Anyone else having teammates give up in nurse games?

It seems like every time I play a nurse now people either DC or die on first hook right away. Once I even saw someone with the name that was something like "will not play against nurse". It's a little bit ridiculous but it's almost impossible to play a normal game against a nurse right now for me.
It depends. If baby Nurse, they harass them. If the Nurse is decent, we play it out. If the Nurse is god tier, they give up before I can even finish the first gen.
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Recently most people have been sick of nurse they'll DC instantly or just suicide
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A lot of nurses are taking advantage of the range addons making her blink faster which basically gives little to no counterplay against a good nurse. Those games often just feel pointless to play out.
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Nah only seems to happen in solo que with really bad players.
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Even decent nurse makes people give up and is usually hard to beat in soloQ. It debends how she plays if she tunnels at 5 gens the game is over before it started.
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Nurse is generally pretty boring to vs. Not much you can really do that is meaningful in chase. I personally don't like to DC or commit die at all, but I understand why some people don't want to play it out against her.
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I'm not sure how Nurse players are even enjoying the game. People just go AFK, suicide on hook, run to the killer, etc. I wonder how many normal games they actually get to play.
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Actually running range add ONS makes your blink slower to charge but you just get that extra distance, a lot of people know I'm a nurse main on here and even I'll say the range add ONS need to be removed from the game, nurse really isn't as bad as some people claim though they just want her nerfed so they can run in circles and play her the exact same way you do most of the killers, if she gets nerfed I really hope they just do add ONS and not base kit nurse.
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I have a fair amount of players that give up against me. Same for teammates on the other side. I will say, there is a *very* strong correlation between players who run to a low wall pallet in chase and die immediately against Nurse and players who give up immediately against Nurse.
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I don't know how you can call yourself a nurse main and not understand the mechanics of the range addons.
The addons don't make you charge slower. If you charge 0.5 seconds, you'll travel the same distance with or without the addons. What the range addons do is allow you to be able to charge a bit longer for extra distance. This was an intentional change with the nurse rework a couple years ago nurses didn't need to learn different muscle memories with range addons.
Patch 5.5.0 had a huge nurse update to her code and reintroduce omegablink nurse with her range addons. It might not be as fast as it was before, but it's pretty significant. Otz has a comparison video (starts around 2 minutes):
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That was my point though is you have to charge longer I guess slower is the wrong word but technically it does take you longer to reach maximum range because of the add on
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I have a problem with teammates giving up in any match. I had a match last week where the other 3 survivors DCd against a Pig in the first 30 seconds of the match. So this issue is just not a nurse, legion, or blight problem.
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It only matters if you are blinking past normal blink range. If you are going for a short range blink, it takes the same charge time regardless. And the range addons make your short range blinks faster.
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I realize that but I was just pointing out it's longer to reach maximum range that's what I meant by "slower" but you're right technically it doesn't take any longer for charge itself and how far you go
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Nurse broken. Nurse easy.
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That has been the norm for some months, I was glad tho as it gave me the perfect excuse to give up too without getting much flak from everyone else.
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I'd rather play a good nurse than a camping killer any day. at least with the nurse, I get some gameplay.
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Making people rage is fun
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How did people manage back when Nurse had 5 blinks?
People will DC against a Myers. They don't care. They get mad if they get found first or they horribly misplay a loop or something and they're gone
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most people disconnected against 5 blink nurse from what I can remember
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5 Blink Nurse was considered broken back then. It just also existed with Omegablink Nurse and Omegablink Nurse was just ran more than 5 blink.