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Who do you want to be the next licensed killer.

Member Posts: 17
edited October 2023 in General Discussions

Yes there is a new killer coming. But who do you absolutely want to be the next licensed killer.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Chucky with voice lines (not the Mark Hamill one, the OG)

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Like imagine if Chucky reacted like this whenever he got DSed or Head On lol


  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I'd love some horror comics rep, or just comics in general. Someone like Scarecrow would work from mainline DC, for example.

    Quick, someone think of a good associated killer that'd bring us old school classic Vertigo label John Constantine as as a survivor...

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    Walter Sullivan from Silent Hill 4.

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited August 2022

    Ngl i would like to see Homelander in future. an omnipotent psycho with almost limitless powers and a murderous fury matched only by his might. He is scary and could be a really nice addition in dead by daylight.

    Edit: and we already have his P6 cosmetic kekw

  • Member Posts: 1,224
    edited August 2022

    Alien Ripley

    The Thing

    Sarah Connor Terminator

    Conan and James Earl Jones

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    Tallman from Phantasm when?

  • Member Posts: 1,959
    edited August 2022

    I don't know about you, but I'd also like a Butcher legendary skin from SH: Origins

  • Member Posts: 158
    edited August 2022

    You know, we haven't had a vampire yet...

    Come to think of it, Kira and Killer Queen would be interesting too. He is a serial killer, after all, and having a killer with explosion abilities sounds awesome.

  • Member Posts: 662
    edited August 2022

    Jacket from Hotline Miami or the killer from Persona 4.

    Realisitically speaking predator is probably my most desired mainstream franchise.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    This is true.

    Somehow, I don't think The World would translate well.

    But it would still be cool to hear him say, "Za Warudo! Toki wo tomare!"

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited August 2022
    1. Sephiroth
    2. The Gentleman from Buffy
    3. Praetorian Predalien
  • Member Posts: 158

    Part 1 Dio Brando could still work well. Phantom Blood already carried a lot of gothic horror themes in it, and his appearance would be more in-line with DBD.

    Just imagining, though.

  • Member Posts: 21,210


    He was more or less a vampire in Part 1 and I do think that would transfer well.

  • Member Posts: 542

    You get my vote Sephiroth and cloud would be interesting on how they would set them up in this game, you could pick another person for the survivor but cloud just fits it to well and the whole lore behind it could even do aeris as a second survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    Vampire type of killer, both male and female. Not Dracula since it kinda ties the character to his lore and outfits and stuff but original vampire so they can make it both male and female and make outfits as they please.

    Jason would be nice addition too if we think of licensed killers.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    As always, Xenomorph.

  • Member Posts: 918

    As long as it isn't FNAF related I think I'm ok with basically everything. I think it'd be neat to see Xenomorphs, or like, a corrupted Tarzan that would accomplish a similar effect. Necromorphs would be lit too.

  • Member Posts: 181

    Chucky and Tall Man

    Chucky would be great as a low terror radius, small, stealthy killer

    Tallman would be something like pinhead

    Pumpkinhead too!

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I want Goosebumps rep

  • Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2022

    I just want an Alan Wake chapter, but the Killer would be difficult since there aren't many stand-outs in the IP. My best idea would be the Tele-Flanker, who would have a fast movement speed mechanic like in game, but give them the ability to throw hatchets like the regular Flanker, and they could be a mix between Wraith/Spirit and Huntress.

    Some changes to the movement speed and hatchet mechanics would be necessary for balance among similar killers though. Maybe speed movement as fast as/close to Wraith/Spirit, but no M1, requiring accurate hatchet shots instead. I'm just making excuses to get Alan Wake in game tbh.

  • Member Posts: 29

    I've been hoping to see a Bioshock chapter for years. And while drilling survivors as a Big Daddy sounds fun, I think an underwater map with Bioshock's atmosphere would be amazing in this game.

  • Member Posts: 5,347
    edited August 2022

    This, very much. Complete with ghosts as an AI power that weakens survivors as they chase. Maybe known as "The Orphan"

    But, if I'm to make a realistic guess, and the rumours of a licensed knight are true, I reckon the next killer shall be from "For Honor".

    And finally, if I'm looking for an unlikely killer, I'd say one of the many enemies from "The Magnus Archives", such as Jane Prentiss (The Hive), Jared Hopworth (The Boneturner), Nikola Orsinov (The Stranger) and Michael (The Distortion)

  • Member Posts: 630
    edited August 2022

    Thanos with infinity gauntlet.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Pipe dream if we ever get a walking dead chapter

    negan would it be too similar with the whole bat concept? probably

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    My top picks for licenses are probably (in no particular order)

    • Supernatural chapter (Winchsters and probably a Demon who can posses survivors briefly as the killer)
    • The Thing - Arctic base as the map, McReady as the survivor, and The Thing as the shapeshifting killer. (Probably would have two forms, one an Undetectable human form that moves like a survivor and can maybe sabotage generators and props, and a tentacled monster when directly chasing and attacking)
    • It - Pennywise and the Derry sewers as the map, or part of the town itself at night. There have been some near concept pieces for Pennywise in DbD so this one could be great if it ever happens. 🙂
    • Phantasm - The Tall Man, aka the Pinball Wizard, as the killer and his mortuary as the map. Not as well known as some others but a real underdog classic horror movie with a killer that would definitely fit the game to a tee!
    • Jaws or Tremors - I know, Jaws is the joke entry, but I would unironically buy that chapter instantly if it meant jump out from the water or ground to snap at survivors. 😄 Or if you want a “landshark” version go with Tremors
    • Final Destination - This one is my pipedream entry that’ll never happen. You would play as an invisible avatar of Death and manipulate the environment and props to damage and kill the survivors. Mechanically it would be a nightmare to develop but, man, if they figured out how to do it I could imagine that sort of things being really fun and unique.
    • The Shining - More as a map pack than for the killer (Jack’s just a guy with an axe). But the hotel and topiary maze could make for really cool maps!
    • Event Horizon - One of my favorite horror movies of all time, the ship could be a really cool map.
    • Alien - Nuff said, lots of people would go wild for an Alien chapter if it ever happened.
    • American Horror Story - It feels like there should be something from this series that fits the game, but since every season is very different it’s hard to narrow down what specifically should be in the chapter, other than maybe The Gimp being the killer since he’s in I think all the seasons? 🤷‍♂️
    • Scarecrow - Of all the comic book characters Scarecrow from Batman is the one I think would be the most fun who also really fits the horror motif. I can picture his ability basically being kind of like a cross between Clown and Doctor where he gasses survivors and they have bizarre hallucinations. It could even have fun bits where certain parts of the environment change or illusions are added based on the realm, like evil Scarecrows hanging in the cornfields. I suspect thought his is a video game license that’s almost impossible to get for DbD so oh well, can’t have everything!
    • It Follows - Part of me thinks it would be terrible as a video game, but part of me hopes it would be really interesting if they could figure out a way to make a slow moving but very hard to detect killer fun to play. Scratched Mirror Meyers is already one of my favorites, this would be a bit like that but even slower and more invisible.
  • Member Posts: 1,174

    The First of the Fallen, basically vertigo's Satan, cast into the pit before Lucifer even fell from grace. Cured Constantine of cancer before John tricked him to save his own soul The First pledged to destroy Constantine. Fitting better with DbD lore they could do a lesser demon or deacon of hell for the killer.

    Other comic licenses that could be cool would be 30 Days of Night, Nailbiter, Revival, American Vampire, or Wytches. Books like Nailbiter and Revival would theoretically be easier to get licensing for since they're published through Image comics which is technically and indie publisher where the creators hold the rights to their books instead of Vertigo (which is now DC Black Label), Dark Horse, or any Marvel properties (with the exception of Icon which is creator owned but currently dormant)

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    For me it’s a tie between Chucky and Pennywise.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    The Xenomorph

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited August 2022

    I highly recommend checking out the Phantasm franchise if you get the chance, it's personally one of my favorite ones. I made another thread about phantasm and how the license is up for grab if we wish to see it get into dbd.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Member Posts: 106

    If stranger things comes back according to the leaks, then I want Vecna

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    if they ever do supernatural I really hope they get Jensen and Jared to voice them hopefully they wouldn't be completely done with the characters

  • Member Posts: 397

    Plankton with Spongebob and Patrick as survivors.

  • Member Posts: 732
    edited August 2022


  • Member Posts: 434

    A necromorph from Dead Space

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    The usual suspects: Jason, Pennywise, the Xenomorph.

    I'd also like to see Robert Englund's Freey replace the current one.

    But Jason really feels like an essential missing piece to me.

  • Member Posts: 439

    I've wanted Alien Chapter back in the day, but then I've found certain videos and YouTubers on YouTube carefully explaining the situation, and why we won't be able to get Xenomorph and the legendary Ripley as a Chapter into the game.

    It's either too expensive or BHVR won't be able to negotitate the necessary contract with them.

    So, I've changed my prefered Chapter to Underworld. You know, that franchise of fantasy action horror movies, featuring quite famous actors and actresses, like Kate Beckinsale, for example. What's more, we could finally get a werewolf into the game - Something that the community has been asking for for years!

    Well, unfortunately, I do have some real doubts about them being able to obtain the rights, and even if they were to get the rights, I do doubt that they'd make the survivor Selene (legendary outfit sets being Sonja, Victor, etcetera) and the killer William (legendary outfits with him being chained, etcetera).

    Besides that, I have no other Chapter that I'd welcome in Dead by Daylight, to be honest.

    Like, I do understand people wanting.. How's it called, Pennywise, or is it Chucky? But, come on. Can't you see, how annoying Vic and Charlotte are? They're one of the most annoying killers to play as and face, yet, you do wanna another clown like Pennywise? Yikes, I just don't get the way people do think sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Chucky I agree about; I can't see any way to bring him in that wouldn't be problematic or ridiculous.

    Pennywise however would function completely differently than the Clown, as he would be very much supernatural. So I don't think that would be redundant at all.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i lean more towards the incubus, if nothing else just because i want harry mason as a survivor

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    My answer will always be the xenomorph and if they give it a blighted skin I would want it to be a blighted praetorian(the species of xenomorph seen below)

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    terry akers pls

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited August 2022

    I would rather the survivor be Jonathan with a legendary speedwagon skin so we can have dio say goodbye jojo in his mori lol

    But I agree dio would make a awesome killer

  • Member Posts: 367

    a killer from Doctor Who

    The Terminator


    just to name a few.

  • Member Posts: 2,501

    I like it. I mean we already got an AoT crossover, why not Final Fantasy?

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited August 2022

    Scarecrow is easily one of my favorite Batman villians, but for some reason Scarecrow from the 2002 film was the first thing that popped in my head. Movies were kinda meh but a good way to kill a few hours.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Literally about 20 just popped into my head, but one overriding thought quashed them all.

    Please, please, never touch Five Nights.

    Legitimately the one thing that would drive me and many others I know away from the game.

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