Gen placement last couple days

Last few days I've gotten almost no good 3 gens on my side of the map. It'll be the biggest macmillan map and 7 gens will be on the entire other side of the map and survivors blow through them before I can lay my traps (hag) I'm not looking for tips cause I understand how to play her just annoyed with the placement lol
The new tiles on macmillan added new gen spots, it's not just you.
I've noticed this as well, it's really weird
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That helps my mood about it quite a bit to know I'm not alone in that . Hope yours go better
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I'm not trying to be rude but if all the gens are on their side of the map why are you laying your traps where there are no gens?
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As survivor, I purposefully run to the other side of a map if a gen is done on one end. That is IF I can get to a gen without getting caught of course, but that's by the by.
My usual method to avoid a 3 gen is Gen on one side, Gen on the other, Gen in the MIDDLE Take 1, Gen in Middle Take 2 (if Take 1 didnt work), and finish the last gen.
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The new tiles on MacMillan have made them much more survivor sided, it sucks
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Cause the game becomes much harder when the survivors see you put your traps down. I don't trap in the back corner with no gens, but by the time hag gets across the map they've already popped 2-3 gens, I get into a chase or two and 1-2 more will pop.
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However just 30 min ago I destroyed a 4 man team on new macmillan . The DBD gods finally got tired of my complaining lmao
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I don't know on which mmr you are, but I play Hag from time to time and you really shouldn't be afraid of one gen or two popping while you set up. Still, while you're in your setup phase, you should still maybe patrol slightly and kick the gens (which is a habit you might not have if you were used to Ruin like I was) to make the survivors scramble somewhere else. This will allow you to place traps near the gens, through shortcuts, and also prevent the survivors from popping too many of them.
I recommend Spies from the Shadows to assess where the survivors you scare off run, and make sure they don't see where you put your traps. It will also allow you to hear if they stay in the same area, and chase them to make sure the gen has time to regress (especially if you're running Overcharge in replacement to Ruin). Spies is really overlooked as a beginner perk, but it's actually extremely helpful.
It's also okay not to be fully set up for your first hook(s). I generally hook my first survivor with only 5-6 traps placed, because that way it puts a bit of pressure on them and lets me place the rest of them. Depending on if you run Devour Hope, you might want to place a trap near the hook or where you anticipate the survivors to hide and heal.
A bit more "sweaty" I guess, but you can also easily plant a 3-gen by trapping heavily one of the sides of the maps.
I don't know what kind of add-ons you use, but I always run with faster setup time and teleportation range, to be as mobile as possible (Hag running a bit slower than other killers)
I hope this might be helpful, I'm learning Hag right now and I've found this to work pretty well so far for me !
Post edited by HugTheHag on1 -
First, hooks in Coldwind Farm, now gens in Macmillan. XD. What is wrong with the placement these days?
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I don't know, when I play hag I always run corrupt, and I can clearly see a good 3-gen spots every single game, and start my web on them.
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So you've never once as Hag been spawned in a literal dead zone with maybe 1 gen and by the time you try to figure out the best 3 gen they've already take out the best ones , and you have no time to really set up before they're onto the next ones ? I understand games can definitely be saved but I hate starting out that way .
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totally agree
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Dead zone - no, never. =)
I spawn, with corrupt I see 4 unblocked gens, I choose 3 most close ones, and start web around them, I don't care about other gens, protecting these 3. Every single hag game.
No time for set up? How? I have at least 120 sec to set up this area very easy. Maybe you're doing something wrong?=)
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I don't. I can't get to the other side, plant my traps without being seen, and apply pressure is my point
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My answer is literally that it happens to me and not you lol I don't know how to prove that but it happens to me with about 1/10 matches, where a 3 gen just isn't possible early on . I also am relatively new and only have a few good perks (discordance, sloppy, nurses calling, jolt) are the best ones to choose from so far. I've watched many videos and follow it as closely as possible
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If you watched enough guides on hag, you must see, that she's the killer with "base-kit perks".
It's Franklin's and corrupt. So sorry you don't have them yet, but believe me, there is no way playing hag without these 2 perks and not getting bullied.=)
Maybe I'm not understanding something, but I never had a problem with webbing at the beggining of the match. I always immidiately see a good 3 gen spot.
If you're relatively new, why you don't want any tips? I don't understand this part.
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If there is no more 3-gen cluster on 15% map size, that's a very good news actually!
HAGS will have to move their old skinny asses off from that little square, gg devs
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*in Granny's voice* Have more respect for your elders, young man ! In my days, people respected a good 3-gen ! /joking
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Ngl, you got a point here :)