i want my pig buff back..

SPADESinst Member Posts: 84
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

bro i cant.

i get it, some might think shes in a good spot. but lowkey, shes not. i honesly dont think there is anything to fix her either, her kit is just RNG entirely. i play PH, great time, very fun. i play pig, it... can be better.

In all seriousness, I have around 500+ hours on Pig, I honestly can't remember the actually number since I play survivor too. Her kit just sucks, she's literally flawed by design. I can't rely on her kit as I might with another killer, say Spirit.

Something about 150 seconds( 2.5 minutes) until the trap expires(headpop) is slightly iffy to me, but I don't know how to make her kit still based of the SAW movies that I love and keep her truth to character, without ruining her. Maybe changing the timer slightly, I'm not saying go crazy, but just itch it off slightly, maybe make it just 2 minutes. It's almost 3 minutes to get a trap off (and rework her addons exchange for such a change. Or, if that's too much(I honestly don't think it is because her KIT is literally RNG, its crazy) , rework her ambush. It's pretty weak, good at short loops if you can fake them out with a few tricks, but nonetheless, kind of worthless in my opinion.

Jigsaw boxes take about 12 seconds to finish, I wouldn't mind 14 seconds. Hell, I'll even take 13 seconds. I just want something. I want her kit to be more reliable. I love pig, she's my favorite killer in this game and one of my favorite horror movies character. I'm just sad that she isn't a reliable. I have my good games with Pig, but I also have those games to where RNG messes me up so badly that I can't just "Play better". Maybe a majority might not agree that she needs a buff, but with as many hours as I have on her, she kind of needs it.

She's all around just muddy. She's a delay killer, stealth and trap and she lowkey sucks at all three. Pick a struggle but I guess I did because I main her.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Neyar
    Neyar Member Posts: 65

    If you're trying to get kills with the trap, that's not its primary purpose. The purpose is slowdown.

    You want that survivor to have a trap on their head as long as possible. The longer they spend running around looking for jigsaw boxes, the more time they aren't touching a generator, healing, or really doing much else to progress the game.

    On top of that, less confident groups will try not to complete gens if any survivor has a hat on. So you can sometimes get the entire game to grind to a halt if the survivors are nervous (typically solo q groups tbh).

    In a 'perfect' game, I want to put one new trap on every time a gen pops. I want every gen completion to be a decision they make to potentially kill their own teammate. Make your choice, gens or friends.

    Don't chase the person with a hat. They should be busy with the boxes and you can focus on the other three. The only time I ever harass a trapped survivor is if I stumble across them on a box or someone chases me to them on a box. Even then, I'll just get them to cancel their search so they have to start over and move on. Maybe down them if they're injured for more pressure. More than a couple seconds out of my way and it's not worth it to invest in a 'busy' survivor when there are three more happily doing their objective.

    Getting a nice head pop is great, but I almost never play for that specifically unless I've essentially already won. Sometimes harassing the unlucky person who had to search four boxes is enough to get the head pop.

    Or if you really want to play for trap kills, run tampered timer and crate of gears. It does exactly what you mentioned, where traps take 130 seconds and boxes take a few seconds longer to search. Large or confusing maps like red forest or rpd usually can get you at least one trap kill.

  • Teslaboi
    Teslaboi Member Posts: 107

    OP, your post implies she was nerfed recently. I thought she somewhat recently got a buff?

  • SPADESinst
    SPADESinst Member Posts: 84

    I don't I wanna sound mean, but you are literally telling me what I already know. I literally just said this is my main with around 500+ hours. I understand how to play pig and what her purposes are for her kit, but that doesn't make it any less flawed than what it actually is. As I said, RNG plays a big part in her RBT. I can run the addons to slow it down as much as possible and make it stale for when I need extra time to get a good early game start. However, when it fails into a team that is decent (Which I normally go against. I can still do good and I normally average around 3 kills per trial; sometimes 2/1 on days where I get pretty good survivor.). As you said earlier, yes I should focus on survivors that don't have a trap, and I do; However, I still play against decent survivors in game sense AND looping who understand how the game works as well. The chances of a survivor getting their trap off before a generator even pops is a lot higher than you possibly think — parting it with survivors who aren't scared to finish generators, I would often have to hope that end game falls in my favor around 2 generators left. I do think Pig is stronger around late game because that's were I have the best matches, but she is still a super weak killer.

    I'm allowed to see and comment on the weak points she has. I'm not saying I want kills with the trap; I'm saying I want it TO BE A BETTER DELAY. I don't even want crazy buffs, I just want something. I'm fine with even a little bit of her trap time being shaved to even 140 seconds.

    RBT are good against somewhat scared survivors. Scared to do gens and scared to look around for the jigsaw boxes. I like my matches to be a challenge, however, I still don't think Pig is anywhere near a good spot. When you had an RNG factor into any base kit, it's literally flawed by design. It's never going to be super reliable, just for the random chance that every survivor gets lucky and the entire build get goes to shreds. She simply just falls off around better survivors.

    As I said earlier, overall, she's just muddy. She's a jack of all trades with three things, and don't even do them that well. I'm just kind of upset that you didn't get the point I wanted to make, and thought that you had to teach me how to play her. I'm quite literally just a one-trick pig. She's the only killer that I can play at a decent mmr. I don't want to say high mmr, because I frankly don't know— though I will take a guess of decent because I never go out with a 0k or 1k. Idk, I hope I'm not being rude, but it really did put a sour taste in my mouth.

  • SPADESinst
    SPADESinst Member Posts: 84

    The buff was nice, but at times, she still feels weak. I guess I'm always working around the new meta for killer perks because I took the time to start learning survivor. Maybe I just need a knew build, but I still have some things about pig where I generally just feels like she lacks, something. Honestly, I'm at the point where I just believe there is nothing that can fix her kit. As I said earlier, it's flawed my nature. Just like trappers, ghost face's and many other killers to me are.

  • Teslaboi
    Teslaboi Member Posts: 107
    edited August 2022

    As someone who mains pig as well My preferred build at the moment is Jolt, Dead lock, enduring and Spirit Fury. That has given some fairly consistent results. Additionally I never crouch around while looking for survivors (Not sure if you do), she just moves too slow.

  • SPADESinst
    SPADESinst Member Posts: 84

    I'll try it out def. I'm honestly just fan of mixing ambush movement with my RBT delay. I learned a lot of mind games with it within the hours that I been playing her. I feel like 1v1ing against some of my really good survivor friends help, but GOD. At times ambush can feel like the weakest thing ever.

    I still love it tho, its made some pretty funny clips.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    The bottom line is that M1 killers are not viable.

    1) Maps are too big. Only Blight and Nurse can handle maps larger than 9000m² because they move very quickly.

    2) Maps are too safe. There are too many vaults/pallets at every turn. If the resources like pallets and vaults were better spread out to the edges of the map and the gens were all more toward the middle the game would be more fair.

    3) There should be about 1 maybe 2 god pallets per map. People forget that we used to have a huge majority of weak pallets that could be mind gamed. Now most of the pallets completely remove any skill the killer has available to them unless they can instantly break the pallets or blink over them.