Prestige Conversion Rates Have Robbed Me Of Over 100 Million Bp's, Perks, Etc.

Prior to the update I had EVERY perk unlocked.. Survivors and Killers were all at lvl 50... some P1 some P2 some P3... After this update I have people who aren't even P1.. Perks I originally had unlocked are now locked at "yellow/lvl1". I've done the math and it's well over an estimated 100 million bps worth of lvls through prestige that have outright been robbed from me (from JUST MY SURVIVORS ALONE).
For Example.. I had Ash P2 lvl 50 (which is basically P3 - minus 1 click of a button!!) after this update, He is now a P6 and a full 3 prestige lvls away from what my P3's converted to. 3 full lvls of prestige at the value of a few red icons that nobody can really even see? HOW IS THIS NOT A BIGGER ISSUE?!?!?
I've spent thousands of hours playing Dead By Daylight. 1 update and i'm robbed of my perks, prestige, etc for what??? Some red picture on my P3's? These conversions are a tragedy to us players who have spent thousands of hours grinding bp's... Who's Bright idea was it to round prestige's down? To Rob Killers/Survivor's everyone who wasnt full P3 with every character, of all of this????
Should I expect some sort of compensation or do I truly need to admit that the dev's have completely robbed me and soo many others and just call it what it is.... The Death of DBD..... Idk but This NEEDS to be a bigger issue.... This NEEDS to be addressed... This NEEDS to be said.....
That really sucks though what the hell
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I didn't lose a thing on any of my characters after the update.
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You still keep all your unlocked perks on all your characters - if you had tier 3 Sadako perks on Freddy you'll still have them on him, even if you don't have Sadako at P3.
That being said, it might be a big issue when a new killer releases and you want some perks on them.
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It's pretty simple 3:1 ratio... I had everything unlocked for everyone. Now I have yellow perks locked... I could care less about "new content" I've paid and Earned Content that I no longer have.... and i'm NOT the only 1.
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What do you want us to do about it? like you could be lying too. Why dont you take this up with support?
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I have placed a Ticket with support but this isn't a single issue case.. I'm not the only person who has been robbed.. The discussion needs to be had so maybe the issue is properly addressed.. to say, "you could be lying" is flat out ignorant... i'm sorry but I'm not.
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Yeah regardless of what it may say in any characters menu on the Bloodweb about their teachable Perks, anything you had unlocked before the update, is still unlocked.
You didn't actually lose anything.
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Don't apologize to him. The people who always assume the worst out of others, but blindly defend companies are not worth the effort.
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Are you insane? I can clearly see that i've lost more then NOTHING..... I log on every day... I have people who aren't even P1 all the perks are locked... characters who should be much higher in prestige are not... how can you say I didn't lose anything?? That's flat out outrageous...
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He's right; the conversion is capped at nine prestige levels, so anyone with a more significant investment in a character would lose that. On PTB, maxed-out chars were P11 L50, so basically P12. The system only factored in perk tiers; some players have chars that exceed P3 L50 many times over and have 100s of items but are still capped at P9. The 3x bonus was excellent for the masses, but the people with significant investments got the short end of the stick. I don't understand the issue in giving those people P11 or higher to reflect respect and honor their investment in the game.
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idk if the best response to skepticism is just to claim the skeptic is ignorant. But good luck with that.
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They aren't actually locked.
I had the same situation with Clown, the only killer I didn't get to at least P1. It still showed his teachables as "locked" but they weren't, and were showing up in other characters bloodwebs.
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They are in fact locked for me.
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I'm not even considering the "cap". It's understandable that we dont instantly get P100 but, With characters who has reached say... lvl 50 P1 they should've been converted to P5 lvl 48-50 because the character is basically P6 in the new system. I had numerous characters at lvl 50 that I had not upped their prestige because I didn't want to lose all my items without using them 1st.
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I understand your point, but the cap is also related. There's no way anyone would get P100, so that was never an issue. P1 L50 with every perk? There's a good topic someone made a chart listing many scenarios and what the conversion should result in. I can't locate it or would link.
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At the current state the way my characters have been converted, it has pretty much entirely Gutted all of my prestige on well over 70-80% of my characters... completely a slap in the face looking at my characters. i'm disgusted with it entirely.
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also not even considering the "with every perk" factor.
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I am sorry to hear that and hope the devs look into it. Have you tried contacting support and posting a bug report in that section?
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I have placed a ticket and I got a response of basically "we'll look into it". It's honestly a major deal breaker for me. All things considered its well over 200 million bloodpoints just to get my prestige to where it should be in the 1st place. idk about you but 200 million bps is a buck load of matches just to get to where I already should be? probably done for good if this doesn't get fixed. That's entirely too much to just take away.
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5000 matches at a perfect 40k per match right? soo only 5, 10, Heck 15 maybe even 20 THOUSAND more matches just to get where I should be... smh
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Two hundred million is significant, so I understand why you would be done. That's no trivial amount of your time on the line. I would also be unhappy. I hope they provide a satisfactory resolution for your progress loss.
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Still kickin... and Behaviour STILL hasn't done ANYTHING... gotta love how I haven't even got a single response yet!! gotta love the treatment totally makes me want to keep playing..
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gotta love it another day of big fat NOTHING
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"For Example.. I had Ash P2 lvl 50 (which is basically P3 - minus 1 click of a button!!) after this update, He is now a P6 and a full 3 prestige lvls away from what my P3's converted to. 3 full lvls of prestige at the value of a few red icons that nobody can really even see? HOW IS THIS NOT A BIGGER ISSUE?!?!?"
Why didn't you click that button? That's entirely your fault. We were all warned how the system would work.
You were not robbed of those 3 prestige levels, you forfeited them.
If that's the sort of thing you've factored into your "maths", then your figures are completely invalid.
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I was not "Warned" about anything.. I simply logged on and lost hundreds of millions bps worth of prestige. Never in the "news" section of the game when you boot it up did it say I was going to lose everything if I didn't click 1 button... That's absurd.
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To quote myself from your other thread on this matter:
Just to ask the obvious question, did you unlock the "locked" perks as teachables without ever Prestiging? Alternatively, do those "locked" perks not show up in bloodwebs when leveling? Or in the loadouts of characters who didn't have them previously?
Because you said "numerous perks [you] once had unlocked now completely locked", and this is actually normal for a character that was never prestiged and wasn't leveled enough to auto prestige upon conversion, but if you leveled then enough to unlock them as teachables they should be present in characters, at least in yellow if they didn't already have them higher.
A common mistake I've seen people make is not realizing the what you've previously unlocked stays unlocked. So any characters you leveled solely for teachable unlocking should still have teachables unlocked and added to everyones' inventories.
Addition: It sounds like you did have some characters prestiged, do their perks not show up? Do those specific characters' perks show up in others' inventories and/or bloodwebs?
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so no we were not all warned of jack... Only ppl who were in forums or some 'other' communication other then the actual game itself.. The FACT is... 1 button click SHOULD NOT make the difference of nearly 200 Million bps worth of prestige... Who ever decided that rounding down was a "fair conversion" was off their rocker!!
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This was all over the forums and social media for over a week before the update.
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Ok Karen
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To be fair, I recall the prestiging early = 2 extra levels after thing being a bit of a last minute update.
These kinds of things have never been announced ahead of time in-gane, so there was no reason to expect it to be.
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He's not interested in answering this honestly, he just wants to rage.
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By "last minute" it was over a week, as I said. Before that it was 1 additional level for prestige, and everything about perk tiers was the same, for over a month.
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Just wants to rage? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I put in 2-3000 hours into this game but i'm expected to be in the forums or on social media in order to get valid news? NO, this shouldv'e been stated IN GAME. And I have been absolutely ROBBED. I WILL NOT accept any other explaination.. So go find someone else to troll.
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That's why I kept it to that specific extra prestige levels detail as last minute. That one was more understandable to have missed relative everything else.
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You have not been robbed.
You feel entitled to something you didn't get, because you didn't inform yourself as to how to get it.
You are no worse off than you were before the patch, you just didn't gain all the same bonuses as other players who were more informed than you did.
You didn't complete the prerequisites to gain those additional prestige levels, so you didn't get them. That's it. That's what you're raging about, your own ignorance.
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The Bottom line is I WAS ROBBED.. AND I'VE QUIT PLAYING. i've been in the forums/ticketing support for almost a month and NOTHING BUT TROLLS... GO AWAY
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Ok you were robbed.
In the same way as I was robbed when the guy who bought the lottery ticket before me scored a winning ticket and I didn't.
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If you had everything unlocked, even at P0, then you should still have everything unlocked. Having every killer/survivor with all perks prior to the update would be at least P5 after.
So something you are telling us has to be incorrect for you to have yellow perks still.
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I do NOT have everything unlocked.. It's not something i'm telling you that's incorrect The FACT IS my characters SHOULD BE P2 lvl 47 minimum...
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So, perks that were previously unlocked have re-locked themselves? Correct?
This isn't an issue regarding Prestige Levels bur rather the perks themselves?
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for the last six years the devs have managed to screw up everything they've implemented. is this really a surprise?
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No, but in this specific case it's still not clear if it's even a Thing or misunderstanding how the changes of the update worked.
If Sparks leveled a character only enough to unlock their teachables, and did not level them to have enough unlocked tiers to be P1 or higher upon update, then the perks appearing locked is expected and that's misunderstanding the changes.
If the above is true and any or all of those perks aren't appearing in inventories that doesn't have them previously, or not appearing in bloodwebs when leveling, or if they had perks unlocked that then proceeded to vanish from inventories that previously had them or randomly downgrade from tier 3 to tier 1, or similar, that would be on BHVR.
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There perks are locked because they are NOT p2 lvl 47-50 as they should be
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it's both. The presitge should've Tripled on every character not "only those who knew about it" without even telling them in the actual game itself.
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I wish I'd seen this, I didn't see it on the steam updates and I read pretty much most of the large updates patch notes, and was following this one closely.
The last time I heard anything was when they said people at level 50 would be compensated, so it made me hesitate to prestige all my survivors, who were sitting at level 50.
After the update, I have level 1 perks unlocked for all my characters (and level 3's for the 4 survivors who I'd previously prestiged) and that's about it. I don't feel robbed, I do feel a little sad and chagrined though. The latter because now when I prestige my survivors from 0 to 1, it says I've unlocked the perks at level 1 as teachables for everyone, something that had already been granted at the update.
Is this anyone's fault? No, not really. I do feel like it might take me another 4 years to get those perks unlocked at level 3,'s not like those perks won't show up in blood webs.
Thank you for showing there was at least more communication on this matter that I missed.