Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Pinhead might actually unironically need to be nerfed unless solo q gets a buff soon

Member Posts: 305
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am not joking when I say this, but in solo q every time I play against a pinhead their box creates so much pressure that it always gets down to the last 2 gens, but then we are all death hook and die one by one it happens everytime where we can't keep up enough pressure to get out the last 2 generators.

Though when I play swf against pinhead when we focus gens we manage to survive nearly all the time, but you cant get that kind of teamwork in solo q, I think the problem here is that pinhead isn't truly overpowered his abilities just require more to overcome and you can't really get that really in solo q.

Instead of nerfing pinhead and making him bad, we should instead focus on getting solo q better suited and up to the level of swf otherwise a lot of killers like pinhead who already do poorly against swf will be even worse.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2022

    Obviously, even though I dread pinhead matches I don't give up and try my best, so if anyone has any tips to make pinhead better in solo q for me it would be much appreciated I'm not one of those people who cry something is broken unless it actually is futile. So if anyone can give me any tips and tricks I am all for it. I honestly just think it's a shame that it gets worse only because my teammates just give up so it's always going to be a 3k once they lose motivation to try.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Just keep doing what you’ve been doing all this time. It’s your teammates who make the matches harder than they need to be. Just try your best and hope that it rubs off on your teammates who are starting to feel like giving up. Unfortunately you can’t do anything about the hardheaded ragequitters.

    I’m usually the one who goes for the box, and when I do- I try to take it somewhere where it’ll be a pain for him to relocate to me, or an area where I have slight elevation with a safe tile nearby to drop down/run over to. That way I get a clear view of his spawn. This game loves to position him right around the corner of tall structures.

    I can’t tell you the amount of times I have seen teammates run near the box and purposely not pick it up. It’s absolutely disgusting & frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 394

    Absolutely. Box mechanics needs rework

  • Member Posts: 150

    Do you go get the box or wait for your teammates to do it? If your teammates are so bad then you need to do the box, simple

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah box mechanics need to be changed a bit imo. If we nerf the box I’d like to see his possesed chain buffed though. It should scale with distance.

  • Member Posts: 439

    Pinhead is fine on its own, it's the add-on issue and a bit related power issue for me, just like with the Nurse.

    Pretty much every single Pinhead runs Engineer's Fang, Iridescent Lament Configuration, Impaling Wire, or Original Pain; Nobody runs other add-ons, as the rest is useless.

    When survivors can't see the aura of the cube, it becomes a slugging festival in most cases, or the survivors don't repair generators at all; They do all try to find and solve the cube. That's Solo Queue and add-on issue, like I've mentioned.

    The issue with his power is that the first chain can injure you; That shouldn't be a thing, they shall only hold you for a certain duration. They shall not injure you. Although that one chain is quite easy to dodge, it can't be helped in numerous situations, where the hitboxes of other objects do block your path, so you can't dodge it. Surprisingly, this happens pretty much everytime he shoots that chain onto me.

  • Member Posts: 305

    I am not usually one to complain about a killer, even ptb legion I never complained about, but it truly is a miserable experience playing against pinhead when they have strong regression perks as well as perks to help them get to the box if it's picked up. I found that most of my matches as solo its been a pain because often we start the game out strong, but pinhead slowly once he starts snowballing we can't get reset to get to a point where generators start going again. Obviously, I don't want pinhead nerfed if you read my post, but I think some buffs to solo q need to happen otherwise this outcome is very much certain as pinhead has always been good against solo q.

    I have been getting way more pinheads than I ever have in the past and I think it's because people are catching on that his passive helps him create anti-generator pressure and just helps to keep survivors from healing unless they get the box. Like I don't know if it's a teammate issue or just a solo q issue anymore because no matter what the matches always seem to end the same way.

    He is weak against swf, but strong against solo q he has always been a good killer against solo survivors because they cannot coordinate as well as swf so there will always be little bits here and there where they waste time or are inefficient and even using aura reading perks to try to compensate like kindred do little since if you aren't hooked you cannot really tell the other survivors what to do. If solo q doesn't get buffed to the state of swf then pinhead surely will get nerfed is what I'm getting at because he already does have the highest kill rate last time I checked.

    I don't think he needs a nerf, but solo q definitely needs more tools to be able to coordinate well together, because it's significantly easier to coordinate in swf and be able to maximize your time efficiency needed to keep up the pressure I have tried everything I could, but every match against pinhead ends the same where I even sacrifice my own hook states just to keep other survivors in yet, in the end, we cannot keep up with pinhead. I have gotten pretty good at dodging his possessed chain, but the problem I come to is that I cannot rely on my teammates the same way I can with my swf.

    All I am asking for is that solo q has ways to coordinate more I am not asking for it to be too strong, but icons of what they are doing would mean so much for me as I need to know what my team is doing as I don't want to be running aura reading perks all the time and even running them it doesn't make my teammates know this information unless they too are running aura reading perks.

  • Member Posts: 305

    It's such a shame though, because I don't want to see another hillbilly or deathslinger esq nerfs, but at the same time solo q at least for me against pinhead has been so miserable especially if they have regression perks as there is no way I can account for everything or do everything for my team if we are unable to coordinate as not every survivor runs kindred and I rather not have all survivors be required to run kindred, perks like shattered hope and the anti-camping perks shouldn't be required, but sadly this game has always had perks be used as bandaid fixes.

    If worst comes to worst they should definitely make it scale with distance as I used to hate the possessed chain as I am a console player and I have to do my own little thing to not slow vault over pallets lol, but I have gotten pretty good at dodging the possessed chain enough that I am pretty confident I can avoid it in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Ofc I go to the box because nobody else is going to do it.

    And then nobody does a gen.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Even I lose to pinhead a lot when I play swf. Thought I usually play duo and sometimes trio. With trio it's closer but not possible to get 4 man out, half time 2 gets out. But other times pinhead 4K:s.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    SoloQ does not need a buff, SWFs will benefit from SoloQ improvements just like Nurse benefitted from the general killer buffs. You always end up buffing the strongest end of the spectrum...unless you touch the strongest aspect of the spectrum aswell.

    You don't give BAD players more tools, you teach them how to play. Thana just got nerfed yet Survivors still want to waste time healing and do random ######### instead of doing gens which means the nerf to Thana is non existant because people just refuse to do gens... IT's amazing how manny people will t-bag at you to signal for a heal instead of getting on the gen and shave off seconds from it's completion...

    The problem about survivor gameplay is BAD PLAYERS. People refuse to learn and to bring information perks, instead all they want is attention from the killer. They bring killer to teammates, they stay around whenever a Doctor has Static Blast ready and give their position away meaning Doctor won't get away from the hook, they step on Torment on purpose when PH wants to camp someone, they stay in Myers's line of sight and then go towards someone else and Myers pop a Tier 3 and insta downs or TB Piece Mori's them....

    BAD players are killing each other more so than killers are opressive.

    It's the same ######### for killers aswell, Killers are all using Pain Res, Deadlock, DMS, those Perks would be fine before the update since killers didn't get enough of an opportunity to apply pressure BUT DH IS GONE, Endurance Meta never happened, gens got increased time, survivors make it less far away when hit and killers break things faster and recover faster from successful hits. You have POWER now!

    Yet so manny killers are still using Pain Res, DMS, Deadlock. WE got what we needed, we got a fairer game in it's most basic aspects, yet those perks are still very unreasonably strong.

    Those Perks are as they are for three reasons, number one, the most important, to make people buy the killers that those perks belong to, it's a business and BHVR needs money, number two is to help BAD killer players and third they still exists because there's another layer of bad game design called Maps. Sometimes on some maps you will definetly need these Perks. The only issue is whenever you don't need them you're still using them...

    Want to fix it? Improve Maps, remove RNG from Maps, this way everyone on both sides can study Maps and learn efficient routes, which at least in theory will help everyone become better at the game, prediction game improves, thus you're less realiable on busted Perks.

    In practice? People will abuse their knowledge and double down on Slowdown just because...But then you can change the Perks and make them not busted.

    And if a killer is overperforming because of their kit and not the skill of the people playing then adjust the killer kit...

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I usually go straight for the box and hope that my soloQ mates do the gens.

    One thing: a clever Pinhead will try to interrupt you with a well-aimed chain when solving the box, so never do so in the open, but ideally try to find a somewhat confined space. Also, most Pinheads will try to teleport to you while solving the box, so ideally you will want to face a window or palette. This way, when he teleports in you can easily get away.

    When looping him and running to another tile, try to occasionally take a tight turn, as they will often try to get easily chain bits.

    I have quite a big collection of Screenshots of me escaping with Pinheads box, it gives a fun bonus BP score event of "Seeker of Pleasure" and I think +5kBP. It also asserts dominance and is quite the addiction. I totally dig it from the lore perspective :>

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited August 2022

    I'd prefer better matchmaking rather then just randomly nerfing a licensed killer because solos are #########.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Personally... I think that solving the box when PH is busy, i.e chasing another survivor helps... because he needs to decide either to drop the chase or to chase me... otherwise, his passive is not that good... for what is worth. You seem to be doing a great job so far so mostly the problem relies in your teammates... this, happens frequently in solo Q, sadly.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    If someone believes a killer needs a nerf due to others' incompetence, the problem is the incompetence of the others', not the killer's strength.

    Eliminating the others' ability to be incompetent is what you should be asking for, not erasing yet another killer so that more people play Blight and Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    I despise Pinhead so much even if he isn't very good, my problem with him is that in solo queue Pinhead is pretty much unbearable to deal with, the box mechanic is so bad as well, it's literally a nightmare whenever I play solo queue, you don't know if your teammates are going for it or not, and if you think they are but in reality they aren't then good luck with chain hunt because man that makes him a hundred times worse to deal with. Plus, his gateway chains make chases boring; I may sound a bit dramatic, but I really do find it boring.

    My pure hatred of Pinhead is in these sentences above thank you very much. But I do get how he is not very good very SWF's. B tier killer at best but the main issues is that solo queue makes him like an S tier killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    I love how this started as SURVIVORS ARE BAD, migrated to KILLERS ARE BAD, and then ended with MAP DESIGN IS BAD! 🤣

    I've been on the "get good" train for a long time, and all I can offer to your comment is the fact that this will always be a problem.

    Dead By Daylight is far and away the easiest online PvP game I have ever played, but that doesn't change the fact that most people don't want to use their brain when they play video games.

  • Member Posts: 761

    This may be an unpopular opinion but......not all killers are meant to be easy to go against. Some are meant to be challenges. Some are meant to be feared

    Pinhead had the undisputed best 4v1 game in dbd, but only if you let him have it. If you're in solo que and no one else is concentrating on the lament configuration, then take it upon yourself to be that person. Yes, this means you'll be chased alot, but at least Pinhead won't get the best part of his power.

    Pinhead is working exactly as intended.

  • Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2022

    Alright, and what do you do if the killer uses Iridescent Lament Configuration add-on, burns the offering to a really big map, like Mother's Dwelling? Run around the entire map, hoping that you'll manage to find it by luck?

    His ultra rare add-ons are problematic, but that's all.. Really.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Nerfing Pinhead who is a a pretty balanced killer isn't the solution

    Other killers stomp solo Q survivors much faster and harde than he can.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Unfortunately, the problem isn’t Pinhead; it’s solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    So you win as SWF and lose as Pinhead needs buffing against SWF and nerfed for solo. Here you have the problem with the game again.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited August 2022

    They don't have to, only you do. Do people still not know Kindred affects the equipped survivor anytime anyone is hooked? Every time it gets discounted in topics like this, its entirely because they imply it only takes affect when you are the one on the hook, like it used to be years ago.

    Seriously though, Kindred does wonders vs pinhead. If he doesn't have anyone hooked and the box is at least halfway, go for it yourself. Otherwise if someone is hooked you get a free UAV the whole time on the rest of your team.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Seekers of Pleasure - Kindred of the Cenobite

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Clearly, you didn't read.

    Pinhead has always been brutal for Solo Q and Duo Q players. This update just made it worse.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    I personally think pinhead is trash. Playing against him has never been a challenge for me nor have I ever been against a "pro pinhead main"

  • Member Posts: 306

    I don't understand the issues with Pinhead. You pick up the box and solve it when he's not close enough to interrupt you. What is the problem?

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I really like Killers with build in slow down like Pinhead, Pig...if they're too weak or too op, its much easier to balance them because they have multiple tools to change rather than either OP in chase or completely destroyed (Slinger is example)

    Its Solo needs info, not Pinhead nerf.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    The Box provides massive passive slowdown that is virtually useless against SWF but it is incredibly punishing to Solo Q Survivors who lack info on who is going for the Box.

  • Member Posts: 306

    Whoever is closest, of course. Why would you run across the entire map? It's not much different from three people swarming a hook. Two of those people knew what they were doing was wrong.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited August 2022

    Clearly, you haven't played Solo Q.

    You don't know who's closest. That's....kinda the entire idea.

    3 people running towards the Box makes sure Pinhead will grab it and that nobody is doing gens. Or, more likely, you think that since you're across the map, surely one of your teammates will grab it. Surely.

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited August 2022

    Same goes for pig in some degree btw, and even trapper maybe.

  • Member Posts: 272

    At the end of the day he is just an M1 killer.

    If you lost against him, have you ever realized that maybe the killer playing well so he can win? Or right now you think losing to him is because of him being op.

    Facing him with secondary objective is good to keep things fresh.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Pinhead is fine. If you have people who know how he works its very managable

  • Member Posts: 273

    How would you suggest people learn and get better against a killer that's primarily difficult because solo players have no way of communicating?

    Scream at their monitors and hope their teammates can somehow hear them?

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Solo needs a buff period.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Just example, this is Blood lodge map, you at Gen2, you able to see Gen4 has no one, Mate3 at Gen3. You dont care where Mate1 is in chase. You likely to assume Mate2 is around Gen1-6-7, and you assume you're the closest one to the box.

    You spend 10sec running to the box, just to see from afar Mate2 is closer to you and take the box, you spend another 10sec run back to your Gen. That is roughly 23% Gen progression that COULD BE DONE.

    And this is only 1 Box.

  • Member Posts: 305

    Thank you, this is exactly what I mean, im not saying pinhead absolutely needs to be nerfed asap im saying if solo q isn't buffed to be given the information that it needs pinhead most definitely will be nerfed as he has always been good against solo q, me running kindred isn't going to change much when the other 3 survivors aren't running information perks or I am not on hook.

    What people don't get is im saying the lack of information is really making the games against pinhead that much worse as every time im against pinhead I have to cross my fingers and hope that my teammates are actually contributing and not both going to go get a box or leading the killer to the box or letting themselves get downed with the box.

    I am not saying making solo q super duper strong, I'm just saying some buffs information wise wouldn't hurt, especially since swf already have that kind of information and they already said swf in that way is here to stay so why not make solo q as strong or nearly as strong as swf and killers can be buffed accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 305

    Honestly maybe you are just better at me at playing against pinheads, just in solo q I have noticed that my teammates can keep up a lot of pressure early game, but midgame and late game is when things start falling apart where generators aren't being done my teammates mess-up where I feel like I can't count on them to do things. Kindred has been making it easier, but at the same time I notice a lot of the time a lack of information just really kills it and my team falls apart.

    When I play with my swf against pinhead its a a whole different story the information for swf makes pinhead easy peasy and I never have any trouble, but solo q lately has been brutal against pinhead for me with the extra generator time and if they have generator regression perks like the one scourge hook its going to be rough.

    All this post is, is me hoping begging for some solo q buffs lol.

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