Big new Dead Hard issue

Yes I know DH only works for 0.5 seconds now and yes I know it doesn't provide a small speed buff anymore.
I have a huge issue with the new DH. The old DH was activated instantly when you pressed the ability button. You could see the killer starting their attack animation, you press the button and DH was activating immediately. Reaction time mattered.
New DH doesn't work that way. When I press the ability button the first second nothing happens at all. No exhaustion, no animation, no 0.5 seconds of protection.
Then after about a second of nothingness this weird new animation starts and only now this 0.5 seconds of protection works.
New DH doesn't activate immediately anymore, it has a huge delay. You can no longer react to what's happening and activate the ability at the right moment, you have to predict what will happen in a second.
Take the speed boost away, lower the protection time, whatever, but the biggest and most brutal nerf is that DH is no longer reactive, it's predictive.
Because of this it feels extremely clunky and frustrating. I've been downed dozens of times pressing the DH button while nothing happened.
It feels good when It still sometimes saves my life when I manage to predict what will happen in exactly a second from now but mostly it feels terrible if I see the starting of an attack animation or stumble upon a killer from behind the corner, press the button and it just doesn't do anything right away.
This is not a lag issue because it was totally different before, the activation was immediate without a millisecond of delay, now it's like a full second between pressing the button and activating a protection in the middle of a wonky animation.
Take the speed buff away, whatever, but please make DH again be activated immediately upon pressing the button, not after some weird delay! Make me able to react rather than blindly predict the future!
My god, DH has a built-in delay? There's already an input delay on console.
I'm curious if anyone on Switch has tried the new DH. Is it completely unusable?
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It doesn't have a built in delay, despite what the original poster is saying it sounds like a latency issue or something.
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It's not latency. I have the same internet as before the patch. Before Dh was activated the exact moment I pressed the ability button. After the DH rework it has a huge delay between pressing the button and starting the animation and 0.5 seconds of protection.
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Ah, okay.
I wouldn't know, I never used old DH. And I don't use new DH because anything that requires exact timing is basically impossible on console since there is definite input latency. Not so bad on PS4, but the input latency is huge and absolutely disastrous on Switch: can't hit DS, seriously horribly struggle to hit Overcharge/Oppression/Merciless Storm/2nd-state-on-hook skill checks, and get grabbed off everything even though I let go plenty early. And my god do killer powers suffer, like Doc's Shock Therapy attacks feel awful.
So, anyway, yeah. I'm still curious about DH's performance on Switch, simply because it does seem like you'd need to be able to predict the future to pull it off. If new DH does activate immediately for PC players, then with the input latency and low framerate on Switch, you'd have to hit the button a second early for like two frame's worth of Endurance. And having never used the previous DH, I wouldn't be able to make any sort of comparison between the two.
I've gone against a lot of survivors who are able to use DH against me, so it's obviously usable for some people. And I remember one match where a teammate used certain tricks to get the killer to swing at her exactly when she wanted, so she pulled off DH every time. That was impressive. New DH may be more about tactics and mind games rather than simply being a mid-chase tank perk.
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Latency doesn't necessarily have to be you changing your internet. For instance it could be something happening between you and the server, or something unintentional in the new code that's causing it on your machine.
Regardless I've seen enough people blocking with the new Dead Hard to know they didn't actually change the timing of it. Whatever you're seeing isn't an intentional change and it's not affecting everybody.
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Exhausted on the ground is back since new DH doesn't have I-frames. Now you can press the button, get hit, and despite being exhausted from dead hard procing, you don't get the endurance because somehow the game logic worked itself in knots and registered the hit before the endurance but registered the DH proc before the down. Quite amazing.
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I'm not getting exhausted on the ground. I press the button, no exhaustion, no animation, no protection for a second. Only after a second it activates. That's what I'm talking about. It used to be immediate upon pressing the button and now it's after a significant delay.
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My experience has been if a killer lunges from about max range I can react to them swinging and proc DH. If they are too close you cannot react to the swing. Idk if it's latency or the fact that it doesn't react instantly anymore.
My last match using the perk leads me to believe it's more so the latter. I was playing against a blight and I could not get DH to proc. I pressed e before going down each time he used his rush and nothing happened. Even when he was lunging around a corner while rushing I was unable to reactively use the perk. I'm 100% sure that I had pressed the button before my character went down on my screen and it didn't get used.
In my eyes the perk is dead. It's not even a knee-jerk overreaction. If I can't use the perk reactively in that scenario I'd rather have no exhaustion perks than to run DH. I'm all for DH being used in a more skillful manner, but for me it seems like it's just luck of the draw.