an option if we want to prestige.
Oh and remove the payment for presteging if you are going to force us to do it. like why do I have to pay 20k BP to get nothing in return.
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Like I said, I tried to make it work.... but for so long what I've enjoyed the most from this game is just grinding on my one main Survivor. I can't do that anymore... And if I do... it is so inconsistent that yes at some point im going to consider whether the space the game is taking up in my drive is even worth it if im not going to enjoy playing it. I have taken long breaks from DBD but never uninstalled because I knew I could come back and enjoy it.... NOW I know that when I come back im coming back to the same BS.
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The sad truth is, is that this is just a different kind of grind to replace the previous grind that was already there. Case in point: the removal of the blood point bonuses. There's literally no reason good enough to remove the blood point bonuses from BBQ and WGLF. None. If this change was meant to reduce the grind, then there's no reason to remove the blood point bonuses.
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There's been a lot of speculation that it might have been an executive decision to cut back on the amount of reduction was had, so these types of changes were like a way to walk it back essentially. The oft touted 75% reduction is an absolute best case scenario, and thats what decisions like the BP tax were based off of.starting with 50k could very well have been a ploy just to make 20k seem more acceptable, or it could have been a glaring oversight. Its impossible to tell which is which with this game on a good day.
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They knew it since PTB yeah. But stuff that comes to PTB is hardly scrapped as a whole. There is just too much effort in prototyping, development and internal testing, why should they throw that out? Even delaying might be more work than just releasing the current state and address the remaining issues (since you will have to remove features from the code base again, which gets more and more difficult the bigger the change is).
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Because if they never bother to organize their codebase in general, the more they pile on top, the harder it gets to fix it later. This is exactly why with an update schedule its important to make these types of considerations, or at least to keep systems as isolated as possible and keep dependencies to a minimum when initially making any type of mechanical overhaul. Its the same reason why killers were so pissed the key change took so much longer than the mori change, especially since it ended up being the simple fix people had been offering before they even considered reworking either.
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Yeah a lot of people have come to the same conclusion that the amount of reduction that's touted with this update isn't anywhere near as heavy as BHVR says it is. That's not to imply that they're lying or anything, but the reduction isn't as substantial as we were all led to believe. Not to mention that while yes you do get smaller blood webs each time you prestige, as many people have pointed out the higher rarity items that you can unlock are now very few and far between. Hell you're lucky to even see survivor puddings and party streamers anymore, and with the removal of the blood point bonuses with certain perks, in some ways it's like the grind never ended.
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Did they post about the item rarity being addressed? If so, I missed it, I'd be curious to read that information because it was a concern of mine as well. Thanks.
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I have everyone p9 all perks. I don't plan on leveling any of those players up anymore. Just capping at 2 mill and saving it for new survivors.
I'm playing less and don't need to keep spending bp on anyone I have prestiged already.
I know not everyone is in that boat, but if you are that's my advice.
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I remember reading at least an acknowledgment that it was an issue they were going to look at, can't recall precisely where, though.
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This is something I totally agree with u on. With the new update, grinding levels and prestiging survivors or Killers should be alot faster than it was before yet it's not for 2 reasons:
1: The people who made the prestige rework took away the bloodpoint bonuses in BBQ & Were Gonna Live Forever which at the end of the day made no sense at all. How has the grind being reduced to 75% when the bloodpoint bonuses of those 2 perks have being taken away. Without them, farming bloodpoints and grinding levels to get to lvl 50 to prestige characters takes 2 to 3 times longer than it should take. Taking those bonuses away, they made the grind alot worse than it was before the update.
2: Another reason grinding has been very difficult since the update is now u have killers with their buffed up perks killing survivors way too fast in matches where they are hardly getting any bloodpoints at all and the killer ends up with a bunch. Now when u had the bloodpoint bonus on WGLF as a Survivor. Even if u got killed fast by the killer, as long as u got at least 2 unhooks or 2 protection hits before the killer got u. U would end a match even if u lost with a decent amount of bloodpoints. But now with the removal of that bloodpoint bonus from WGLF. The only people who can do effective bloodpoint grinds in matches are killers and that ain't at all fair to survivor mains. Yes some perks needed changes but BBQ & WGLF didn't need nor did they deserve their bloodpoint bonus taken away.
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This is my issue as well. As far as I'm concerned, let us choose between prestiging and getting good add-ons/items. The devs said they will be looking at the item rarity thing in future, but that might not even be until the second half of next year for all we know. I feel like the easier option might be to simply not make it compulsory for now and change it up later
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I wanted certain green add ons on Pinhead and in 35 levels I found 2 of its not just purple and iris, but at least we get ton of hatch offerings and other trash
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Forced prestige was very bad idea and until they solve how to give you good items / addons / offerings of high tier without spending insane ammout of BP it show be optional. When it's fixed then we can maybe talk about it putting it back.
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Im into this though, less broken item/addon on both side.
Certainly the the rarity spawn for Purple and Red should be higher, but no more 4-5 purple & red per blood web.
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I can't understand WHY the 20k bps penalty for spending 1.5 million bps reaching lvl 50.
You should reward players bps for prestiging and not taking more away.
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Yeah I've noticed that it takes roughly 2-3 games just to earn what you used to get within just a single match. Sadly the grind hasn't gone anywhere.
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Well in their eyes, making good items and add-ons harder to obtain might make Plunderer's Instinct a more desirable perk. I've certainly noticed it on the survivors I vs.
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Just FYI they already said they’re adjusting the rarities in the post-prestige bloodwebs to match the level 50 rarities to address this issue of not having access to the rare an ultra rare ones for a while. Hopefully it won’t take them TOO long to do since it’s already planned and presumably just numeric tweaks.
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Exactly my point, they didn't make the grind any easier than it was before. They did the opposite and made it worse.
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100% agree. As someone who has not only been around since the beginning, but to anyone that had a p3 character they spend many millions of BP on... this is just wrong. I've been enticed to play for many seasons in a row now, as having an encentive to reach P3 for several characters was a fun grind imo. So many hours essentially nerfed due to the devs mystical vision of new player acceptance and retention (which I agree is important). But, I was the one motivating my group of friends to hop on after work and now we're all dropping DBD until they truly include everyone instead of excluding the ppl who loved their game the most.
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i agree this system is garbage, and i hate that i have to p1 characters now to get their teachables. like ######### i only play 1 survivor why should i spend now even more bloodpoints to P1 characters to get teachables? before the update you just needed to spend 800k on a character to get lvl 40 and their teachables now you MUST spend around 1.325.000 bps to get them to P1 to get teachables. THIS IS BS. and don't get me started on items farming i literally stopped leveling characters after prestiging them. no way i lvl 1-42 again get a purple medkit just to lose it in a game because i could die.
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BHVR from day 1 of this game was always unable to make slight, careful decent tuning changes to the game. It always had to be the atomic bomb on several aspects. So what did you expect ?
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but now I jave to get these other killers up to P1/P3 in case new killers come along that I want to play?
If you already have all the current perks unlocked as teachables pre-update, as your post implies by mentioning you have killers with every perk already, you don't have to do anything. Any new killers will have them as yellow perks out the gate which you can then level to green and purple on the new guy same as you would otherwise. If you want to level them to P2 or 3 so those perks start higher, that's entirely your prerogative.
It's a mere 10 levels, they reduced overall BP costs, and hitting it automatically gives those perks in yellow to everyone, including the character you actually want them on, which saves a few bloodwebs on that end.
My only real complaint has been the Prestige toll, and even that was reduced to an amount it's at least possible to get in a single game.