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why is everybody freaking out about reassurance?



  • Member Posts: 6,131

    It doesn't reach down into the basement. If someone wants to activate it they'll have to actually go into the basement, which is stupid against a basement bubba. I doubt you will see it at all during that sort of gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2022

    Poor players, who're being hooked. We've had players complaining and telling us that they'll kill themselves on hook if being camped, because they do wanna play; The moment people start using this perk, people will DC on purpose more frequently than ever before.

    If you stay on the hook for over three minutes, you shall get some bloodpoints; Right now, you're getting none. That's a way to discourage players and make them DC, because who loves being stuck in a match for five minutes without doing anything? Ask yourselves.

    Although the perk serves its purpose, SWF and SWF once again ruins the entire game. It's such a shame that the developers are so scared of losing even ~1% of a playerbase and do always respond to them with more and more gifts once they start crying.

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    I mean I've went up against and had fellow survivors who went in the basement when there was a basement bubba camping hooks also I can see a situation of them hanging around the stairs

  • Member Posts: 186

    Listen, if there's a mild chance Survivors, or Killer even, can abuse certain mechanics/parts of the game, etc. they will do it.

    Reassurance feels like something people may abuse. There's a reason Kinship is one-time use and only on Struggle Phase.

    It should help against camping but not completely kill it because of potential Survivor-induced camping like people just running around the Hook instead of helping teammate by Hook trading.

    It's especially powerful in endgame because of basically feeling a bit like Hatch stand-off where Killer or Survivors will lose for whoever does first "bold" move.

    Honestly, remove Hook Grabs/speed up base Unhooking/etc. and then maybe see how camping works before this Perk releases in this state.

    Problem with balancing this Perk is that it's Altrustic and has multi-use due to cool-down unlike Kinship that's on you only and having more restraints.

    Because of it both being an Altruistic and multi-use Perk, making it strong from 1 person makes it basically overpowered when used by multiple people. While making it strong only when it's used by multiple people, 1 person running it wouldn't get value.

    I feel like this is probably better way to change Reassurance by still making it an Altrustic anti-camping helping tool while not making it abusable:

    When within 6 metres of a Hooked Survivor, press *Active Ability button* to halt their *Sacrifice Process* for the next 25/30/35 seconds.

    If the Hooked Survivor has already entered the *Struggle Phase*, its Skill Checks are paused for the duration.

    Reassurance recharges once you've performed Safe Hook Rescue.

    Slight buff withit but I feel like you cannot balance it around having cool-down due to reasons mentioned before. Would still help with camping but no longer a "eternal Hook Stage" deal. So it's now Token-based while still fitting its' role of helping Hooked person.

    Could add QoL improvement where HUD will show Reassurance in blue for other Survivors that it's been activated tbh.

    Also, about range: Multi-floor maps. Just imagine on Midwich, 8m around Hook. Possibly disgusting.

    So basically, I want to help countering camping but not completely eliminating because again, Survivor-induced camping exists and that's very annoying to deal with both as Hooked Survivor and as a Killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    And what does hanging around the stairs do? Nothing unless you are planning a rescue attempt. Using Reassurance in that situation would only be beneficial if attempting an eventual unhook rescue, which those survivors would have still attempted to do without the perk in play. Or else they wouldnt be there. And I'm going to guess survivors who do that are part of a swf, because as a solo player in a basement with a Bubba I can assure you most of the team won't risk it. In short, the perk doesn't make a basement Bubba rescue any less fruitless.

  • Member Posts: 393
    edited August 2022

    The perk can’t be activated if the people activating it is on hook. So stop camping and actually go after one of the other survivors.

    Do we think survivors are going to sit there using reassurance multiple times on one hook if they don’t have to? No! They are going to go in for the unhook and move on. The ONLY instance it is going to be used multiple times is when the killer is camping. And if that is the case, the killer brings it on themselves.

    Post edited by Evokexsand on
  • Member Posts: 65

    What you just described is camping being potentially a strategy that doesn't just automatically guarantee a kill. Which is what any camping need is going to do.

    On top of that, if you have one survivor on hook doing literally nothing to progress the game, then you've already lost in this scenario. If survivors decide to have two players keep you occupied while a third does gens, and that is enough to lose you the game, then it doesn't matter if the last survivor is on hook with reassurance or dead.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Because it can be abused in SWFs, not really gonna work in solo Q.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Are you kidding? That's the first counter that happen. Then survivors will need some form of unbreakable etc ...

    This perk has "pain" written all over it.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    ...So are you saying this perk is a good thing or a bad thing for the game?

  • Member Posts: 115

    I am assuming you never played killer with that statement or not that much at least........Lets say a killer is protecting his 3 gen and it happens the spawn of the hook is in the middle of those 3 gens the killer is patrolling and is within that range, he is not camping the hook he is protecting the 3 gen while the hook is also being semi protected it is called a strategy....They are not sitting there face camping but they are still being punished by that perk for simply protecting and patrolling the 3 gens.........Not their fault that RNG of the hooks and gens put that killer in that situation and i have seen it many times especially on smaller maps like dead dawg saloon. You may not get it so much on the larger maps but it can occur.

    Why assume killers are scared of a perk lol anyhow remember it is just the PTB so most likely be changed by release anyhow.. I am glad that there is something for the survivors to use maybe now they will be happy and move on :)

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited August 2022

    I've been playing both roles since release on consoles (I now play on PC as well). Yep, killers are absolutely freaking out because they can't camp as easily as before.

  • Member Posts: 121

    I can see it now 2 people follow the killer both running reassurance just to make sure no kills are gained by just using this perk. It will be abusable since the cool down starts as you activate the perk not when the effect ends. That might be the reason some are worried.

  • Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2022

    Please dont speak for me i am not freaking out....Seems its more survivors in this thread that are freaking out over being held hostage on a hook.Your not speaking for all killers you can only speak for yourself.

  • Member Posts: 1,842
    edited August 2022

    I think initially there'll be a lot of buzz around the perk and survivors will have fun sticking it to killers but that will get old fast. I'd hate to be the poor guy hooked at 5 gens, camped and just left there until EGC.

    Reassurance is blatantly overtuned, but rather than giving it an excessive cooldown, it should just be limited to twice per game, per survivor. That extends the hook timer by 60 seconds, which is equivalent to an extra hook state, and encourages survivors to use it wisely.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Which certainly is not the majority of the player base is it. So far the main concern is from survivors worried about being held hostage on hook.......Like currently there are over 40k playing DBD right now your telling me that you are able to speak for them, and know what they think by just half a dozen threads on a feedback thread??? That is truly some amazing stuff....

    As i said stop the melodramatic posting its the ptb things will change by the time its over so do not even know why your so flustered for we all know what is in the ptb at the start generally gets changed. So maybe FREAK OUT when the release comes

  • Member Posts: 944

    No it should stay as it is it's perfect, facecamping killers will have to choose between their 1k or chasing someone else for more hooks, atm you can get 2-3k by facecamping depending on circumstances, solo q/bad teams, it's incredibly boring and still too effective just let it die

    you don't deserve 4k every games just because you can proxy camp hooks with top tier killers, go chase players

  • Member Posts: 450 think it's okay for a survivor to be on a hook for over 4 minutes?

    Also the perk shouldn't work during endgame. And the perk should have the longer cooldown so it doesn't stack from a single person

  • Member Posts: 242

    yes i do they have to be 6 meters next to the hook. it really only effects you if youre camping lmfao

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    It has massive potential for swf in higher mmr where hooks are less frequent. Maybe not a common perk we'll see, but definitely has appeal for the "rare" sweat squad.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    I would agree if it was a base mechanism. But it’s a perk, and using it you’re not using other perk. I don’t know why killers can have good perks and survs only trash perks to help with a bad design mechanism

  • Member Posts: 139

    its teh best perk to prevent abusive behaivour of campers and face campers

  • Member Posts: 450

    What was so funny? You made no point or counter just stated a fact

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    If it's not abused good but if it gets abused like the old system they tested out or don't change the numbers before live then bad.

  • Member Posts: 224

    if you’re in a 3-4 gen situation and the survivors have to use this perk instead of saving the survivor then you are just camping/proxy camping. There is absolutely no way that 4 gens could be that close together and you have the ability to camp the survivor while checking on 4 gens. The other survivor has to get within 6 meters, which is extremely close. And if they happen to do that while you’re supposedly “checking on your 3-4 gens” then they could’ve just unhooked the survivor. ESPECIALLY if the survivors needed to use reassurance twice. So either you’re not actually checking on gens and you’re basically just camping, or the survivors are actually hurting themselves by letting that one person sit on the hook. It only hurts camping when used.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    You can't participate in the match either way if you're being face camped by a Bubba. At least this way, you're helping your team get out instead of being a means' to an end.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    As a solo survivor, I want to play and earn Bloodpoints. If I'm sitting on a hook not getting to participate, stuck without any way out and not earning anything for it, I'm going AFK and whenever I come back the match better be over and the game is going off for the rest of the night. Seriously.

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2022

    Who's fault is that? Its not your TEAMS' fault that you got caught then camped? So punish your team then? I can't wait to use this perk. This is the exact reason. Damn hook suiciders. Final thing, they're doing gens. The killer can LEAVE whenever they like to chase someone else. I mean a survivor HAS to get super close to activate it unless its above or below but even then, people say that its not fair. Why is it not fair that a survivor can activate it above or below? You are the KILLER! YOU can MOVE from the HOOKED SURVIVOR. IF you see the timer paused, LEAVE THE HOOKED SURVIVOR. Otherwise, don't complain about gens.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Without Reassurance, there's a hard limit on how long I'll be on the hook, and I at least get to earn a few Bloodpoints hitting the second state skill checks. Being stuck indefinitely with no autonomy, not getting to participate, not earning points, is the thing that sucks. I never said suicide.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    You'll have to go back to my original one. I was editing it because I was in a match as killer. I wasn't talking about you specifically.

  • Member Posts: 7,777

    You're dead in 2 minutes if he facecamps....normally.

    With this, if he is facecamping you in the basement and intent on not moving (or AFK watching YouTube or w/e) until you're dead...You get no points and are stuck for 5+ min (gen time + travel time to proc + exit gates), then you die.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited August 2022

    I never said all do... I play killer as well and I don't camp or tunnel most of the time. A lot of killers do though.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    So punish the team because the killer decides to camp? No thanks. I also said in the feedback that it SHOULD deactivate after the last gen is done so everyone has a fair shake so the game doesn't go on indefinitely.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    And what I said in the feedback was that it SHOULD deactivate once the last gen is done so the game can finally end so you WILL get to struggle and get those points. It'll just give time for your team to do gens. You'll just have to be on the hook for an extra 2 minutes so 4 instead of 2 if the killer is hardcore camping you. Once the last gen is done, the game resumes as normal on the hook. Your team either has to open the door and leave you behind or make a rescue attempt. Most teams will NOT leave you behind. They will attempt to rescue you. At least, when I'm solo, my team does unless its a Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 3,195
  • Member Posts: 7,777
    edited August 2022

    Pretty sure there is only one person being punished in that scenario, as the killer also knows that the perk is in play and has no plans on leaving the hook.

    Edit - I guess the survivor can also do some basement YouTube :P

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    They gotta do something because I want to WIN. Not LOSE because of a mechanic that people complain about then defend. I'm defending this perk. If camping is justifiable, keeping someone alive to win the match is also. That's my point.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Most teams will NOT leave you behind.

    My god, I envy you. I get a lot of teams who leave people to die on first hook or don't attempt to rescue once it's down to the final gen much less if the exit gates are powered. I'm not saying I always get those teams, but I get them often. Less than 30% of my matches see all 5 gens get done, but in the ones where the exit gates are powered in at least half of those the survivors will leave whoever's hooked to die, even when the one hooked is not being camped.

    Sandbagging and griefing are not something I see in every match, but they're things I see multiple times a day as either killer or survivor. Through experience, I have no trust or faith that others will not abuse a chance at having fun at someone else's expense. None.

    BHVR should either give the survivor on the hook options to prevent being held against their will indefinitely (like maybe only the first use of Reassurance is mandatory, and after that the survivor on the hook has to actively agree to it with some sort of timed response), or they should give the survivor on the hook Bloodpoints (it ruins any attempts at griefing, as it sort of kills some of the fun if you're rewarding your victim Bloodpoints).

    I'll ditch the griefing thing though and look at it from a scenario where it's being used to keep a camping killer busy:

    If I'm running Reassurance and I see the killer camping and I keep the survivor on the hook alive to buy myself and my team time, I'd be fine rewarding the hooked survivor Bloodpoints. They are keeping the killer busy, and because I'm not attempting a risky rescue, they're not even getting a chance at getting in a chase or using their Decisive Strike. I might be underestimating what they could accomplish because I don't have all the information, and I'm just not willing to risk my own skin on hope. That is on me. I'm using them for more time to participate and earn Bloodpoints, possibly with no intention of attempting to save them after the exit gates are powered. And hell, if the exit gates do get powered and then I unhook them, they lose out on their DS and OTR. So I really see no problem with at least rewarding them for everything they lose out on due to my use of Reassurance.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm fine with the perk - except for one thing.

    A fix to camping shouldn't be tied to paid DLC.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Fair enough. They could add a BP bonus if you get tagged with the perk for both survivors. Like 500 points for survival for the one on the hook and 200 for the person who's tagging you with the perk. That way, if you cannot be rescued, you have a chance at maxing your survival category! Would that be alright? Also, yeah, 100%, I forgot that OTR and DS deactivate now at last gen so that would not be unreasonable but the person who is hooked should get 500 or more points per ding since they're keeping the match alive.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Something like that I would be totally cool with. A chance to get survival BP is always welcome.

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