I think it's fair to say now that survivor are ruining the game like they always have.

I know what kind of comments I will get and I don't care, I wanna talk about this because this game is important to me.
Survivors are ruining the game. Of course not everyone but most of them. I have a few examples but I will start with the biggest one.
The 6.1.0 Update is out since a few days and...survivors are losing there crap over everthing. Constantly crying here over the changes or killing themselves in game/dc the moment something happens they don't like.
I have to say that there are two real problems right now in the game that have to be adressed. Nurse and slow down combos
But other then that is the game in a healthy state like never before. Killers got the buff they needed and finally is the meta different. But here comes the problem. Entilted survivors who don't give themselves time to adjust and instead become childish and toxic towards others.
"Killers are now too op!"
"They win every round with a 4k!"
And similar sentences over and over again. And the thing is...of course are killers now stronger...but it's not there fault that you are bad. It shows that a few survivors are not able to win without dead hard, dstrike and the other meta crap from before. But instead of trying to learn new perks or learn to loop without needing to press E they go the childish Route and try to force the devs to revert the changes with disconnects and crying posts here and every where else.
I am not a killer Main, actually I am really bad as killer and even now with the update I'm still losing games like before. I play survivor in the morning and in the evening killer. I am not a expert in this game with 50k hours but I have spend my hours in this game and this Update is a step in the right direction so please devs Show that you don't go back because some babies lost there op things.
Can people PLEASE stop mentioning Dead Hard?
Not everything is about that perk, jeez!
55 -
Not everything but it's one of the most complains I see when people cry about the Patch.
1 -
It's a bit silly to apply what the very vocal minority of survivors are saying to just 'survivors' in general. And any dev worth their salt isn't going to make changes based on said very vocal minority only two weeks after probably the biggest update meta-wise the game has ever recieved.
Plus some of the survivor criticism is perfectly valid. Tunnelling and camping are now for the most part easier. Solo queue is overall harder as it still needs QoL additions. I've seen a lot of people on this forum dismiss valid criticism under the pretense of 'oh you just need to actually get good lol can't rely on DH now' and it's so annoying, especially when it's aimed at survivors that have never even run the sodding thing.
Post edited by LittleBigSunset on4 -
Where? I havent seen a post complaining about dead hard being nerfed, I've only seen people like you still obsessed with it.
36 -
I mean, a certain Sluz did, but does that really count?
1 -
@Mert_MK I didn't expect to use this meme this early.
Yeah just wave away all fair criticism of the patch by mentioning dead hard
31 -
Sadly, I agree. It has been ruining my killer and survivor games. To be fair, killers are not making it any better. A lot of these clowns are 100% taking advantage of the baby rage. I got tunneled after someone DC'd, no shot. I can see WHY he was a tunneler as I actually escaped that game, by the way. The fact that he even attempted it was low-key more disgusting than any survivor behavior I have seen, however. Especially when you consider I was being sandbagged by this Meg who unhooked me in front of him twice and didn't take aggro.
11 -
Congratulations you can read the word dead hard and ignore the other words in my Post.
3 -
I am not a killer Main, actually I am really bad as killer and even now with the update I'm still losing games like before.
Well, you're discarding someone else's opinion because they're allegedly bad at their role in the game, while asserting that your opinion is right DESPITE the fact that you yourself are bad at your role.
Can you see how that raises a little bit of a conundrum?
17 -
LOL, i was also surprised how early i got to use it. It really feels like these posts just show up every 2 mins
@Johnny_XMan can confirm, he introduced me to this perfect meme
8 -
No one on this forum has ever used DH, it had the highest usage rate of any perk but none of us used it okay? Stop talking about DH.
2 -
I kind of want to use it NOW because of the funny animation.
0 -
Fun fact, this forum contains more 3000 MMR players than it does DH users.
1 -
Careful, if you land it, every single person in a square mile radius of everyone in the match, including yourself, will drop whatever they are holding, look directly at YOU, and say "Nice".
2 -
Man you guys love talking about dead hard. Get over it. Also the “press E” saying is so overplayed already
5 -
Yeah ok bud
4 -
I think my comment got deleted, somehow?
Just going to summarise my previous points. You shouldn't generalise the very vocal minority of survivors that are mindlessly complaining as 'survivors' in general. The developers will make changes, but it will not be based on mindless complaining that doesn't offer valid criticism that they can consider. We're only two weeks in to the game's biggest meta-breaking patch, so they're going to take their time for the game to settle instead of jumping the gun and making quick changes based on little actual data.
And please don't dismiss genuine criticism, such as in regards to easier camping/tunnelling and solo queue being harder due to needing QoL additions to catch up with killers. Especially under the pretense of 'you can't use DH anymore lol get good'. It's super annoying to see and is a common dismissal on the forums at the moment.
17 -
You have a good head on your shoulders. I like you. Don't ever change.
2 -
I like how title says "it's fair to say" and then not only generalizes all survivors, but also digs at them with "like they always have", which sounds pretty disingenuous.
13 -
I agree with all of this completely
1 -
Well said
1 -
I don't think DH is the reason. xD
Main issues I keep seeing on this forum are:
- Camping and tunneling. (personally I don't really see much after patch)
- Survivors overreacting - Dc's, suicide on hooks.
- Soloq is miserable. (due to no communication)
I think that's it.
1 -
i almost always go for 2 hooks and let the survivors escape and survivors are STILL dcing (and I play demogorgon of all killers, literally one of the most fun to face).
inb4 my perks are too op: I use STBFL, Coup De Grace, Jolt, and Infectious Fright or Agitation + Mad Grit almost every game.
0 -
So far the post patch experience has been.
Day 1- The great culling, basically impossible to lose a game as killer.
Day 2-4 Pretty easy again, feels almost unfair
Day 5-6-7 Nvm survivors adapted and are putting up a good match, game is pretty enjoyable though a few people just dc
Day 8-now Dear lord why is there always a baby that suicides on hook on what would otherwise be a pretty good match.
Its an epidemic, survivors were infected with acting like little babies virus
Its terminal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1 -
"Killers went crying to BHVR and now survivors literally can't escape"
"Survivors are just sad they can't press E to 'outplay' the killer anymore"
Yeah, both sides (some of them anyway) are being a bit tiresome atm
1 -
😂 Yes, you can pretty much expect it whenever you see a post referring to the patch.
1 -
Can people PLEASE stop downplaying Dead Hard?
It had a 75% pick rate, which means every game was pretty much guaranteed to have two Dead Hard's at least. This could lead to extending a chase by up to 60 seconds, so even if those two Dead Hard users only managed to use it once each, that's 2 extra minutes. 2 minutes the other survivors had to freely work on gens without risk. 2 minutes.
The gen speed changes added 50 seconds to the total time to repair all 5 gens. That's less than 1 minute.
DH was by all definitions the most substantial effect to have changed in this patch.
3 -
Why are we still talking about Dead Hard? Get over it omg.
1 -
yeah I guess the first hook facecamping bubba is making the game smooth as it has never been
0 -
What a kind thing to say. Thank you :)
1 -
especially now that it has effectively been taken out back and shot
good frigging riddance
0 -
This game was also important to lots of survivors who enjoyed it as they had a 50/50 chance of escape, there was enough hope to fuel the match and then devs completely buffed all aspects of killer and nerfed most of survivor meaning now survivors morale is awful if they havent already quit meaning they leave rounds if they get snowballed at 5 gens for example. Next time a survivor kills themselves on hook look at how the match is going - would they have definitely died anyway at 3 gens?
4 -
would they have definitely died anyway at 3 gens?
I just got out of a game where the ONLY Survivor that got hooked DCed on that first hook. There was 1 gen left, and I was 5 seconds from completing it. I started to go for the save, and they DCed. I was running Kindred as well: The killer was NOT camping them. They died on first hook at one gen left and a guaranteed survival.
0 -
That's an entirely different scenario and you escaped anyway so why are you complaining, probably lost connection. I was talking about if survivors kill themselves on hook at 4/5 gens it's usually because they know they wouldn't escape anyway.
0 -
Survivors has real complains about this update both camping and tunneling got huge buffs and using them means you win 90% of time. Ofcourse if you're very bad you could lose. Survivors definetely throw some games but that usually because the skill gap can be too big between killer player and survivor players. I just played match with bubba in game map and 3 survivors were in toilet room fixing gen and I downed them all with one chainsaw (had iri add on.) Then last survivor came to me and showed to down her too. This game lasted what 2-3 mins.
Quite opposite is decent swf who fix gens quickly and can loop well those games you still have to work for 3-4K. But if you tunnel and camp in these games most of times you win even if they're more skilled than you. But what I notice when I lose it's because I made mistakes maybe I didn't tunnel one out thinking I can win going for 2 hooks before finishing one off. Almost every game is winnable for killer but it means you have to play bit dirty too.
Ds was bad nerf for survivors it's encourages killers to tunnel one quickly out and even if you have ds now it does not give enough time to make it to safe loop and killer can easily catch you. 10s gen time increase and BBQ nerf makes it worth to just facecamp survivor on hook. I don't see reason why ds or otr disables at endgame. At that point survivor deserve to have chance to escape. If you want to tunnel survivor in less than 2 minutes out of games pick up ph and make survivor you go after torment himself then when you down him put him on hook and facecamp second hook for him and after he is saved count to 5 and down again then kill him with final judgement.
2 -
"It's not there fault you're bad"
You lost all credibility the moment i read this.
0 -
dead hard is still rent free in peoples minds?
6 -
2 -
I never used dead hard my only issue is the camping and tunneling and the killer constantly hitting you on the hook
2 -
that is why survivors are d/c
0 -
This has happened multiple times today. At 1-2 gens left.
I'm not complaining that I survived, I'm saying that people are DCing or throwing from hook in completely unreasonable situations where there isn't any logic to it.
As for the idea that they DC because they can't escape, I don't think that is the case either. I've already seen multiple DCs at 4 gens that simply didn't make sense. It's not like it took long to get to 1 gen done, but the first person (or second person a few times) on hook leaves anyways. In those scenarios, there is no way to know if it would have gone better if they had stuck around. Thankfully, the last match where someone DCed at 4 gens, the Killer realized what was going on and turned it into a farming match. Many, however, just go for the kills. I don't blame the Killer in that scenario, though, I blame the people quitting the moment something doesn't go there way.
Yes, some matches are pretty clear it's going to be a slog. Leaving early still sucks at that point, but in the very least, I get the logic. However, that's simply not the only scenario I have been seeing. Something has caused "DC when a bad happens" to become so normalized that it occurs regardless of the logic of the decision.
0 -
Oh yeah survivors are the only problematic players on this game, despite the fact that I've personally seen:
-Plenty of killers disconnect and afk mid game
-Killers purposefully dropping their mmr by afking from the start
-Toxic killers that slap every survivor on hook
-Lots of whining on the forums about how the game is survivor sided (even still)
6 -
tbf I haven't played many games this patch but every other game has had a survivor kill themselves on their first hook. as killer I don't even run addons 9 times out of 10 and only 1 or 2 slowdowns.
0 -
Weirdly my comment from earlier just reappeared again all of a sudden. Maybe these forums are more bugged than the game.
0 -
As soon as Dead Hard was mentioned, this post lost all credibility. Nobody is throwing a fit over the DH nerf. Survivors have genuine and valid complaints and all killer mains can say in response is "YoUr jUsT mAd ThAt DeAd HaRd WaS nErFeD" without providing any actual counter arguments to said concerns. It's just getting ridiculous at this point.
4 -
What I said in a different post. Survivors DC because of very oppresive killer builds that they don't want to face and killers, knowing that, get even more tryhard.
0 -
You mentioned it ^_-
0 -
That's a good point. I don't see many people letting go on hook in my games personally, but when they do it's always when the game is pretty much over and there's 4/5 gens left.
0 -
This is truth. This is as accurate as you will get it without having been there yourself. I like to call the first 2-3 days the "all you can kill" buffet.
1 -
just bait it out