Mint_ Member Posts: 52
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

These are some perks i would like in the game but i wanna know yalls opinion


  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    The first few are fun and a good addition.

    Do it yourself' is kind of strange. I rarely see it activating unless matchmaking is having a hard time. Also, if you are able to run the killer that long, most gens should be done making the results less valuable. I don't think you should buff it, I think it should just be different.

    Persistent is a bit niche as well. You could see some value but for 40 second? Idk if that is worth. It could just be me; I'd rather go CoH and ShadowStep if I wanted to accomplish the same thing.

    Mending perks are a cool idea, they should add them in. 9 seconds sounds like a lot though, could work.

    I like being able to see what the killer sees with insight. That is a cool idea to run with. You could probably buff it and it'd be fine. I don't think what you have is very strong but it is a cool concept.

  • Mint_
    Mint_ Member Posts: 52

    Thanks! Im mostly just making these as solution to things that would reward my playstyle or just based on situations that happen a bit to often. Imo the mending one is fine since you're not gonna get any "value" out of it right? You're trading a perk slot for 9 seconds of not mending so i dont think it would be very good, mostly just to have more fun against legion. And i see why insight sounds bad but i think you really need the 2 gen requirement since it would be really good against hex perks! I do agree with the rest so thanks for the feedback!!