Prestige system perks will show how bad it is in time.

I feel as we get more survivors people will want to play them. I know the new system had no issues with our mains but if we want to play as new survivors releasing or change mains if you do not have every single character prestige 3 basically all the effort you have put into dbd is wasted. I had pretty much every single char at lv 40 some skills purchased from the shrine and now if I play as someone new its all gone every single perk will be either gone/unobtainable or tier 1 so basically useless. in order to fix this I have to grind millions of bp and spend them on all the other chars. Even though I already took the time in the past to unlock these perks I now have to do it again. 400 hours of dbd again. I just honestly dont even want to play anymore it just feels so unfair to players to do this at least with the old system yes I had to unlock all tiers on 1 char but I was gaining items ect for a char I want to play. you know whats going to happen to the entire 3 prestiges on dwight? all those items will sit there never being used and all that bp wasted and thats just one char just ONE. I bet this is going to have an impact in due time with the next re patch when ppl want to play ada or rebecca just wait. not your cup of tea? at some point you will want to play a new survivor and its going to be the worst feeling ever.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I'm not sure I'm following what you're saying.

    If you have multiple characters at prestige 1, any new character you want to play is going to start off with a massive boost from a grind perspective because they already have a ton of perks at tier 1 and thus only need to find them at tiers 2 and 3 in the bloodweb- compare to before where you'd have to find all three tiers of every single teachable.

    In fact, that's the biggest strength of this new system, every time you want to swap to a new character you aren't starting from scratch.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    This right here, it is a significant benefit to survivors.

    Before, when a new character was released, you'd dump enough BP in them to get them to 40, then forget about them entirely.

    Now, you'll actually get to play these new characters, with all the perks you have on everyone else, and all the BP you invest in that character will be able to be used. All those items and offerings bought with the BP used to get them to 50, will be useful inventory, instead of dead weight.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Incorrect when a new character is unlocked you automattically get all teachable perks at the tier matching the prestige ( lets assume the worst and all your teachable unlock at level 1) you can still just start leveling up the character and unlock the higher tiers in the bloodweb of that character just like you always could except you get tier 1 for free so lets say 20 perks at 4k per perk you just saved 80k bloodpoints.

  • bestgirlsusie
    bestgirlsusie Member Posts: 6

    I already leveled these chars though entirely they are done, finished, leveled, millions already put into them. I have to do it again for no reason I dont want to play like 6 mill of dwight or meg or who ever I am just trying to get perks for id rather spend all those bp on the one char that way I would at least have a ton of items on them afterward.

  • bestgirlsusie
    bestgirlsusie Member Posts: 6

    omg you are right I just bought a new char just to test it thank you. I was so scared I couldnt level them up in the bloodweb without prestige 3 nvm guys sorry my bad.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710
  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    10 more levels per survivor you already got to 40. Grind out the other tiers on your new main. There's zero requirement to get them to P3.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    The only problem I see with the new prestige system is that being forced to prestige makes it more expensive to get good add-ons, but the devs have apparently acknowledged this and are working on it.

    The other issue I can see happening is that yes, you can start a new character with 30 tier 1 perks, but that adds even more randomness to the bloodweb, since finding the ugrade of the perk you want is now less likely.

    But let's be honest, it was already an issue when you had lots of teachables or shrine of secret perks unlocked.

    Maybe we could get less maps and more perks ?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    Getting the Bloody Cosmetics on the Project W chapter is going to be a nightmare.

    500+ Killer games at a minimum, if not over 700.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    That is a fair criticism,but hopefully they get the incentives back online to help with that.