Visual bug that shows reduced Teachable Perk Tiers

Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565
edited December 2022 in Bug Reporting

My Plattform is PC but i suspect it happens on all plattforms.

Step 1 : Have a character which has teachables unlocked for Tier 2 / Tier 3 but is Prestige lvl 0.

Step 2 : Prestige that character to Prestige lvl 1

Step 3 : All your tier 2 or tier 3 perks from that character are shown to be tier 1 in the Bloodweb info and on all characters it seems.

I noticed this bug when i prestiged my P0 Kate to P1, in the Bloodweb was the info preview of which perks should be unlocked once i prestige (it was a lock symbol on all of them) but one Perk was Tier 2 (and unlocked for my chars) it actually showed which perks i already got unlocked.

Once i prestiged to P1 this perk got reduced to Tier 1 on all of my characters and the bloodweb info showed all perks unlocked at tier 1.

After i restarted my game everything was back to normal.

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