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Visual bug that shows reduced Teachable Perk Tiers

My Plattform is PC but i suspect it happens on all plattforms.
Step 1 : Have a character which has teachables unlocked for Tier 2 / Tier 3 but is Prestige lvl 0.
Step 2 : Prestige that character to Prestige lvl 1
Step 3 : All your tier 2 or tier 3 perks from that character are shown to be tier 1 in the Bloodweb info and on all characters it seems.
I noticed this bug when i prestiged my P0 Kate to P1, in the Bloodweb was the info preview of which perks should be unlocked once i prestige (it was a lock symbol on all of them) but one Perk was Tier 2 (and unlocked for my chars) it actually showed which perks i already got unlocked.
Once i prestiged to P1 this perk got reduced to Tier 1 on all of my characters and the bloodweb info showed all perks unlocked at tier 1.
After i restarted my game everything was back to normal.
can you imagine losing roughly 200 million bps worth of prestige having perks you already bought and paid for then grinded up to unlock now being locked after 6.1? because my account was completely gutted because of this "new prestige system". So I feel your pain that you lost something lol.. my entire account got ripped into a third of what it should've been.
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Scammed isn't the right word for it... Robbed is better.
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Damn, whatever happened to your account seems very serious, maybe you should open a support ticket ?
I just changed the bug report, since i noticed that after i restarted the game, the perks reappeared, it seems to be visual bug basically.
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I did numerous actually but they've basically ignored me for a month now.
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If i had to guess, why this bug happens i would have to say, that it might be, that the server actually has the right progression details but the client wrongfully overwrites its own data once you prestige or something like that, so once you restart the game the details get loaded from the server. Its definitely weird.
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Damn, if thats the case, what is even the point of a support ticket ?
I really hope they do get back to you and fix your account and also give you compensation.
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Since the update was on July 19th, maybe they still need time to check your account and get back to you ?
Maybe they are flooded with tickets i dont know.
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i've played 100's of games never have i seen a support ticket to last almost an entire month... it's almost 200 million bps worth.. roughly 5-20,000 matches yeah i've basically quit playing the game. never have I ever been soo insulted by a game
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Well i already had such a case, not for dbd but something else, where my ticket took them over a month to report to. I understand your frustration, this is the worst case szenario.