BBQ and Chili, and We're Gonna Live Forever bloodpoints

Instead of running a single perk in each build due to desparation for bloodpoints, I'm using all 4. All I can do is attempt to max out the categories, so I'm running Prove Thyself, Off The Record (because of the survival point glitch), Empathy (for altruism healing), and a boon (for boldness, jumping between totems for 1500 points at a time)
It isn't fun doing bloodwebs anymore, it's just sad.
Even if you made a perk that took multiple perk stots just for gaining bloodpoints and no in-game effects, I would run it. Please.
It probably wouldn't be as bad if the BP booster they implemented in the perks' place had worked as intended.
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Probably not a great idea to admit to using a glitch in their forums considering that'd be an exploit... Also, the main problem is pretty much that the stuff that was supposed to replace those BP benefits are currently not working that's the issue. Perks should not provide bonus BP, they should be picked for their in-match benefits only.
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Perks should not provide bonus BP, they should be picked for their in-match benefits only.
Me wasting half my loadout on Distressing and Beast of Prey makes me happy because it means easier BP and it should make survivors happy because I'm running really stupid perks rather than gen slowdown. If both sides are happy, why mess with a good thing?
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I'm saying as a design perspective: If the only reason you're picking said perk is because it gives you more BP, then the perk itself is not great, and should be rethought. You're even admit that without rewarding you for picking them for BP they're bad. I'd rather have interesting perk decisions that mainly affect gameplay than bonus that might allow me to buy one or two more spots on a bloodweb instead.
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Eh, as killer I mainly focus on using my power and I get bored by most perks that don't help with BP. I still haven't found a perk to replace BBQ, so I usually leave the fourth slot empty because I either get annoyed by the perk (any slowdown) or I forget I have it equipped and it becomes useless (Whispers, Lethal Pursuer).
Even when I don't need BP I just like seeing that I earned a lot of it. It feels rewarding. I find I enjoy the game most if I'm playing for Bloodpoints, as it's what I have the most control over. It's frustrating to play for kills or escapes or even pips, and while it can be fun to attempt meme builds they can sometimes be so difficult to get use out of that it becomes a chore.
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How about Thrilling Tremors for that 4th slot? You literally cannot forget you have it.
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Hmm, thanks, I might try that next time I play killer on PS4. I wasn't really thinking about it because other tracking perks hadn't been of much use, but TT blocking off gens does make it different from other tracking perks.
(I also keep getting mixed up in my head because I play on both PS4 and Switch, and while I have everything unlocked on PS4, I have practically nothing unlocked on Switch. Since the nerf to BBQ, I haven't actually played killer much on PS4 to test all the different perks. I've tried a few, but I certainly haven't exhausted my options. Meanwhile on Switch—where I have played a bunch—perks are less of a choice, and I keep getting confused and forgetting that's why I can't find a perk I like on Switch, because I have almost no killer perks to choose from. The change to the perk grind ensures tier 1 Lightborn, Beast of Prey, and BBQ on all my Switch killers and that's practically it. That's the other reason I'm salty about BBQ getting changed: it was one of the very few teachables I unlocked on Switch. Anyone who's ever played DbD on Switch will understand why I don't put Bloodpoints into the killers. Oh man, I can't believe I'm getting the PS4 and Switch accounts mixed together in my head, I must be tired.)
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i get why they removed the BP bonus. It makes sense.
What doesn't make sense is making the game grindier because of it. They should've implemented a basekit BP increase mechanic and increase BP gains overall.
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Since they removed the bonuses on bbq and wglf im having less and less energy to play the game
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Theres literally no other point to distressinf which is already a lesser used card when youre using it on characters that dont benefit from the increased terror radius
Remove that and the pick rate will go from 7% to 0.5%
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Its almost like you're proving my point... if the only reason to pick the perk is BP bonus, it is a bad perk and needs to be reworked...
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I feel the same way. I stopped playing a couple weeks ago, and since then the one time my friend handed me the controller to do a match, I was just not into it.
But there are characters and other perks that benefit from the increased terror radius. Distressing is great on Doctor, I use it on every build of his I do. Distressing + Whispers + Unnerving Presence is my go-to on him. Whenever I return to playing the game I mean to try out a build that also includes Merciless Storm.
There are perk combos that have synergy with Distressing. Starstruck + Infectious Fright + Distressing (and possibly + Agitation) is one off the top of my head. So, you're right that the point of distressing is to use it when the killer benefits from the increased terror radius, but you imply that's a bad thing or super rare when really it's perfectly fine.
Now, if you're not using it in one of those builds, then it can actually become a hindrance because survivors can get a good head start running away before you get near the gen. But if someone is playing on hard mode for the BP, then that's the player's choice.
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Exactly, its the players choice, so why do you want to take that choice away from them?
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Idc if its a "bad perk", the bp is what it has goinf for it
Not every perk has to be meta
Heck, if there was a perk that let survivoes take another hook in exchange for 100% bonus sacrifice points i'd for sure take it
even if it added TWO additional hooks needed to sacrifice, id still take it
In fact id take it regardless of how many extra hooks are needed lol
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They should just make the BP effect from those two perks basekit. 25% BP bonus for each unique hook/safe unhook.
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To be fair they did increase the base bloodpoints a bit by increasing all the caps from 8k to 10k. On average that's probably 1-3k extra per match since typically you tend to max out at least one of the categories if you're doing ok.
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Just FYI at least when it comes to BBQ and Chili it's still being picked frequently. In fact it's the number one picked perk at the moment over the last two weeks on the aggregate site I follow. (22% use rate).