Why Killswitch the Clown but not Oni?

Mondhirsch Member Posts: 228
edited August 2022 in Bug Reporting

Oni get's twice as much Blood when a Survivor fast vaults like intended. When will he get fixed or at least Killswitched?

Edit: Guess I know why: because you want to sell the AOT-Cosmetic.

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  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    yes why

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690
    edited August 2022


    Clown was 10% faster and could slow down survivors. You literally could not win a chase against him; the counterplay to Clown was compromised because of this bug.

    Oni, by comparison, still needs to work to get his power. The bug only gives him his power sooner, it does NOT remove any counterplay he has in/out of his power. He's effectively the same killer, he just gets his power sooner AFTER he scores a hit.

    Also, Oni's been like this for what feels like almost a year now and no one even noticed. Clearly, it's not THAT gamebreaking, or at least, doesn't appear to be.

  • Mondhirsch
    Mondhirsch Member Posts: 228

    Well you'll notice the difference on good Oni's, especially when they know about that bug. They'll force you to tiles where you have to vault multiple times to not get downed. They are in their power almost the whole match.

  • Luceus
    Luceus Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2022

    Even if they don't want to Killswitch because of AOT skin, they could at least make it a priority.

    People say that it's not a real issue anyway, but they seem to not realise that Oni already is a strong A tier killer and with the bug he's currently in S tier. They might not see it as a problem in their low to mid mmr but actually good Oni players became absolutely lethal and winning against them is almost impossible if you're not in a 4 man well coordinated swf