Anyone else hates the prestige showing in the lobby/post-game?

My main is currently prestige 21.
Not only I've noticed more killers dodging, I've also had people make some not so nice remarks about it.
Not only that, but I find myself checking other people's profiles too if they have a really low prestige/no prestige.
I don't see anything positive with it being shown in the lobby/post-game.
Well I mainly leave if i get a bunch of tier 1 hey they might be OP team but still I prefer a save bet
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The solution for that would be to ban hackers, have a better anti cheat system etc.
That will stop working in a few months when you see actual p100 players.
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I don't judge by prestige level. Someone who is tier 1 doesn't mean they're new. They could just be using a character they don't usually play much for a daily or something.
Same as how someone with a high prestige level isn't a sign of skill. It just means they've spent a lot of points on a character.
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They got rid of ranks for the same reason, and now they are showing Prestiges, like why?
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it kind of helps me dodge if its a baby survivor...(default skin, no prestige or just recently AoT but no prestige) but i do see your point in that it could be toxic but i wouldnt pay no mind.. who are they to tell you something if they"re literally playing the same game??
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Nah, not really. It's misleading data, and people come up with all kinds of reasons to dodge lobbies anyway. Nobody with any sense should be using it as an indicator of anything at all beyond how many bloodpoints have been sunk into that specific character.
My only real complaint is that I don't like how jarring it looks if one person hasn't prestiged yet. I'd prefer a "0" there, instead of it being blank.
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I think it’s fine to show it in postgame, but showing it in the lobby is stupid.
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Actually i loved, i am dodging lobies when i have low prestige survivors. Games are a bit better.
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I just ignore it, Prestige numbers are pretty meaningless.
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Bruh, the only prestige that matters is the killers, because that shows if they are new with the killer or not (theoretically) survivors are just reskins, a prestige 1 Dwight can be just as good as a prestige 100 Claudette
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You completely missed the point.
I can be p100 nurse and never use nurse.
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Is 21 a lot? I don't even know my prestige level. I think it's dumb and ignore it.
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Seeing Prestige pre-game is dumb. It just leads to extra dodging. Sure, it currently can be used to easily detect hackers since no one is legit P100 yet but by the end of the year there will be plenty of people at P100 that it won't be as effective for dodging hackers.
It should be shown post-game though. If a player went to the effort to level up their crest, they should be able to show it off somewhere and the tally screen is the only place they can.
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It's your characters prestige. It used to be p1 p2 and p3, now it's until p100.
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There's no real reason to show it in the pre-game lobby. I agree that the level is not an indication of skill (though the Presitge 100 I saw not too long ago was almost certainly a sign of a hacker, so I dodged that lobby), but you still are going to have killers and fellow survivors making judgements and exiting lobbies with higher level prestige. There's no reason that makes logical sense to have it show before a match.
After a match is an entirely different story. If someone has put a ton of BP into a character and wants to show it off, that's the place for it.
There's good reasons why BVHR got rid of showing ranks in pre-match lobbies -- it's mystifying to see how they couldn't see the obvious similarities with showing the Prestige levels.
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I also don't pay any attention to pips which people apparently lose their minds over. The whole thing is weird to me. I don't understand people.
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I don't see the point really, people make assumptions about a players skill, even though prestige has no bearing on skill, just time played and accumulated bp. Someone with no prestige may just be using a character they didn't have an opportunity to P1 pre patch, i have a few, but i tend to play on my fave characters and just spend the points on the other character to get them up to P3 for their perks, while giving them items to use at the same time.
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I'd prefer to see the Rank at the end. I could care less of about prestige level.
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I think that ranks were attempting to capture skill, but both grade and new prestige are more indicators of time in game, and they assume people can differentiate. But as we all know, people don't. They could make it something completely arbitrary, like the number of cosmetics you have for a character, and people will use it as a measuring stick.
So I feel like they should actually display something that means something (but what? nothing currently really captures skill well), or show nothing at all.
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Yeah, that's why I said theoretically, it'd be stupid to do that considering it's a completely different killer, and there's ACTUALLY a difference between killers, but a p 100 survivor means nothing, they can still be trash, but just really like that character
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So if I had to play someone for a daily that I never play, I'm automatically a bad survivor? Your logic kinda falls apart
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I like it. Seeing a bunch of high prestige survivors in a lobby is exciting. Also it's the closest you can get to seeing the hours of crossplay players.
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No, must shame, lol
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The highest prestige level any one could've been at when this went through three weeks ago was 9.
It takes roughly 1.5 million BP to gain a level.
Ergo, anyone whose prestige level is higher than 9 has put in at least 1.5M x (Level - 9) bloodpoints.
The highest BP you can get in a match now is 40,000 (before offerings that increase it), but many, many people on this forum have complained about 0 gens complete and being camped/tunneled at 5 gens, so let's charitably reduce that 40k to an average of 25k per match.
If you're, oh let's say... rank 21, that means that you spent 18 million bp on your main character, which roughly equates to 720 games. Over a 3-week period, that would mean 34 games per day. Which seems... high. Even if you're getting max points every match, that's still 450 matches, or 21 games per day.
SO! Let's look back at offerings. If you're rank 21, that means you must REALLY like this game. So that means you play in a SWF group. We're not too far away from an anniversary event, so let's say that your group is burning 2 anniversary cakes/flan each match. So that's going to bring your typical pts per game to 75000, which means 240 games, or 11 games per day. Which is still QUITE a lot, but not completely unbelievable.
But, of course, this is forgetting about the BP you get from daily rituals (30k per day or basically 1 'free' match), as well as Tome challenges (15k - 60k depending on the challenge, which we'll round off to 30k on average). Let's say you're knocking out an entire tome page, so that'd be around 600k, plus the 600k form daily rituals, so that's 1.2M bp, which takes your 18M down to a mere 16.8M.
That'd take you down to 224 games in 3 weeks, or around 10 games per day.
So what's the point of all those numbers? Even under the most favorable circumstances, somebody who plays this game 10 times every day for three weeks is going to be a whole lot better at it than somebody who hasn't played that much recently, or touched a given killer, or played a particular side.
Hours played DOES NOT EQUAL skill. It DOES have a pretty strong correlation, however. And say what you like, rank 21 vs rank 1 is an objective mis-match.
And since we know that the MMR thresholds start narrow and expand broader over a surprisingly small period of time, if a killer who doesn't put in 10 games a day, every day, sees somebody at rank 21, it's VERY MUCH in their best interest to dodge that game.
Of course, if they just SHOWED the MMR ranking, you could see at a glance how GOOD a given player/team is, rather than having to go off of the (presumably) less accurate indicator.
But, unlike every other MMR-based competitive game, DbD doesn't want to show which players are Triple Platinum Ultra and which ones are Bronze IV.
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Two notes-
You say that "rank 21 and rank 1 is an objective mismatch", but wouldn't you agree that's missing the possibility that someone may have a comparable prestige level on other characters and they're just happening to play a different one for some reason this match? That's why this prestige number being shown is 100% untrustworthy as an indication of skill- it literally, simply is not an indication of skill, it's an indication of how much BP has been spent on this one character. You can't go off this "less accurate indicator" because it's not just less accurate, it isn't accurate at all.
Second, when you say "unlike every other MMR-based competitive game", what do you mean by that? Most games that have a competitive mode don't show your MMR for their casual/quick-play queue, so DBD is pretty solidly in line with the norm there.
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They should show nothing at all
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To your first point: If somebody has put 21 ranks worth of BP into Hag, then presumably they see Hag as their primary killer, yes? So if they want to try out Hillbilly, who is rank 1, they would have a pretty good understanding of the basics of the game, but not real the kind of single-minded practice with Hillbilly that they have with Hag. I think anybody who has played killer more than a couple times will agree that killers work very differently from one another. Your Hag skills do not translate to Hillbilly skills. Map knowledge, predictions, and (potentially) looping might have some degree of cross-over, but every killer is expected to use their power to accomplish the game's goal and if you haven't sunk 100 hours into learning them, you're going to struggle against survivors who've sunk 100 hours into learning THEIR skill set.
It's certainly possible that they got all the perks/addons they wanted for Hillbilly and play him obsessively but spend all their points on other killers instead, but that's very much a though experiment. People do not actually do that.
To your second point: DbD does not have a Casual / Competitive dichotomy. There is only one mode. And that mode IS Competitive. There is no casual. All ranks and rewards come from the same pool. Thus: showing your mmr ranking ought to be the standard. Of course I can't speak to ALL Ranked games, as things vary from one to the next, but it's safe to say that the INTENT of a casual mode is to take off some of the pressure, allow for quicker games, and allow low-skill players a chance to play on a level that does not exclude them from the game as a whole.
DbD doesn't have that. So people use elements that imprecisely correlate to skill (ranking, costumes, meta builds, etc) to get SOME idea of how poorly matched the game was. We don't have the actual numbers, so we make assumptions that may be wildly off-base (that team of all four Claudettes who all have the exact same pay-store outfit on MAY have been four solo Q players who just coincidentally all bought the same outfit. Or maybe they were a SWF. We don't know, so we assume the worst!)
Transparency should be the goal, but because it is not, players use what they have. And in the case of the OP's complaint: that means leaving the lobby against an opponent who's likely played more in the last 3 weeks than they've played the game in their life.
This is a bit of an aside, but I thought people were saying survivors were quitting by the truckload because killer was so easy after the patch? If that's the case, why would you care about killer's dodging your lobby? Surely you got an instant survivor queue and you'll get another killer in a couple of seconds?
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My highest survivor is only rank 2 post prestige update. If I get into a lobby with higher prestige survivors, I feel I get focused because of the lower number as it never really happens when multiple people are in that 1-3 range.
I was joking that I needed to pour all my BP into Yun Jin to intimidate the killers into leaving me alone.
As for killer, eh... I feel less bad when I get stomped and at the end game screen it shows a base Oni. It just let's them take far less pride in their victory which is a win for me.
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I find it interesting that when you talk about the casual/competitive split, you present casual as though it is the reaction to the competitive mode- there to play second fiddle to the default mode, competitive.
In my experience, it's the exact opposite way around. Casual is what games start with, casual is the default mode, and you only even get access to the competitive mode (when there is one) after you've sunk a bunch of time into the casual mode. If a game only has one mode, that mode is by default the casual mode, and if another mode were added that would be the competitive mode.
Which is pretty clearly the case in DBD! Our default mode doesn't have any of the restrictions that one would expect of a ranked mode, it doesn't have the ranks that would accompany a ranked mode (the emblem system, as it is not tied to your MMR, is a distinct beast- though I'll grant that it would be what gets re-tooled to be the ranks if we ever got a competitive mode, god forbid), and most importantly, it is the only mode that we have. Ergo, there's absolutely no reason to show a player's MMR, because that's the norm.
If there's no inherent suspicion that the matchmaker doesn't work, there's no reason to need to gauge your opponent's skill, so that's ultimately kind of a moot point. Though, if a bunch of people are lobby-dodging because of prestige levels, I could see an argument for removing it from the lobby- I'm just not sure if that is happening, people who lobby-dodge do so for a huge variety of reasons.
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This argument carried more weight in the old system, where players of virtually any skill level got thrown together just to fill the game.
Now, we have an MMR that starts off tight and widens to accommodate less accurate matchmaking in favor of shorter queue times.
The Matchmaking test that the majority of players felt was 'fair' was the one that started narrow and remained narrow. But that also had the longest queue times, so they threw it out for the one we use now.
I'd say the suspicion that matchmaking doesn't work is very much a real thing.
I'd go so far as to say that matchmaking getting wider so quickly is likely the root cause of a MAJORITY of complaints on this forum.
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I'd agree that the matchmaking is flawed- not that it "doesn't work", but that it definitely has clear flaws that they're still working on addressing.
Here's my question: Is that then acceptable and okay if you could see your MMR? Would they stop working on improving the system?
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If you could see everyone's MMR before the match, guys with a 300 would definitely dodge guys with 2000. And they'd be 100% right to do so. Some people might use the numbers to brag or denigrate, but THAT kind of person most certainly is already doing so right now, without the numbers. And if your team has numbers that are all over the map, clearly SOMETHING has gone wrong and the match needs a kick in the pants to equal things out better. SOME people might dodge if the other side had a 5 pt advantage, but who cares about that kind of player?
If you could see everyone's MMR after the match, having a 0 gen or 0 hook game would feel less awful when you see that the other side is playing on a 1000 pt higher level. "Oh, well I had no chance so that's why that happened," you would say. SOME people would see a 5 pt advantage and say "well no wonder I lost, they were 5pts higher! I never stood a chance!" And while they'd be wrong, it wouldn't have affected anything and the world would keep spinning.
If you could see only your own MMR, you could see where you're at between the highest and lowest levels. It wouldn't necessarily make the game any better or worse, but it would give you a degree of transparency as to where you're at and how you've been progressing. Wins tweak you up a bit and losses tweak you down and you get a feel for where your skill is at so you can more accurately gage how good you are at the game and what to expect at that level of proficiency.
In every case, having the information is better than not having it. And if people could report wild inconsistencies with factual data to back it up, that would put MORE pressure on the Dev team to get their MMR system working right, not less.
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So you agree that it wouldn't solve the problem at all, it'd merely give people more fuel for the fire of being angry about it?
I don't think seeing MMR is a good solution to the MMR system being flawed, and since there's literally no other reason to do it, they really shouldn't bother. They should just focus on fixing the system.
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The 'fix' is "dodging lobbies until the numbers line up closer."
Players taking informed initiative to fix the system that the Devs can't be bothered to get right.
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Dodging lobbies makes the problem worse, doesn't it? Dodging a lobby means the system has to start heavily prioritising speed, which means that the resulting match has a higher chance of being a mismatch.
All because some mostly unrelated numbers might indicate that your lobby is a mismatch, and only for the extremely brief window of time where that's even a slight possibility. The longer we live with this system the less accurate the prestige numbers are as an indicator of skill.
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Your previous post said "seeing MMR numbers" not this "Prestige Numbers" you're now talking about.
Dodging lobbies off of Prestige is an inaccurate assessment. MMR is "more" accurate. And if we COULD see MMR instead of merely Prestige, then dodging based on prestige wouldn't be a factor, solving the OP's complaint.
But since we CAN'T see MMR, people will keep dodging based on Prestige, even though it gets less accurate as time goes on (though the 21 to 1 example the OP uses in a 3 week period IS a pretty absurd differential, as I outlined in my rather expansive initial numbers post)
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I don't like seeing it either.
First because I don't like the icons, but also because it's no one's business how much I prestiged my character.
I know prestige =/= skill, heck, rank =/= skill ! But I feel like it's at least a token of time spent in the game so some people are still going to use it to dodge.
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Oh you're right, sorry, I got some wires crossed.
The major point stands- even if it's the MMR we're looking at, dodging lobbies makes the problem worse, not better. If the system is forced into backfilling a lobby, a noted weakness of the system as acknowledged by the devs iirc, that means the resulting match is going to be at higher risk of being inaccurate, and if people just keep dodging lobbies nobody gets a game.
If you want to slap a bandaid onto the system you'd actually need an encouragement for people not to lobby dodge, not more information for them to choose to do that with.
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I hate that Prestige is shown at all. By showing the number, it gives players the impression that it means something when it really doesn't.
I have no interest whatsoever in other people seeing my prestige levels. With no option to keep it private, this prestige update negatively affects my feelings towards the game. It's one of the reasons I'm not playing at all right now, because I really really don't want my prestige levels shown.
It should be shown post-game though. If a player went to the effort to level up their crest, they should be able to show it off somewhere and the tally screen is the only place they can.
It should be optional. If I went through the effort of prestiging but don't want to show it off, that should be my choice.
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As survivor I've started dodging under p3 survivors that aren't recent DLC, definitely if they're one of the free ones. I've noticed whenever I stay in a lobby with those survivors (especially the p0) they tend to be the type to hide all match being useless or sandbag teammates a ton. Games are noticeably better when I don't have those survivors in my lobby.
They should probably hide the prestige or show total prestige across characters (either all characters or by side).
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I like being able to see my teammates's prestige not gonna lie I always dodge low prestige survivors in my lobbies and trust me my games have become way better when playing with actual high prestige good survivors that know what they're doing and not clueless.
MMR is hardly working and so inconsistent.
While playing killer I really don't care about the prestige of the survivors I am going against if it's some high prestige survs it's a good thing because I know I am not playing against complete baby clueless survivors and its actually gonna be a hard game with some difficulty.
BHVR has to do something about MMR we need to know more about it,if you want your game to have a ranked system you should let your players see their MMR,just like almost all competitive/ranked games on the market.
Maybe don't let the killer see the survivors's prestige but you should be able to see your teammates's prestige levels it made my SoloQ games so much more enjoyable and fun even if we lose at least we didn't die at 5/4 gens beceause of one clueless teammate on our team.
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I had a viewer in chat spend points to choose my Killer and perks, they chose Oni with a weird build I've never used. Not only have I gone months without using him but I was also on my Xbox not my KBM so he's a lil more inaccurate for me on there in comparison to when I play PC
I don't really care for the Prestige system but its annoying how people including myself are using it to gauge player performance since its now the only visible number we have. I got a nasty message on Xbox after that lobby and I really believe its because my Oni is prestiged. It gives the impression that you play that character a lot when in reality you probably just dumped a lot of extra BP into them pre-patch for addons, even items or finding specific perks
If they won't show MMR or grades then what else are people supposed to look at I guess
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No, for killer I know when to dodge a sweaty lobby lol.
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its flawed sure but more times then not I should of dodged instead of staying in lobby, just my experience is all but i do see your point since i dont waste BP on anyone except on James/ Heather so it could be misleading...
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Wait... someone who sees my point of this forum...uh, well... thanks? I'm not used to this, lol